How Can i Get Over Being A Virgin ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by iDontPanic, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. iDontPanic

    iDontPanic Fapstronaut

    I Feel like this is the root to all of my anxiety, depression, and my desire to masturbate . i think to myself since I'm a virgin that I should just jerk it everyday . is their anyway to get out of this mindset ? (I Am 17 by the way)
  2. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    I am 19 and still a virgin and planning to stay a virgin all my life. Just think logically , what is the relation between being a virgin and masturbating to porn?! Being a virgin should encourage you to keep all your sexual power for your future partner not to lose it for porn and get Porn induced erectile dysfunction and Delayed ejaculation. You are also still 17 !! I mean you are pretty young to start thinking about I am still a virgin thing !
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Ironically you call yourself, iDontPanic, but that is what you are doing. Being a virgin or not will not change your sex drive. Concentrate on learning self-control. This will help you when you have sex later on. Whatever your friends say & do, ignore them. This challenge is much more important than losing your virginity in some kind of rush.
  4. iDontPanic

    iDontPanic Fapstronaut

    You ALL are right . I need to get my priorities together .
  5. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    The way to get out of it is to talk to someone who has been there (like me) and have him tell you that this mindset is a bunch of BS. I didn't lose mine till I was 20 and it sucked. I would have rather been a virgin till I was 25 and liked who I was. I hated myself and I hated that girl and I hated my "friends" for making fun of me and I hated that dude on the football team who hated me because I had low self-esteem.

    Go find out what you like in life and do that. Don't focus on women. They always come when you are focusing on something else anyway. It's true.... they're like cats.... if you try to pet a cat it runs away. When you are engrossed in a book or game or enjoying yourself it will be all over you... Go do something you like and forget about women for now. They'll come when you are happier with yourself.
  6. trillmurphy

    trillmurphy Fapstronaut

    yeah fam, I was a virgin up until I was 18, it's really no big deal. believe me, there is not much of a difference in your personality after.

    Focus on your life and everything else will follow
    iDontPanic and Andrew0268 like this.
  7. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Most of the young lads on this site find immediate and lasting benefits from NoFap!
    iDontPanic likes this.
  8. atmatm23

    atmatm23 Fapstronaut

    These guys are right. There is absolutely no difference in the person you are whether or not you are a virgin. Nothing changes. I used to want to have sex with a girl so bad and once it happened I was disappointed because most people exaggerate the feeling. Also make sure its with someone you love because if its just some random chick its no fun.
    iDontPanic and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  9. TrueLucid

    TrueLucid Fapstronaut

    How can you get over being a virgin? By not using a label like "virgin!" You're a person - one who is trying to improve himself (assuming you're a dude) and is trying to be a better version of himself. Labeling yourself will not help - once you shrug that label off and try to pay it no mind, you'll be amazed at how much better you can feel. Maybe you can think of it this way: You're saving and improving yourself for someone truly special down the road. You and she will appreciate it that much more when it happens. Best wishes to you
    Nero_8 and iDontPanic like this.
  10. firdi

    firdi Guest

    The best way to loose it is to your spouse.
  11. scotey73

    scotey73 Guest

    These are the times that we are living in right now. Having sex at the earliest age you can somehow makes you more of a man.

    People who boast about having sex at a young age (even as young as 17) are often hiding behind feelings of inadequacy, and feel the need to seek approval. Think about it. Why else would a guy told you he just had sex, especially at your age?

    I'm 26, and being a virgin is the LEAST of my problems. I'm saving myself for the girl I truly care for and love unconditionally. Who cares if I've never had sex before? Being a virgin doesn't affect who I am. If someone wants to poke fun at you for being a virgin, let them. If they want to believe that having as much sex as you can makes you more of a man, let them. It doesn't. Don't fall into the common belief pattern that you need to show off your manliness as much as you can in order to be happy!
    Nero_8, iDontPanic, Demer and 2 others like this.
  12. Ah mate! The world is a vicious place , be an example of nonconformity instead of sticking to what others around you say about being cool or a "man".Chances are they really don't care about you if they keep saying that you're uncool just because you don't wanna jump into bed with a random stranger who you really wouldn't care about.
    However if these are your own thoughts then well, i think you gotta realize being a virgin isn't bad, IMO it's quite cool.Waiting for the right person and all,because for me only sex don't mean anything .I wouldn't care if the so called hottest wemen for ex. Megan fox wanted to do it with me because i know as soon as my erection would subside,so would my feelings for her(especially the sexual ones).

