My weird HOCD Situation (Possible trigger warnings)

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by BillyBobBoBoBo, May 17, 2020.

  1. I want to warn you guys of possible triggers in this post.

    I feel my situation is a bit weird about my porn addiction, as some days I get HOCD thoughts at random times which causes me to look at porn, in which when trying to look at Gay porn I look, but I just can’t get into it and then just go back to what I watch normally, which is mostly drawn cartoon porn (Both western, fan drawn and hentai) and regular guy on girl porn or solo female. But I also watch bisexual 3 somes, Trap & Futanari porn (Weeb talk for cross-dressers that are on their A game & Hermaphrodite, which can go towards transgenders as well) as well & I get aroused by that, which at times when I am jerking off I have thoughts saying I’m bisexual, but not really sure about that, as what I said above. So it’s just making me confused on the whole situation, as I am also able to get morning wood and still have sex with my girlfriend at times, though it defiantly depends on the mood and weather as jerked off too much earlier on (Though still there where times when even jerking off too much I was able too, but they are not very often) in which I do enjoy, just having paranoia that I finish too soon or that I might get soft during it. So I am not sure what my situation is here. Any one else go through that as well?
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
  2. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    How to Post Triggers:

    When posting you will see an icon that is a + symbol. Click that and select spoiler. A box will pop up and give you the option to give the spoiler a title.

    Give it the title of "Trigger: _______" Without being too graphic in the trigger warning, put text that warns about the trigger.

    Then you will have inserted into your post a "spoiler" beginning and end. Your cursor will be right where you need to start typing. The spoiler trigger should typed in between the two "spoiler" tags with the end of the spoiler trigger tag having the / symbol. I can't show you the exact text because it would create the trigger box I'm describing. But, I can show you what it will look like:

    This is where the trigger should go

    Just click the spoiler/trigger box and it will open. Click it again and it will close.

    Easy to keep explicit text locked away. In most cases, reading a graphic description of a fetish or trigger isn't required to give a good answer.
    BillyBobBoBoBo and Candun like this.
  3. lildn666

    lildn666 Fapstronaut

    Brother just quit the porn and fap and you will heal and understand your true sexuallity
  4. Thanks, so I can edit to put that in correct?
  5. Been trying too, been struggling where it feels I can’t do it by myself. Which I was going to a support group but had to stop as of other things in my life taking over.
  6. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    Hey @BillyBobBoBoBo ,

    If it were easy to quit any addiction, help groups wouldn't be required.

    I did a hard reboot at first. But, that doesn't work for everyone and when they only achieve five days and reset, they call themselves a failure. Some just give up.

    Don't give up.

    Here are a couple of ideas:

    Decide what is really causing you the most problems. For me it was porn. Porn is a lie, every bit of what is in porn is a lie.

    So, one idea is to try and stop only porn. Yes, pmo is a huge problem but, if you can't stop all at once, then your goals are getting in the way of your recovery.

    Another idea is to set smaller hard boot goals. 30 days sounded easy when I set the goal and I achieved it. However, about five or so days into the reboot 30 days started to take on the same feel as a lifetime. Setting a goal of three days, then add two more days if you are doing good. I really believe that if you set a goal of 30 days and manage five days you are training your brain for no pmo and still by not hitting the goal of 30 days it feels as if you failed.

    Many disagree with this but, I feel that sex is a normal thing in our lives. I don't see any problem with orgasms. I also don't see any problem with masturbation that uses normal images in the mind. It's natural, men have been masturbating since there were men. It's porn that is screwing with my brain, not orgasms nor masturbation. I do have a goal of not using images from porn in masturbation and only using real-life things I remember or normal fantasies.

    You are not a failure. You are here and you are bing honest. That is a giant step forward. Keep your goals and remember you are a person with self-worth.

    -- D2L
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  7. marekasap

    marekasap Fapstronaut

    Since you have girlfriend stop watching porn as a start and stop masturbate. If its too much for start, stop watching porn for a begining. Then add avoidance of masturbation. you will see first benefits in 14/30 days. porn is trash and it really doesnt take you anywhere.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  8. okay to reply in numbers;

    1. Know that one, I’m suffering from an internet addiction, which goes into porn, as having a fear of people leaving me alone & made the internet as someone who won’t leave me, despite having people I do talk to, but I don’t talk to them much, as of not wanting to keep telling them that my life is going no where and suffering from the same issues, which adds again to the fear of people leaving me, so I don’t make a strong attachment & as using the internet to distract me with entertainment and porn.

