"Penis" as the sensory representation for "woman" , gender confusion, hocd and ED

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by ultrafabber, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. You are absolutly more degenerate lol
    FX-05 likes this.
  2. And you have no counter lol
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  3. I agree with you on this.Ignore those guys that hate on you because you have a different opinion.From reading this post I can see that you did a lot of research on this subject.It is more helpful then most of the posts of NoFap forums.Just keep at it man.
  4. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    He’s not a spammer but completely misinformed and arrogant. Substitution is not a way to beat pmo. The fact of that matter is that will just go back to the real thing once it’s not satisfying enough. breaking porn addiction is by simply breaking your addiction, not finding ways around it.
  5. Captainklos

    Captainklos New Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I don't see what so many people find wrong with the OP. It makes sense when you think about it. You are rewiring pain and pleasure to different things instead, rather than living life hoping you don't stumble upon porn again and go crazy if you do (I recently relapsed after 88 days and went crazy for it like a drug). He is advocating rewiring the neuro associations that we have to different things like seeing a penis or masturbating as the OP says. I can speak from my experience, because of porn seeing others go at it is very pleasurable, but when I had sex for the first time I found it very uncomfortable and almost shameful. By changing up the neuro associations to only get pleasure from myself and a woman, including her vagina and my penis, and to not get any shame from it I will be rewired to not receive pleasure from solo masturbation or seeing others have sex, but rather, only me!
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    You love rubbing penis, i don't like rubbing penis. But I am more degenerate... right.

    Thanks to the both of you. I don't understand the hostility either, i assume people just get defensive about their jerking off habit. What i am annoyed by is that they don't even have any argument, they just go "hurr durr you're wrong".

    That's really my key suggestion, even after long periods of abstinence most if not all users will go into a binge. The binge only shows that they did not make a real progress in terms of actually addressing the addiction, they just ran away from it until they got tired and collapsed.

    I like using the example of a regular person and an alcoholic. What makes an alcoholic an alcoholic? The fact that he can not stop. If a man drinks wine casually a couple of times per week, can stop any time, has no alcohol craving and seeing alcohol close by doesn't send him into a drinking frenzy, is he an alcoholic? No. He can always and effortlessly say no to alcohol. Whereas a man that is "sober" for a year but can't go near alcohol, doesn't hold alcohol in house and can never stop after one drink and binges whenever he starts drinking IS an alcoholic even if he was "sober" for a year.

    That's why i keep saying that "streak" mentality is a false hope and false reassurance. I've been having streaks for over 6 years i think. Weekly streaks, monthly streaks, 90 day streaks, even a 6 month streak. I always binged after. I was back to using the same porn i was using previously, sometimes spending up to an hour or more jerking off. And that's when i knew i need a different approach. But once again, i am not saying abstinence is bad. You have to abstain from the things you were doing before AND do something else instead.

    But watching porn in a non-sexual way is not doing the same thing as you were doing before. I remember my drive to be completely uncontrollable before, even a hint at porn would inevitably lead me to pmo. If i saw porn or even typed in the name of the pstar, i would 99% end up in pmo. If i were to see a porn clip, my whole day would be erratic and i'd end up pmo sooner or later.

    Now i can watch "regular" porn 24/7 and not get a reaction. I can have it run on a separate monitor and do my work or play. Over the time something interesting happened in that i just seriously started disliking seeing it and i end up closing it. I just don't want to see it, not only does it not do anything for me, it weirds me out seeing and hearing a man and seeing a penis or seeing another guy's semen, which should be a standard response of a heterosexual man.

    The same thing happened with jerking off. I used to be unable to keep my hands off my penis. I'd stroke it sexually for hours sometimes. Now if i stroke it i begin losing my erection and it just feels weird.

    However i am much more turned on by solo women, even pictures, like i was when i was a teenager. Up until a year or so, solo women pictures did nothing for me, all i needed was hardcore stuff/facials etc.

    The silicone sleeve helped immensely in this transition. I am not planning on using it forever and that would not be a healthy thing. I just need to get my drive back to "vagina", not "penis". After that, abstinence will definitely help and drive me to real women.

