Why do they keep saying fapping is healthy?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ray Breslin, May 6, 2015.

  1. Everywhere you read on the internet that's what they say.It helps relieve you. Its good for your prostrate and prevents prostrate cancer.It helps maintain the sperm count.All psychologists and doctors say its healthy and that there's nothing to feel bad about doing it.
    Yet, i have never met a guy who has claimed to be unhealthy due to not masturbating
    On the contrary,
    I have met countless guys who have suffered at its hands.Who are addicted to it and have fallen into ruin due to masturbating.

    IMO its the same as drinking, smoking or drugs and morally reprehensible.Again this is my opinion so please refrain from bashing me.
    However, what i want to ask is why is masturbating encouraged when its so harmful ?I f i am not wrong there is even a world masturbation day?Is it short term vs long term effects or just ignorance or petty self justification?

    Please don't give the "too much of anything argument" because masturbation is too an addictive behaviour like many other vices that have known to be harmful to people and all addictive behaviour starts from being perfectly harmless and from things like "A little bit won't hurt" or "Everybody is doing it" and other similar ways.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2015
  2. Conspiracy theory warning: the porn industry has paid off the medical industry to keep studies about the harms of masturbation from being published so men will think its healthy to masturbate and thus use pornography.
  3. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I think it's a little bit of what mumchance says and a little bit of trying to take the shame away from it. Remember back in the good 'ol days they would tell you you'd grow hair on your knuckles or go to hell if you masturbated well that pendulum has completely swung the other way now with active encouragement.
    kaust, Gilbert, Dizzy Lotus and 2 others like this.
  4. That's a good way to put it.
    Honestly, i feel like giving a nice kick in the shins to anybody who says masturbation is healthy.One guy told me it would help me grow taller.Well guess what? It certainly ensured i didn't grow tall.
    All your life they say abstain from drinking,gambling and women.
    I didn't know "Women"(who incidentally have almost nothing to do with this) meant masturbation too. Something so important you'd think they'de go into the specifics.
    kaust likes this.
  5. SUB0

    SUB0 Fapstronaut

    Dude if it is a good thing we will not feel shame like thing after doing that...so keep it simple dude:)
    kaust likes this.
  6. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    They know that guys feel ashamed after they do it, but they think that the shame originates from some kind of cultural brainwash of "young men" who've been wronged by religion and tradition by having been told that masturbation is bad. But in reality, the shame has something to do with THROWING AWAY WHAT YOUR BODY TAKES GREAT CARE OF. You throw away semen, the thing that creates lives. You will have to rest and recover after you do that. The shame is a natural feeling that should be there. Obviously, the people do it themselves ceaselessly and can't seem to stop, so why wouldn't they defend it? There's also the conspiracy theories which are not unlikely at all, that the porn industry wants to make zombies of us guys to be a part of their perverse world.
    I don't think it's only the fact that masturbation is addictive, that makes it harmful. There are unique negative effects to it, like back pain, lethargy, little attraction to the oppossite gender, feeling empty... and some others. The fact that you throw away something that your body creates with so much care makes a masturbation session twice as harmful as drugs, alcohol, and smoking.
  7. The government owns the media corporations, they want a lazy ass, sad, pathetic, porn addicted, fat, shopaholic, media obsessed nation, as they would never revolt or ask the right questions. So of course they will say it is good for men to rid themselves of their power by masturbating, and confuse women with ridiculous beauty standards while at the same time telling them they are beauitiful in their own way.
    Men we lived in a fucked up world, just leave it at that.
  8. Fapstroknot

    Fapstroknot Fapstronaut

    it's basically an old saying.......... like pre-internet times. Now we can watch unlimited free porn forever yay!
    kaust likes this.
  9. I have heard of that same bs from a sex therapist that I use to listen to on the radio and tv.He said fapping was a natural thing to do and it's good for you etc.It was only until about 3 years I realized that I had a problem and i needed to stop.It is only after I came on to this site a year ago.It had became known to me that this fapping and PMO shit was bad for me and all the harmful stuff that goes along with it.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
  10. I know mate, masturbation being healthy is like saying cocaine is good for your health.In my experience and from what i have observed ,fapping causes one to ruin his life especially physically faster than alcohol or smoking does.
    kaust and KeenEye like this.
  11. Hunter1

    Hunter1 Fapstronaut

    If fapping was healthy and I stayed at my current pace, I would live forever...haha
  12. ASmith90

    ASmith90 Fapstronaut

    Missinformation? I mean if you go from the fact men are healthy beeings without any addictions or bad behaviors it is propably a good thing.
    But after Years of evidence and finding out almost all men are addicted to porn the healthier option is to stop fapping to porn...

