Why do they keep saying fapping is healthy?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ray Breslin, May 6, 2015.

  1. I agree with you completely dude.
    However, i don't think it should be encouraged like it is. If one googles "Is masturbation healthy?" and almost everywhere you get "Hey buddy, fap on!Unlimited pleasure at no expense.Totally natural ,totally safe!.So go on,beat your meat!".

    From what i've heard it takes the body 27 days to prepare for one ejaculation.That's basically a month!Personally, if i could get a redo at life,i would never fap.That's only my opinion though.
    KeenEye likes this.
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    before pornaddiction i was able to control the passion. twice fapping (with one or two hours porn) in a whole month - using porn DVDs.
    my pornaddiction started with access to internet. that was my "neck fracture" - so much stuff for free! :eek:
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. I totally agree with you. With the use of p then comes the magic pills, sprays, fantastic plastic toys, and so on ...
  4. NoMoreFapTimeForChange

    NoMoreFapTimeForChange Fapstronaut

    Yes well said.
  5. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    Awh, yeah me too! My doctor/physicist also told me it's recomanded to masturbate once a day! This really dosen't help me, not at all! I have compulsive thinking also (OCD), and now I worry about my prostate! But I'm an addict, and there's only one way to deal with this. So the prize is canser?! Is there any scinece on this, please?
  6. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I think they're trying to convince themselves as much as anyone else.
    KeenEye and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  7. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    We should ask it to the Jews. They seem to be always healthy and stuff, and have great views on what's healthy and what not.
  8. Really? I hadn't heard that Jewish people were particularly more healthy than others. The only religious I know of that has better health than the rest of the population is the Seventh Day Adventists.
  9. Josef Wangberg

    Josef Wangberg Fapstronaut

    I mean, are there any science showing any connection between no-fapping and prostate cancer?
  10. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Anyway, since most doctors are probably on the older side, remember this shit next time you see hit piece about how unotivated/narcissistic/useless/whatever millenials are.
  11. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Well, we were learnt that's why Jews were so hated in old times: they were the only one not in danger of live by some sort of epidemic, so they must be the cause of it.
    May be a little off-topic, but I felt like my post above needed some explanation.
  12. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Fapstronaut

    Conspiracy theory that I've always pondered about:

    Population stabilization & the emasculation of men.

    Any actual validity to this?
    KeenEye and Knight Solaire like this.
  13. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    ask some porndirectors.
    find them - ask them seriously if there is any conspiracy behind porn.
    they will die of laughter - and they will give you some brand-new porn DVDs and lube for calming. ;)
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  14. p directors are just puppets. p it's just another tool for the zombification and enslavement of human race.
    Limeaid, KeenEye and Knight Solaire like this.
  15. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Personally, all conspiracy theories should never be discarded with such ease. Life itself is one big conspiracy theory. We think therefore we know, but how can we know if we are being lied to so that we think we know what we know?
    It's all just a big ball of bullshit. I mean, look at our history books, the bible, and politics. Every single bit of it has been altered or changed in some way to fit the diluted minds of whoever is in power at the time.

    There is no way to tell if our history or religions are even viable anymore. You can laugh off conspiracy theories all you want, but don't act like you know they aren't true. Because you don't even know 99.9% of truth of the world. You only know what they want you to. Nothing more.
  16. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    not everyone is pornaddicted. there are also healthy people out there. we have the choice to watch porn or to avoid porn. no one is forcing us to watch that shit.

    porn is a business. no more, no less.
  17. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    sorry sun bro - but i know that dogshit smells very intense - that is 0,00000000000000001% truth of the world. that is enough for me. :)
  18. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    There must be somewhere my friend. Otherwise a good majority of the male population wouldn't believe it.

    Hey bub, I would just like to ask why you seem to think that porn is just porn and nothing else. Yes, it may be a business, but why was it created? To make money. To make money from what exactly? Males/females' sexual urges. How does the government just set by and let filmed prostituion continue to be legal? To make money. Every bit of it is for monetary gain.

    You should never write of such things as "just a business" or "just a video" or "just what it is". It is naive to think that the world works the way it seems. Don't be fooled by such mediocre bullshit. You are a smart guy and should never just "be okay" with something being as it seems.

    Just look at children's cartoons. A good majority nowadays are deliberately projecting sexual innuendos and the idea that using women for physical pleasure is okay. Adventure Time is a good example. Although I watch it, I can't set there for one episode without pointing out something like this. Disney has a bad reputation with this also. Especially with its movies.

    Why are we finding these things if there isn't anything going on? Disturbing thoughts to think that we are being brainwashed, but what are suppose to think when there is evidence wherever we look?

    And being a smartass doesn't do much good in avoiding my point.
  19. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    "You should never write of such things as "just a business" or "just a video" or "just what it is". It is naive to think that the world works the way it seems. Don't be fooled by such mediocre bullshit. You are a smart guy and should never just "be okay" with something being as it seems."

    sun bro,

    i can write whatever i want. :)

    some people are selling furniture, some people are selling cars, some people are selling porn. there is demand!

    i dont see any conspiracy behind porn. it is my horniness which leads me to watching porn.

    again no one is forcing me! is someone forcing you to watch porn?
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  20. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I never said anyone was forcing me, you, or anyone else for that matter to watch porn. Just stop for a second and think. I'm trying to help you if anything. Being closed minded just leads to conformity and walking the line of everyone else. You can't seriously believe that porn is just made because there is demand for it. Masturbation was invented by man. We did just say "hey, I'm going to jerk myself off!" one bright day. Everything effects everything.

    The butterfly effect. You don't masturbate anymore and something changes. I'm not saying we are being forced to do anything. I am saying we are being brainwashed into thinking such things are okay. We are being taught to become desensitized to everything so that people can get away with so much more.

    but....you are correct. You can do, think, smell, taste, and feel what you want to. My place is only as a guide. My advice can be used or discarded as you will.

    You were taught to believe that porn was okay, so you used it. Plain as that.
    Asgardian36 likes this.