    So abstinence is important, but abstinence has a very important quirk - it gives more value to whatever you abstain from. That's why, as counter intuitive as it may be, abstinence from pmo as long as you love/like "regular" porn (which is a bisexual not a heterosexual act) and as long as you like/love stroking penis (which is a homosexual act) will only give "regular" porn and stroking penis MORE VALUE, not less.

    edit: i also noticed how extremely DIFFICULT it is to find heterosexual content on p-sites. Most p-stars have little to no solo content and even if you find it, you almost always get bisexual or homosexual input from the ADS on screen - huge erect penises (ads for penis enlargement) or hardcore sex, sometimes even bordering bestiality (ads for games or other adult content). So i have to view the clips on full screen just to be able to NOT see erect penises, even if the content i use is strictly solo women.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
    waltrilke and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  7. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    see how he only replies to 'spam' posts and posts that praise him for being an idiot. this guy must live in a shell.
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  8. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Honestly, most people would need to be high to make the kind of posts this guy does. I'm just afraid of what some poor new member here would think of his advice. It's because of posts like this that nofap has the "cult" association that it does for many people.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. @IAmLegion Can you tell us your plan of quitting porn.You can't say that his plan is bad without offering a counter example to it.His advice about cucumbers makes sense.Instead of associating holding your dick with pleasure and porn you associate it with masturbating a cucumber.It would show more merit then just quitting cold turkey.
    You have a right to disagree but try offering some constructive criticism instead of making fun of him.
    waltrilke and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  10. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    First of all, I appreciate the way you replied to my post. Unlike the narrow-minded and factually challenged OP, you actually seem capable of holding a discussion.

    That said, I wilm most definitely entertain any questions you ask me. Let's start with the one above.

    I have already quit porn to the extent that I can say that I am not addicted to it. On average, for the last 3 years, around 20 of my relapses have been to porn in each year. I used it consciously and with the intent of maximizing the climax of an orgasm. None of the relapses were binges, nor involved any edging. The porn viewed was heterosexual with very low fetish content.

    I started watching porn at 14 and watched it almost daily from 15 to 16 until I simply grew annoyed at how much I hated yet consumed it. I can safely say that beat my porn addiction almost overnight. It was simple giving up something which I hated so much anyway.

    As for the genres which i viewed, none involved male homosexuality. My most viewed genres were:
    Big Dick
    Hentai (went till futanari or whatever that 3D crap is called)

    Although if I were to mention the categories which I have simply watched and yet never masturbated nor orgasmed to, nor viewed more than once, the list would be pages long and gets deep into illegal genres.

    Actually, yes, I can. The OP has presented an idea on a social platform. If i see gaping holes in his logic and "science", it is my duty as a man of medicine to point out the errors before ignorant laymen reading it can destroy themselves even more. I am, however, still a medical student, so I cannot give expert opinion on any matter. That said, it would also be in your favor to recognize that my studies into neuroscience have delved far deeper than any internet resource can lead people to understand. That said, I can safely say that my ideas, if not absolutely correct, are much closer to actuality than the OP's. How sincerely you wish to heed either of us is, in the end, totally at your discretion.
    You have the right to choose what you believe in. As does the OP.

    Not at all. Quitting cold turkey is, by a long shot, the best thing you can do for your mind. If by "merit", you mean relapse count, that is still insignificant. By associating comonplace items with phallic significance, you are actually progressing in retrograde fashion as far as recovery is concerned. The OP cites trauma and psychiatric counseling as his source, however he fails to realize that addiction and psychosis are vastly different conditions.

    One trick does not work for all, my brother. Addiction involves the amygdala and a compound known as DeltaFosB. Simply put, this compound can be considered to be a brick. It's hard to break and it comes off in pieces if you keep punching at it over time. By rerouting your addiction to a new trigger, you do not mitigate stores of said compound in your brain; you force them to be activated by new stimuli. If you do succeed, the cucumber will simply act as an additional stimulus for your addiction. It doesn't hamper the progess of the existing condition on your brain.

    I am not making fun of him. I am making fun of the things he says. They are vastly different things. I have nothing against the OP, except that he cease misdirecting people based on opinionated facts and mere conjecture.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal

    Please treat each other with maturity and respect and discuss the topic without getting personal.
    If this is not possible, this thread will be locked.

    Thank you.

