What should I know before hiring a LEGAL prostitute?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by SaturnDaytona456, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the post. Yeah I am realizing a lot of things about myself. I'm sure realistically there will likely be downswings where I possibly even fall back to moments of deep resentment, but I understand that this life is more or less designed to beat people to an absolute bloody soggy pulp. I have been shredded by more women than I can count, my mindset is becoming "WHAT'S ANOTHER ONE" I guess it's time to just get passed the horse shit emotion of it all. Don't be misled from the tone of this particular reply, I'm not in the victim mindset. I don't think that's attractive, and even if nothing I ever do was attractive I could live with what I am. Even after a bad porn relapse recently I have experienced enough progress after reboot to know where I stand, with myself at least. I think the universe can smell desperate men because it seems to punish them with an unbelievable fury.
  2. Kenyl83

    Kenyl83 New Fapstronaut

    OK, first of all excuse my English, it is not my first language.
    I have read all the thread and in many aspects I sympathize with you. I am almost 37 and I had been heavy PMO-ing for the last 18 years and before that MO since I was 13. So the situation is bad. My previous experiences with women had been a long term relationship which ended a year ago and an escort a few months ago. That's about it. My experience with the escort was more of an embarrassment as I couldn't get a proper erection with the condom on, so what happened is that I came home and jerk off 3 times to some hard porn. Pathetic but I simply didn't care.
    Lately I stumbled on a NoFap video on Youtube and started to research it more. Now I am pretty much convinced that PMO destroyed my life and it will be extremely difficult to stand up from here and have a normal life. PMO induces a state where one is a shadow of himself. Anyway I am here because I want to get out of this misery and hopefully reading other experiences like yours and sharing mine will make this journey somewhat easier.

    I want to go NOFAP this month as long as I can so I'm with you if that helps. I had one attempt so far and I relapsed on day 3. Now I am on day 2...

    I can't agree more with this. Being desperate is not the way to go. No woman on this planet is turned on by a desperate man. And they can ''smell'' it too even if you don't show it. But once PMO sinks you deep in this swamp the negative feelings will overwhelm you and you simply can't think clearly and the same circles will run over and over in your head. At least this is what I am experiencing and I am sure I am not the only one.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
  3. Nope! I am enjoying folks guessing this...
  4. Is it competition by women for the best men?
    I'm really struggling here!
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  5. That's a good one, I wish I agreed with you. Imagine going down a nightclub and getting ten women beating themselves up to get in your pants. That would be an experience. I think your getting close here.
  6. Kenyl83

    Kenyl83 New Fapstronaut

    What about the competition of being the alpha-male? Which is kinda the main driving force in the animal kingdom. I mean the main driving force is to mate with as many females as possible but to do that you need to be stronger than the other competitors. The same applies to humans, the ones with big confidence and power can get whatever woman they want.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  7. I think you are close enough: IMHO the only real competition in life is the competition to have as many offspring as possible. I am not doing very well at this competition - currently have zero, but hopefully I will have produced one in nine months time.

    There is a guy in Nigeria who is the current 'top if the league', apparently having over 150 kids. There are also sperm donors out there well into double and even triple digits*. My guess is most men though are not interested in having 10+ kids!

    I guess in the modern world intelligence gets you a lot further than strength. If I had thought about it, I could have been a sperm donor in my twenties. I didn't have the 'balls' for it then though! (Yes, I know this is a crap joke).

    (*Check out the 'sperminator' video clip on YouTube)
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
    SaturnDaytona456 and Kenyl83 like this.
  8. Kenyl83

    Kenyl83 New Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! Insemination is a big step towards producing one :)
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  9. That's one argument. Evolution favours those with the most successful offspring, not necessarily in high numbers. In our rather dysfunctional society, that means producing offspring with great monetary wealth so that their offspring are successful.

    Good luck with your child. I have four, my chosen maximum, and although it's a rocky ride, I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  10. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the post, and for your story. I believe you will find success if you stay with the group and do your best. I went 41 days without PMO earlier this year and that was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. After two weeks things start to change and it gets easier to avoid relapse. I think it's best to avoid porn all together and remove it from your home. Today I threw away the last of my porn, and my home is porn free for the first time in my adult life. I believe in you, myself, and the group. Be sure to believe in yourself and forgive yourself as well, you're doing better than most just by being here at all.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  11. Thanks. I agree our society is very dysfunctional. One view I guess is the world we live, that 'we're have created, in is really not the world most of us were meant to live in. This is the source perhaps of so much unhappiness.
    Mordobarn likes this.

  12. Bogo, my friend, The Duke was the kind of guy

    who would do whatever it took to win.

    If that meant avoiding the prostitute, he would stay in.

    If it meant cutting off any edging behaviors, he stops them.

    If it means he's alone in bed, in a state of suffering, so that he gets that day

    without fapping, that's what he does.

    I wish more people would be like that.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  13. What should I know before hiring a LEGAL prostitute?
    Well here is a list i made up for U
    1. Learn the name of a good lawyer - could be a police sting prostitutes some times flip to get out of other charges
    2. Learn how to fight with bare hands - could be a robbery
    3. Write down the name of a good DOCTOR - could need treatment for disease " all prostitutes are clean as the driven snow" lol
    4. Have a fake id and throw away phone ready because they will copy your number - could be a scam to get money out of you as in i am pregnant , you raped me, give me money or i will tell the police or your wife etc

    So how does that fun sound?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2020
  14. Tumzinic

    Tumzinic New Fapstronaut

    Don’t do it plz!
  15. petrafan007

    petrafan007 Fapstronaut

    Notice how crappy it feels after PMO when you realize you gave in once again and you have to reset all over again? And then desperation and loneliness you feel for hours or even DAYS after? Why would you want to ABUSE yourself by getting a hooker, where you'll probably be so turned on that it's actually happening that you'll bust a nut in .3 seconds flat (like that scene in American Pie) and then you'll be so disgusted with yourself and probably fall into a nearly suicidal depression after? Hell to the no...I almost gave in to this myself DAYS ago and I'm so glad the universe conspired against me to not let it happen.
  16. Stp890

    Stp890 Fapstronaut

    do not hire a prostitute STD are there with prostitutes,why wont try getting married man
  17. I do not think women like sex the way us men do. Want proof? Watch behind the scenes of some porn and you will see what I'm talking about. Women seem to enjoy the lifestyle that shooting P provide meaning making money, fame, and social status.
    If you happen to have a girlfriend or wife, you will get laid due to fear of losing you to other women. That's why men who are popular w girls have no issues getting laid because of preselection. Overall women react to fear and it come from your abundance mindset as a man.
  18. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    Congratz on going almost a month dude, keep going.

    You might not be aware, but prostitution is legal, regulated and "safe" in parts of Nevada (Hence the TITLE of the thread) but also, there is a lot of information and development in this thread to catch up on as well
  19. Um, what?! You're using porn as a guide to what women like?

    C'mon, man. Behind the scenes of porn you see men and women who are recovering from having had to pretend to like what they've been doing on-screen. You can hardly say that behind-the-scenes of porn is representative of a normal person.

    I'm trying to think of an analogy, but there doesn't seem to be anything quite like porn to mess with a person's head and sexuality — including the actors.
  20. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Dont do it. Its a terrible memory.