    Create a good life for yourself.If you think that sex would remove your anxiety or depression you would end up as another addict dependant on it.
    No reason to wank just cause u're a virgin.It's bad for your health and you will only sink deeper.Trust me, i started wanking to feel better about a girl who i liked,but she liked someone else.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2015
  13. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    It's your addiction speaking. Thinking this 1 act will grant you everlasting happiness and will be the ultimate solution to your problems. But guess what when you get what you want you'll just end up wanting more and more until it doesn't give you pleasure. And then you'll think some other thing will make you more happy. See the pattern? Isn't it the same as PMO. You don't need a reason to be happy, you just need to drop the reasons why you are NOT. Sex is for breeding children, used for pleasure it is redundant,not necessary therefore pointless and mostly optional. Just do what you think will benefit you most. There are no set rules in this world.
  14. I'm in my 30s and still a virgin, and its took me many years to realise what is so eloquently summed up in the quote above.

    Don't worry mate, there's so much more to life. If you want someone to talk to, or just someone to vent at to get all the negative stuff off your chest, then feel free to PM me.
    iDontPanic likes this.
  15. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    People need to understand that there's more to life, than sex. Yes, it is amazing, but only if it's with the right person and someone whom you love. If not, then it's even worse than masturbation. It's not your fault, it's this bloody society that is 'sexualizing' everything and it makes you feel uncomfortable.
  16. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    TBH it's pretty depressing when everyone who's stressing about this says they're only 18, 22, 25, etc.
    iDontPanic likes this.
  17. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

  18. Hailz

    Hailz Fapstronaut

    I took his comment to mean that society is depressing, not you. I don't think he meant to insult you. It's just sad that people feel that pressure to lose their virginity by a certain age to fit in, or be "happy" or be more of a man... or whatever other reason.

    As a woman, I just want to say that I think a man being a virgin is very, very attractive. It shows that they are strong, and didn't give in to peer pressure. It shows they respect women, by patiently waiting until they have found the right one. It oftens demonstrates strong morals and/or religious beliefs. It truly is such a wonderful feeling to know that I am the only one my husband has been with, and I am sure that when you find the right woman, she will feel the same way :)

    @iDontPanic - I tell you from experience that losing you virginity will not make it easier to stop fapping. With that attitude, you will just come up with another reason. I'm not trying to be rude, just want to want to warn you because that's exactly what I did. I thought it would all be better once I married and could have sex, but I just came up with other excuses. You have been given some very good advice, and are very wise for realising that you need to "get your priorities together". I wish you all the best!
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
  19. @ hailz:
    "I tell you from experience that losing you virginity will not make it easier to stop fapping. With that attitude, you will just come up with another reason. I'm not trying to be rude, just want to want to warn you because that's exactly what I did. I thought it would all be better once I married and could have sex, but I just came up with other excuses. You have been given some very good advice, and are very wise for realising that you need to "get your priorities together". I wish you all the best!"

    Fantastic Haliz! i think u hit right on the nose.This is the crux/summary of what all are missing and some times back i too missed this.Thinking that if i do this and that sexually then things will be better,its totally rubbish and wrong belief.If one really wants to get chaste looks/thinking/conduct then s/he must have to stop thinking the we all thought some time back.This is the only best way.Replacing things has never fixed any problems its just gives temporary relief and we certainly don't want this.

    Please don't take this personally anyone..i always wonder that some couples are having daily sex/indulging themselves even their counter parts are recovering then how can it helps them?its just give temporary effects.One has to change the thinking and look their counterparts with chaste looks,give them respect and marriage/living together is not all about having sex has a lot to offer and there are a lot things beyond this sex enigma.One cannot be calm and refreshed by having daily sex and that too in recovery process.I know its very hard to believe but its damn true.Give time to ur beloved ones to recover,feel and let them feel comfortable and affectionate.Life has a lot to offer if u come out of this sex chapter.its beautiful,energetic,full of life and yes it connects us with ourselves that's most imp.

    Plz don't feel bad as i may pretend harsh to someone but truth is always bitter cant help it even if it applies to me also!

    Good Luck!
    iDontPanic likes this.