    NoFap Moderation Team
  12. I agree that quitting cold turkey is the best way to do it but it is not that easy .Just by looking at these forums you can see that most guys are stuck in a loop of 1-2 day streaks and binges.And have been stuck for years.Although I would like to mention that most guys on NoFap forum don't have any plan of how to quit porn or don't know much about it.They are either here for religious reasons or they watched a you tube video and think that NoFap is a solution to any problem. They use it as a scapegoat.I am also want to say that I would not do what he proposed myself but it could help some guys.
    He didn't say to replace porn and masturbating by porn and flashlight but he just proposed it as a way to quit porn.
    Most young guys only experienced sex through porn and masturbation hence most of them even on NoFap will have ED because they associate sex with masturbation.
    His proposed method may even be a better method then quitting cold turkey ,also a know that some guys that will use the flashlight as an excuse and will watch porn with flashlights but the OP clearly stated that thee goal is not to replace masturbation with flashlights but to replace the association between sex and masturbation(dick) with association between sex and a vagina(flashlight).
    Again the goal is not to replace one addiction with another but to quit

    P.S Thanks for the well written response
    BillyBobBoBoBo likes this.
  13. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Why would you lock my topic in which i put a lot of effort (both in OP and in replies) instead of temp banning or muting the spammers and the ones that are disrespectful and remove their posts? Half of this topic is filled with their spam and insults.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
  14. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    Hello ultrafabber,

    Moderation decisions are not to be discussed in public.
    You can report posts that you deem to be rule breaking with the "report" button and the Moderation Team will look into them as objective as possible.

    Thank you.

    NoFap Moderation Team
  15. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    My dude- that's exactly it. It's not supposed to be easy! Quitting an addiction you spent years enforcing is never gonna be easy! This is why I am still an MO addict. And yet I continue cold turkey, because I know that even though I feel utterly destroyed after each relapse, the neurochemistry of my brain has already changed a little. I spent 5 years on this habit. Any less than around 3-4 years of regular attempts in removing this purge from my life will surprise me if they work. There are no shortcuts and life hacks when dealing with the mind brother. This is a sad fact many here like to ignore. Joining nofap is just the midpoint of your journey out. Prepare for a mirror journey back to recovery.

    That is true, but it doesn't make it right. The less one exposes himself to such stimulus, the better and ironically easier the path to recovery will be. It is simple logic backed by books of established research!!!

    It is still wrong! I don't like repeating myself but the truth will never, ever change. The unhealthy associations are a result of porn use. Ignore them for long enough and your brain will rewire itself to its normal state of affairs, be it women (if a man is straight) or men (if he is born gay).
    Your brain can do that. It's pretty awesome, actually.

    No problem :) You seem like you can actually learn from others and you actually put your ideas up for debate. A trait not everyone in this thread has, unfortunately. I'm glad there are people like you around.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  16. Dear muhagg, that quitting is hard and many get stuck in the process doesn't mean that we just waited for such a grotesque idea as proposed in the OP.
    From my point of view, the problem isn't so much that it involves a cucumber and a fleshlight (I find my own pmo habits far more gross than what OP proposed). But the idea that you can just exchange the addiction with such a random set-up is just ... not working.

    I can totally understand that someone desperate tries such a technique. But as you can see, for most of us old fapstronauts, it's just cristal clear that this technique is ... not helpful in any way. We don't have to it try out to see that!
    It's a bit like saying to an heroin addict "stick a needle in a plastic arm and you'll rewire your brain". Unfortunately, the (addicted) brain isn't that easy to trick. Well, @IAmLegion just explained it better than I can.

    You say it man! But we don't need to reinvent the wheel.
    There are many decent sources that explain porn addiction and Recovery very well and has a lot of field-tested advice and tools to offer. For example from NoFap: Porn Addiction
    As a successfully recovered pornaddict once said: Educate yourself and use tools!

    Maybe we need to go back to the root and give some proper education to our new members (and some older). Otherwise many may get lost in the depths of our sub forums.
    I remember when we had somewhat of a collection of very good educational and motivational posts that many users linked to in their signature ...
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  17. I fully agree with this statement.The information about addictions and porn addiction is freely available and yet most people don't even read it.
  18. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I'm disappointed that like others, you don't even understand the concept behind my OP but still comment on how it is grotesque and random. It is not grotesque, nor random at all and i am not even sure if you even read my posts if you end up calling it random.

    I mentioned cucumber as an inexpensive alternative, it can be anything phallic, even though a silicone penis works best. Your mind associates feeling an erect penis and the jerking motion to pleasure and by rubbing a silicone one you rewire both the sensory input (feeling the penis) and the proprioceptive ones (movement and body position) with something neutral and even boring and weird/wrong. No amount of abstinence will work on rewiring those associations and forgetting them will take more than a few decades because the reward (pleasure) associated to them is the highest a human can get. And, very important, because for many PMO addicts, jerking off was their FIRST sexual experience. That's why, as mentioned by yourbrainonporn, older guys have it much easier to give up PMO and don't have ED problems like the younger guys do. The younger guys, because they started with jerking off and porn, are literally wired differently. The first experience is very important.