    2. Yeah I probably have the issue of going full in or not bother, as I probably should just do baby steps.
    As I’m still having sex with my girl friend & ejaculating, it doesn’t help with the no orgasming part, which is something I don’t particularly want to stop with
    Though admittedly I wanted to try the semen retention as hearing the full benefits of it to try for a good amount of time.
    Which my girlfriend is willing to help me out with, to have sex without me orgasming, just that I’m not good with that self control.
    I think my specific goal would be to just to only focus on having sex with my girlfriend as wanting to make it feel more special when we do.

    Thanks for the post man, really helpful.
  9. Yeah as drabtolight says, I should do baby steps instead of going full in, which I think I will do.
  10. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    NoFap is Sex-Positive. Read the NoFap Mission Statement on the Home Page. I have it as my tag line but, you can just open and it will be right there.

    Based on your goals there are two things in the Mission Statement I think are important:

    @BillyBobBoBoBo, if you are having sex with your g/f and that is within your belief system - in other words, you don't feel bad about it for any reason at all - then, having a normal human to human sex life is the goal of NoFap. It says so in the Mission Statement:

    I don't see any reason for you to not orgasm during sex with your g/f if you are having a good sexual relationship.

    --- D2L

    Note: that the bold and italics I added in the quote.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  11. Oh I know, didn’t think it was. Just the read stuff about seamen retention & how that’s good to do for a certain amount of time. But at the moment it’s too much to attempt & should just start off small & build up.
  12. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    Hey @BillyBobBoBoBo ,

    Speaking only for myself, I need to do two things. First, set goals that I really believe are healthy. Next, to be honest with myself about meeting those goals.

    If this program has to be about perfection or about never having an orgasm. Then, it's not for me. If it's about a sex-positive and non-porn way of life, then, I'm all for it.

    --- D2L
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  13. marekasap

    marekasap Fapstronaut

    I have a GF and i had (or still have) huge issues with myself. Started with No Porn No Masturbation, ended up with No PORN alone as masturbation is still an issue for me that i work on. I can go about 4 weeks without masturbation and then i give up. If i did not have sex that would be way harder for me.

    However, i did extremly good with porn. I had not watched it for last 70 days. I live with it very good and i dont miss it. I was very addicted to very hard stuff and it left holes in my brain that i need to fix but at least i dont get back to them.

    You can do the same. Resign from the porn and over time try to fix something more if you see something doesnt work. You are lucky to have a GF. Focus on her and over time your relationship will improve as well and you wont come back to porn. It doesnt give you anything besides problems and temporary dopamine hit.
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  14. Problem is that I go into extremes with things, have an all or nothing black & white attitude, which causes me issues as I don’t get anything done, as it causes me to give up so easily.

    For me I want the program to be about getting away from porn and focus more on having sex with my girlfriend.
  15. Yeah I am very lucky to have her l, as she is so understanding with what I am going through & is happy to support me with it.m, as she sees it’s a problem to me, as she says she doesn’t care if I masturbate to porn, but she acknowledges that I am having issues with it. As why I want to do better with it, though causing me to go full in no PMO, which isn’t going well at the moment. So as you guys say, start off with no Porn, see how it goes and slowly improve my situation.

    Though one issue is that when I masturbate, I’m concerned what id be using in my own imagination to get me off, though again if I’m not looking it will improve.
  16. marekasap

    marekasap Fapstronaut

    We are not you and we dont know everything. Each of us is different. We can give you only advice from our own experience but it doesn't necessarily need to work for you. Go and try and then adjust to your own situation.

    I can confirm and 100% admit:
    - porn is shit , useless trash, if you go too further it can destroy your life. Cutting it off in short term 14/30 days gives real results and i expeirenced them

    - masturbation is addiction and quick term solution to some issues. On the other hand M is healthy from time to time, but since you are in relationship and can have sex why M when you can have great time together with your GF?

    think about your situation, address the issues and make good decisions.

    Good luck!
  17. You are right, asking for help only works so far with out actually applying it to myself.