Why do they keep saying fapping is healthy?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ray Breslin, May 6, 2015.

  1. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    dont forget not everyone is pornaddicted.
    i have the choice to buy a gun. i have the choice to use drugs. i have the choice to drink alcohol. i have the choice to watch porn etc.
    there are cases where people are forced to do things - especially women - but i dont speak about this people or this circumstances.

    nobody taught me (to believe) that porn is ok.
    i watched it (approx. 9500 hours) because i was extrem horny. plain as that. :cool:
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  2. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    So why do they say it's healthy? I mean ... Is there anything else behind it than conspiracy theories, like science? Is there any science behind the notion that not masturbating is unhealthy? I would do some research myself, but with those keywords I'm affraid I'd end up in the wrong place. Perhaps someone knows any book about the subject? If not I'll rest my case for now. :)
    KeenEye likes this.
  3. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    there is no "not masturbating". we have wet dreams. in my opinion that is masturbation.
    a "natural masturbation". the body takes care of itself. i had 4 in 75 days.

    it would be interesting to know if real monks, who are living in monasteries for many years, have wet dreams.
    KeenEye and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    Would also be interesting to know if monks are supposed to be more exposed for cancer, which I highly doubt. If this research has any genuine control groups. My physicist recommanded me to fapp it once a day. Hehe! So on what ground, I wonder. There most be something he is basing this on (I will remember to ask him next time). Prostate, infections and so on ... But yeah, I've also read about Buddhist monks, and I also understand they have some techniques for transforming sexual energy. Would be cool to know.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut


    i am sure the guy is a member here. "fap once a day!" - not a healthy advice for a fapstronaut.

    i guess buddhist monks have wet dreams - but maybe once or twice in a whole year. very rare.
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  6. ASmith90

    ASmith90 Fapstronaut

    Yes exact the point... thanks monkotto
    monkotto likes this.
  7. I don't know if that statistic is true, but it is interesting that 27 days is very close to the menstrual cycle in females. Something to think about...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2015
  8. There is scientific evidence and statistical research that suggests masturbation prevents prostate cancer, etc. The problem is that there are also studies that suggest that men who have more [than a certain number of] sexual partners are more likely to develop prostate cancer. We just don't know enough about it and there are too many variables to control to find a perfect answer.

    At this point though, I would rather risk getting prostate cancer than continue living against my conscience. I've seen enough of the benefits of being free from porn addiction, mentally and physically, to try anything else.
  9. GmanUK

    GmanUK Fapstronaut

    This makes a lot of sense to me. A guy I know who is an incredibly self disciplined martial arts master from Spain says that cumming is like dispersing your life force and that those who avoid it can channel that same energy into their health and lives.
    Asgardian36 and KeenEye like this.
  10. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Kind of the answer I was looking for. I will continue my research.
  11. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    Exactly. My doctor dosen't know I'm a fapstronaut. Yet. I will talk with him again. My mind is made up, but out of pure curiousity I love to read about all kinds of research on this subject.

    I don't know what kind of dreams monks are having. But I read something about their dreams being like awake and meditating, even in their sleep. Fascinating! :)
    Exactly. My doctor dosen't know about my addiction yet. I will talk with him again. My mind is made up, but out of pure curiousity I would like to read about all kinds of research on this subject.

    I don't know what kind of dreams monks are having. But I read something about their dreams being like awake and meditating, even in their sleep. Fascinating! :)
    KeenEye likes this.
  12. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    show him your fapstronaut-identification! right - talk with him and report here. we need details! ;)

    i suppose buddhist monks (they are real monks for me) are dreaming of karate-movements the whole night.
  13. ASmith90

    ASmith90 Fapstronaut

    Well =/ i'm on your side, but this is a bad comparison.
    The man needs to sell porn to make a living. You know the saying "don't bite the feeding hand"?

    I think the whole is better explained with capitalistic structures today.
    Example: pharmacy industrie in USA - Drug adds instead of doctors who promote good drugs... -_- xD sorry usa friends, but this is just insane
    Even if there is a better drug, the company with enough ads will sell more.
    Another example: tobaco industry last few decades - "tried" to manipulate the general opinion with ads
    Another example: The car industry in Germany - Autobahn speed restrictions (Won't happen... even if it may be good - i'm german ^^)

    If someone finds out that another way/ another product is better, the selling company/industry is trying to misslead the general opinion for their own gain.
    I think if NOFAP is growing larger, the porn industry will fight us with all they got.

    my point of view/opinion may be biased, it may be changed, but that's what i truely think of the "conspiracy theories"...

    All people strife for more power/influence/reward. fact..
    People with more power/influence can manipulate more people. fact..
    If subjects are too complex to easiely understand them, most people take a prepared opinions.
    People with enough influence can manipulate the general opinion.

    And with people i also mean industries/companies/states/groups.

    But i think it is also a fair opinion to say some things are just the way they are.

