Plant based / vegan diet

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by 500man, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. 500man

    500man Fapstronaut

    Anyone tried this together with no pmo?

    I started doing it after watching the game changers film, very pleasantly surprised at the benefits, I feel all round better and more energetic - which is similar to a lot of the benefits people want from nofap. Maybe the two combined will turbo charge things!

    Interested to hear of anyone else who's benefited from eating plant based
  2. oh no he said the "v" word - here we go again

    I haven't been counting but I've been vegan for around 5 years, for ethical reasons. Glad to hear your experience has gone well. Personally, I can't tell if I've had any dramatic changes from eating plant based - I'm sure there are some but I just don't notice these things. All that matters is that I'm healthy and I don't pay anyone to torture and kill sentient beings for my temporary pleasure. Cheers.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
  3. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    That’s won’t be all that matters when you get cancer or a debilitating disease because you put animals lives over your own.
    LEPAGE, Thomku and Leader of ME like this.
  4. Welcome back. I didn't know empathy causes cancer and diseases, thanks for the heads up. Did you know you can crop the watermark out of your profile pic?
  5. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    What causes disease is when you eat a diet for the sole reason of empathy rather than health.
    mr.incognito, Thomku and Leader of ME like this.
  6. Ok cool. Did you know you can crop the watermark out of your profile pic? Either the snipping tool or MS paint will work. I'm not sure how to do it on a Mac.
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  7. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Do you agree or disagree? Do diets have an affect on our health? Should we eat a diet for any other reason than to receive nutrition as a priority?
    Leader of ME likes this.
  8. I don't think you want to have a veganism debate in good faith, based on what I've seen from you in the past.
  9. @False promise Fine I will indulge your horribly misinformed question. If you go back to our other debate in skaterdrew's thread, I posted 5 or 6 links referencing the health of vegan diets from unbiased sources, which basically conclude that plant based diets are no less healthy than omnivorous diets and tend towards lower fat, cholesterol, and lower risks of several different types of cancer.

    Fortunately, humans have the option of having ethical and nutritious diets at the same time. My response would be: why purposely choose an unethical diet when you can be healthy without causing cruelty and suffering?
  10. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You’re speaking in generalities. Being on a plant based diet only means that you aren’t consuming animal products. It doesn’t account for what you do consume. So when your ideology revolves around ethics and not health, your vegan diet can very well be unhealthy if that’s not a priority to you. So is health a priority to you or not?
  11. Yeah that's why I said it matters that I'm healthy. Did you not read that part? I specifically said that to deter moronic arguments like the ones you're using.

    And you are correct - it is possible to be vegan and unhealthy. But that does not mean veganism is unhealthy.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  12. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You also said you’ve been vegan for ethical reasons. How is my argument moronic when you’ve made it clear you’re more concerned with ethics than health. Your statement “all that matters is that I’m healthy” to me just sounds like you have no health problems right now. Doesn’t imply that you’re consciously eating a healthy vegan diet. Do you eat fake meats, fake cheese etc?
  13. This debate could go on forever and it probable will. I see vegans on the street protesting their beliefs and I do feel sorry for them, their efforts will bare no fruit. Anyway, I am somewhat in the middle of all this. I only eat plants but if people want to eat meat, then that is their choice. Who am I to say what they must consume. People feel that they need a man in a white lab cote and a fancy degree to tell you what is best for your health and by god there are fare too many of those. Only you know what is best for your health, it just takes honest observation and experimentation. As for the ethical side of it, I really don't think we know the full scope of the suffering that is involved in producing food, plants or meat. I have worked on a grape farm before and it was not pleasant, or good for the environment. So at the end of the day, we know very little about our food and its impact on our health and environment. I think there is truth on both sides.
    500man likes this.
  14. It's really annoying when every sentence that a person types is a strawman argument.

    1. Yes my principal motivation for becoming vegan is ethics. Is there anything wrong with that? You might run through a busy intersection to save your child who wandered into traffic. This is an ethically motivated decision with obvious health risks, but is someone wrong to make that decision? You tell me.
    2. I never said that I am more concerned with ethics than health. You just assumed this.
    3. Again, you assumed that I don't factor health into my dietary choices. Health and ethics are not mutually exclusive when it comes to a vegan diet. I make conscious decisions to be as healthy as possible every day.
    4. It doesn't matter what I eat because that doesn't change the fact that it is possible to live on a plant based diet and be as healthy as an omnivore, which you seem to be arguing against despite a wealth of evidence against your position.
    Dude, I'm sure you're a great person and I'm not trying to be an asshole but I really have to correct you on this post. This debate does not have to go on forever. It ends when people accept some very simple moral and nutritional, and economic premises. The only solid argument I have seen against veganism (which happens to be a good argument against humanism as well) is the nihilistic argument - and we do not want to go there.
    This is just completely false. There are more vegans now than ever before. Beyond burger was one of, if not the most successful publicly traded stocks in 2019, shooting up to $196 per share. You don't even need to do any research at all to notice the insane growth of vegan products in grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
    Yes, it absolutely is because animals are not protected from murder. The "choice" argument is vacuous and holds no water. You could use this argument to justify plenty of immoral actions.
    You can tell people to be ethically informed and you might agree that we have an ethical obligation to reduce suffering as much as possible. Not many people like this idea because they benefit directly from suffering, in more ways than just the meat industry. This includes human suffering as well.
    There are too many nutritionists or scientists? Nutrition and health are very complicated and we need people to do research so we can make better informed decisions.
    This is a false statement. Some people are very uneducated on the issue of their health, and we know a great deal today about what is healthy and what is not. The average person does not perform dietary research, and we need to continue to help them be better informed. That is the point of this whole conversation.
    You are absolutely right. The average person does not know how much suffering they directly subsidize by purchasing meat, dairy and eggs. But we know that animals are emotionally complex, have similar nervous systems as ours, and want to live rather than die. That should be a sufficient reason not to perform the insane acts of cruelty which we are currently engaged in on a global scale.
    All you have to do is research nutritional and environmental/agricultural data and the evidence overwhelmingly supports a conversion from livestock to plant-based diets in practically every realm. The only truth on the anti-vegan side is "I don't care about animals enough to want to not kill them, and continue to subsidize industries which are terrible for people, terrible for animals, and terrible for the environment." Sure, you can say that in honesty, but what does that solve? Literally nothing.
  15. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    This is why people don’t like vegans.
  16. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    I agree with you 100%. I also eat only plants and don’t feel the need to showcase lunacy to others in hopes to change their mind.
  17. You are free to not like me or other vegans - I have absolutely no problem with that. I assume you are out of fallacious, bad-faith arguments then?
  18. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Would you do that for a cow? A deer? A chicken?
  19. Which will not be happening any time soon. Look man, I do agree with you, I think the cruelty to animals is absolutely shocking and we need information to inform us about these things. But information is not enough. The way I am trying to look at this is humanities deep seated psychological issues that make us do these things to ourselves and others in the first place. There is such a big picture to this that most minds cant even comprehend. Its not just about food and the animals, its what we think of ourselves. This is why I say we need to experiment for ourselves, because until we know who we truly are, this problem will never go away. The answer to the human problem is inside. "Know thyself"
    FellatiousD likes this.
  20. Who knows? The point of me using that analogy was to demonstrate that ethically motivated decisions are completely reasonable, even at the cost of one's own health. And going vegan is not the same as running into imminent danger - it has a benign impact on one's own health, at a net benefit to the welfare of the animal. You are literally risking nothing.
    Dexter Moran and Leader of ME like this.