Still suffering ED after long reboots

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Gavalar09, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    So I hit another 3 month streak, something I'm doing constantly, but still seem to be stuck with this damn ED. Issue is I haven't got a girlfriend I can test with and self isolating ended up with a relapse last night.
    It's like a vicious circle and I just end up stuck with ED forever...
    Do you guys have any tips?
    Shouldn't I be recovered considering I have alot of really long streaks?
    MadJackMcMad likes this.
  2. I don't think "solo" tests are accurate. After all, lots of addicts can get hard to P but not real women.

    Wait until you're with a woman for a better test.
  3. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    I managed to have sex about a month ago but not enough to see if it really does work.
    Can't get hard by myself well without porn.
    Managed to get hard with some women when not in sexual situations but it is difficult.
  4. ThomasTheCat

    ThomasTheCat Fapstronaut

    Gavalar what about morning woods? Do you have them? If so, from what day did you notice they were coming back
  5. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Very very rarely, maybe 2 a month and even then not at full strength, yet to porn the erections was very good last night.
  6. I think the rewiring phase often gets overlooked. You need not only no-PMO but also real life sexual activities to rewire your brain from being aroused by porn to being aroused by real women. And this process takes time. From what i've learnt, weak or no erection at the begining of the reweiring process is common. So just keep trying my man.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2020
    cali4sto likes this.
  7. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Maybe. 3 months and not seeing much improvement sucks so it must be that.
    I don't have much opportunity to rewire though unfortunately.
  8. You've done 90 more days without PMO that shows you're a strong person. Just stick to no PMO, don't ever give up, and you'll get there I'm certain.
    cali4sto likes this.
  9. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    If I could get a girl it wouldn't be an issue but I'm going long periods with no outlet at all.
    I'm not saying I see women as just an outlet but going long periods without both masturbation and sex is so frustrating.
  10. I hear you man given this climate with COVID 19 right now it is even harder to find someone. Nevertheless you should stay on track man, so that when the time comes that you find someone, you'll be in a better position than if you're not staying on track. The differences between coal and diamond are time and pressure. Hold against the pressure and frustration long enough and you will turn into who you truely are.
    Deleted Account and ThomasTheCat like this.
  11. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I know what you mean.
    It's so frustrating, like I haven't even binged on PMO, one relapse and I'm back to square one.
    Just sucks man.
    How can one relapse ruin over 90 days work?
  12. Man I think one relapse won't waste all your efforts. But I'm sure it won't make things any better either. You don't need to beat yourself up over one relapse, but you also need to realise that relapses can only set you back. But what is done is done. For now, I think what you need to do is to stop thinking about the effect of your last relapse and start focusing on setting new goals, meeting new goals, and avoiding relapses in the future.
  13. And I also think that you deserve a pat on the back man! 90 days of no PMO is solid f**king work man! Give yourself some credits!
  14. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man.
    My streaks are always long, I've done 89 days, a year, another 40 days after that, 3 months, 2 months and then another 3 months.
    Every time I relapse though it destroys all the progress. I don't know why it's so bad.
    I never escalated into anything bad, I suppose I used to edge which could be it but it always goes very bad,like PIED and no morning wood bad.
    Just wish this nightmare was over!
  15. When you say PIED do you mean after a year of no PMO you relapsed once then tried to have sex and it didn't work, or do you mean that after a year of no PMO you gained better libido but you relapsed and noticed that you were back into a flatline (ie you did not try to have sex after the relapse)?
  16. Or do you not count edging as PMO?
  17. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    So after the year I relapsed without porn and ended up in flatline again, then managed to have sex on a number of occasions with no issue.
    On my 4tg relapse in 4 months I went to have sex and had PIED all over again.
  18. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    I count edging as PMO, even worse in fact.
  19. Hey man, I'm no expert on this but I guess if you are physically healthy and have had success with no PMO in the pass, yet still suffer PIED afte a few relapses, the issue is highly likely to be psychological. Through what I've read on this forum and what I've learnt from other brothers in the same situation, I found that many of us suffer not only from porn induced ED, but also anxiety induced ED. You might just be too anxious to have sex after four relapses. From what you've told me so far, I sense that you tend to get worried a lot more about your libido after a relapse. And worrying can kill your libido, which can make you feel even more worried. It is like a slippery slop from there. But that's not a huge issue. We all worry about our libido and that's one of the reaons why we are here in the first place. Personally, I have noticed a decrease in libido when I read some stories on the forum that caused me to worry about my libido. But you should never let anxiety get in your way of quiting PMO. Just keep reminding yourself that if you are already knee deep in shit, PMO is only gonna make it neck deep. That's my mantra haha.

    Also, I think the motive plays a huge part in quiting PMO. Say if my motive to quit PMO comes from PIED, I will lose that motive once my PIED is cured. And that's dangerous. It might cause me to relapse as I won't be able to see other reasons to keep doing no PMO. So maybe try to make yourself believe that PMO is ruining every single aspect of your life (which it does for me), then you'll be more ready to face the challenges lying ahead.
  20. I think this is a good reason to think that your ED is PIED.
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