    @sunbro i think porn is a traditionaly thing. Nearly every era in time had some kind of porn
    and now to say it is some kind of government conspiracy is a bit to extreme. I mean the main problem with structures are: if they are pretty big they won't be changed quick. If watching porn is a "tradition"/ evolutionary thing / human thing it is pretty hard to change it.

    And after the Internet was invented and everyone could watch ->MORE<- Porn, it fused it like a catalysator.

    (sorry i can't argue that good in english... I'll try to correct things if i misslead my statement)
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  14. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    "autobahn" is great - i had fast motorbikes in the past. ;)

    actually i wanted to stop this discussion. but you are right it is a capitalistic structure. just think without any moral evaluation - think porn is "only" a movie - and there is a great demand for this product (hollywood is also producing and selling movies). it is business. a big business.

    i also think before internet the situation for the porn industry was somehow better.
    the internet is full with free stuff - i dont know how they are earning money nowadays.

    my main point is - i cant blame the porn industry for my addiction. they are not forcing me to watch that stuff!
    i was not able to control my lust in the past and i visited all the porn-websites thousand times.
    that does not mean that i endorse porn. porn is not good porn made me ill - but it was my choice to watch that dirt.
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  15. @Ray Breslin - Have been pontificating over this for a while. Others views make much more sense than the jumbled thoughts in my own mind.
    Have and do feel guilt. This has frustrated me because I have been focusing on the action and the feeling not tallying up. Ty @Gilbert21 (post#13) (and others) for so eloquently putting things into perspective.
  16. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Porn hasn't been around forever. Prostituion has. There hasn't always been what we call porn. It was created to stimulate your mind and dopamine receptors.

    I know I am just spouting things you have more than likely already heard, but I'm sorry, it is the truth. Porn is not just something made because there is demand. Porn has not always been around and even it had, does that make it okay? People apparently want to use the fact that cavemen drew naked women on the walls as a reason to say porn has been around forever.

    No, first we had newspapers, then we had magazines, now we have the Internet. You can say it has been around since the U.S. Government was formed. Every major porn company is stationed in the U.S. If we continue to just set by and let things go on that "have always gone on" we wouldn't have evolved. We wouldn't have invented. We wouldn't have technology, transportation, and war.

    You cannot be so blind. The world is not as it seems and if you think just because so and so told you something or the news says it, it is true? Damn fucking straight. Because everyone believes it, so why shouldn't you!? The U.S. has turned into a bunch of brain washed zombies overwhelmed with screens and sex. It's disgusting.
    TheAVExperiment likes this.
  17. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    To add a little analogy to what Sun Bro is saying lets take the military. Governments need young men to want to be in the army. Without young men, governments could not fight wars. So the "brainwashing" starts early. Superhero's everywhere, aggression is seen as masculine and all little boys want to be the hero. Hero's get accolades and medals and girls and are looked up to. They aren't heroes through non violence, they are heroes who use guns and violence. This sets the stage for later when they need young, usually uneducated men to join the military. Be a hero. Fight for your country. Have everyone's respect and admiration etc. Can you see how this has been ingrained from an early age through media? Have you seen the commercials on tv for the military? They paint such a rosy picture of adventure and exploring the world as a hero. Very far from the truth of war.

    I mean absolutely no disrespect to the people who serve my country, I support them full on but this is the reality of the situation and it is the same with porn. Without the separation of the sexes or the encouragement of objectification of females even in cartoons (watched Planes with my 5 year old daughter and was appalled) there would be no market for it. At the same time the people who are making these movies have been raised to objectify females that they don't even realize they are doing it in a kids movie. Pornographers see nothing wrong with what they are doing because they are completely unconscious. It's why so many people can feel comfortable with their porn habits. Being an unconscious citizen of the world ensures that bad people continue to do bad things.
    Mótus, KeenEye, ASmith90 and 2 others like this.
  18. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    @Limeaid, thank you.

    Unconscious thought is very prevalent in our modern society. It's like everyone is running on auto-pilot. You have no idea where your processed meat comes from or the French fries that you eat from McDonald's. Life is orchestrated to revolve around humans.

    People don't even think about what the animals are put through or what is actually put into our food. For god sakes, you can't even eat most candy without gelatin (boiled animal bones) being the main ingredient. We are all blind to how horrible the world is because that is what people want us to be. Stupid, ignorant, and unconscious.
  19. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    @Sun Bro exactly! Back hundreds of years ago people rose up against corruption and greed. Nowadays people just flip the channels to get their daily dose of fear and consumerism propaganda. I am glad I am awake but sometimes it would be better to be asleep. Ignorance is bliss as they say!
    Cooldude4 and Knight Solaire like this.
  20. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    this world is not a paradise.

    there is weapon industry - because there is demand for weapons.
    there is alcohol industry - because there is demand for alcohol.
    there is prostitution - because there is demand for prostitutes.
    there is porn industry - because there is demand for porn.

    mankind can be good. mankind can be evil.

    all i can do is - i can change myself. i cant change the world.

    do you want to forbid the things above?

    freedom has a high price - maybe too high for some people.
    spaceexperiment likes this.