    The act of jerking off is extremely, extremely different than the one of sex, that is why a fleshlight is essential in rewiring that part.

    Last but not least, the actual content must be rewired to something normal (solo women paying attention to you) instead of something highly abnormal like "straight" porn that contains homosexual stimuli (another man, another penis, another semen).

    I started nofap in 2012. That's 8 years ago. I've done anything nofap suggests, including 6 months no pmo and 3 months monk mode, along with many other months-long abstinence periods. They do not work. And that should be obvious given the high relapse rates of all people trying no PMO. Go read "Reset and Relapse Reports" if you don't believe me. Or read this poll here: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/how-long-have-you-been-trying-to-quit-pmo.236364/

    If you want and CAN masturbate, you're doing something wrong. If you want and CAN watch "straight" porn (which is both heterosexual and homosexual), you are doing something wrong.

    After 7 years of doing nofap as suggested, i've done things my way and

    • I can now watch the "straight" porn i used to watch and not get an erection, i find it disturbing. I have no drive to watch it, let alone jerk off. How many people doing nofap can do that?
    • I find it weird to jerk off and can't do it anymore. How many people doing nofap can do that?
    • I no longer binge, i rarely go over 15 minutes in a session and that's it for that day. Before i used to go even 5 times in a day for 2-3 hours and i'd start jerking off even 20 minutes after i finished the previous jerk off. How many people doing nofap can do that?

    No, this just means you are uneducated on what cue exposure/systemic desentisization is about. Just because you don't know about it or don't understand it does not mean it's not working. It has been proven to work in clinical cases, even in heroin addicts.

    Nofap is not a wheel, it's a square or an oval. Yes, it's definitely better than nothing and it was ground-breaking for it's time and i owe it a lot, but in the long run and especially for severe addicts it does not work. The idea that porn and masturbation is bad is fine, but nofap doesn't even explain or understand WHY it's bad.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
    waltrilke and BillyBobBoBoBo like this.
  19. Hi @ultrafabber! I did read your OP fully.
    But I can only come toward you this far:

    • it seems to me there could be a grain of truth to your whole idea. Do you have any legimate scientific source that can back up what you call "rewiring the sensory input" ? (I personally would be interested to look into it, even if it's about psychotic patients)
    • I agree that an all-or-nothing-approach shouldn't be the only one available (or accepted). I think many here, including myself, try to much "all or nothing" instead of finding ways to reduce unhealthy behaviors in quantity and quality and rebuild boundaries
    • I think, if you would just have suggested to replace masturbation with rubbing some tool, without including watching porn and humping a dummy, nobody would have taken offense. By the way, the idea to replace the hand movement of masturbation with some other activity of the hand isn't new. Since the hand movement itself is part of the addictive behavior. It's similar to replace the cigarette with something else, when quitting smoking
    Now you claim that your technique works for yourself. Here's what you say:
    It doesn't sound bad at all. But here's what I don't understand: if now you find it disturbing and you have no drive to watch let alone masturbate to it, why do you still do sessions? Doesn't it show that, despite your success in reducing, you still have the addiction?
    I don't want to piss in your parade. In the contrary I think zero porn hasn't to be everyone's goal. It's far more important to get a well-balanced and happy life overall. However you can't prove much when you tell us Look! I've used this technique for seven years and my condition has improved. But I'm still watching porn.

    But there's more. EVEN if your method works for you, that doesn't mean it would help others. You have yet to understand WHAT you have proposed. If some guys would follow your advice they would "have to buy a realistic silicone sleeve", then hump it plus watching porn in the illusion that they're improving their condition. Don't you see this is similar to what the addictive mind tells the addict? The addict wants to stop but the addiction allures him to watch porn for some good reason. Fooled by this the addict may "test" if his dick still works, "test" if he's able to resist to escalate (when watching porn) or just "have a look". Trying out "a new technique" (which again involves watching porn), that some guy on the internet proposed falls into excactly that category!

    And although I'm happy that we can discuss this in a respectful and mature way, I also think it's important that you yourself are respectful towards this forum.
    Listen buddy:
  20. Little Prince

    Little Prince Fapstronaut

    ultrafabber you are 100% wrong and this post should be deleted.
    It's as simple as the mind getting desensitized and seeking more extreme porn which causes confusion into one's sexuality and sexual desires.
    That's all. Erase this crap, people are coming here for help not to be confused with this garbage.