    This might change over time... just like tobacco, people will understand the risks at some point
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
  13. Gilbert21

    Gilbert21 Guest

    Ok, I'm going to post my opinion too. Yeah, MO is the same as drinking and smoking, it depends on the person, some people go out every week and drink few beers, some people smoke a cig now and than at a party, it's nothing bad, ofc a cig smoked won't bring anything good to your body, I could say the same about the beers, but hey, if you feel like it than there's no reason not to drink a beer either. Now as I said, MO is the same, if you are one of those people that can MO let's say, 1nce every 3-4 days when being single and never fasten up the pace, than yeah doing so would mean nothing bad, unless ofc you got other core beliefs that makes you feel different and you actually feel bad and ashamed about it. If you are in a stable relationship and you still feel the need to hide from your partner and do some MO every now and than you might have a problem just like the rest of us. The real problem comes in with the P, or with abuse of MO, and we all know what problems comes out of those since most of us suffer from both so I don't need to go in details on the subject.

    Now, the reason why they encourage MO with their studies, is as stated above, doing it without abuse won't affect you in anyway, might bring some benefits from what I've read, ofc I don't really trust the studies they make nor do I trust in anything they say, most of the studies can be funded by the porn Industry or w/e. But the thing is that everyone does MO untill they get in some sort of stable relationship, look around you, your schoolmates, your jobmates, people who you perceive as being sucessful, what do you think ? that they never wanked the banana ? that someone actually abstineted completly when they were alone ? No. Everyone did it at some point in time, and by everyone I mean like 99% (there are always exceptions). Now the reason why everyone else if fine and can function normally is because they didn't ended up abusing it like the most of us.

    So from my point of view MO is perfectly fine unless:
    1. You feel bad and ashamed for doing it due to anykind of beliefs you might have (religious or other nature, doesn't really matter).
    2. Everytime you want to MO you go to the P stash and you can't perform the act just by thinking at your crush as you normally should be able to.
    3. You are in a stable relationship, than there is no need to MO since you can release in the way you are supposed to do it, and if you still feel the need to MO, you got a problem.
    4. You are an addict and you will end up abusing it. ( like the most of us)

    Now, for the rest of us, who are already addicted to PMO or to MO, same rule aply as to smokers, or alcoholics, you don't go around smoking a cig or drinking a beer every now and than if you have a past addiction on those, eventho for the rest of the people is perfectly fine, same for MO. Addicts, like me or like most of people here must stay away from the addiction forever since it can always strike back.

    About the shame that comes from MO, dunno, I've never ever felt ashamed for MO-ing. The only times that I felt ashamed after PMO-ing was when I used to do it on some really weird stuffs that I would fiind disgusting normally, and I would be like, man wtf am I doing. Than again, I do not have any religious beliefs nor any kind of moral beliefs, and I'm not implying that you must have these in order to feel ashamed about it, I'm just saying how it was in my case, everyone is different.

    But hey, this is just my opinion, everyone got their own opinion about everything and got the right to express it, doesn't mean we're right tho, it means that we care enough to take our time and discuss on a subject.
  14. ASmith90

    ASmith90 Fapstronaut

    Hmm ok, but what if you want to channel your productivity?
    Everytime i came, my motivation sunk under the floor.

    So for me it doesen't matter if it is healthy or not... thats out of the question for me.
    The important part about NoFap IMOP:

    -Sharper Mind
    -Discipline Skyrockets
    -More Social Active

    so if i compare that to beeing healthy .. ( physical / chemical ) .. i could easy go running with my new discipline and have the same effects*

    kaust, Asgardian36, Gilbert and 5 others like this.
  15. Gilbert21

    Gilbert21 Guest

    @ASmith90 If that is the case than I don't see a reason why you should MO, if you feel sharper and overall better without it than stay without it. And yeah not releasing at all can have huge benefits if you can, and feel like acomplishing it. Ex. Mike Tyson and probably lots of other top tier sportives.
  16. GeorgeWasHere

    GeorgeWasHere Fapstronaut

    I think where they are coming from is that it is a "normal" behavior for the human animal. Most mammals masturbate in one form or another. Where it get's messed up is the addition of high-speed P. The excess stimulation turns "normal" behavior into dysfunction.
    J-Kiwin and tomtom like this.
  17. I ended up pretty badly messed up, in every way possible even though i MO'd without watching porn (I find it non -arousing,like someone trying to fake something natural? Obviously,this changed somewhat barely an year ago when i had already sunk way deep masturbating and so,jumped directly to disgusting porn).Hard to believe i know,but hey "IMAGINATION" isn't overhyped you know.
  18. Well idk for boys but for girls I've heard SOOOOOOOO many times that it was healthy because you're reclaiming your body and being at peace with it by exploring it and being in harmony with it, like "treat yo self", "YOUR pleasure is important", etc. I mean I do NOT disagree in the slightest and I know my case is VERY particular, but PMO still ruined my worthless life.
  19. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    three glasses wine in a whole month. not unhealthy. maybe healthy for digestion or whatever.
    three glasses wine every day. for sure unhealthy. maybe you will become an alcoholic.

    fapping twice in a whole month (without porn). for sure not unhealthy. maybe relief for body and mind.
    fapping twice every day (with or without porn) for sure very unhealthy. leads to an addiction. compulsive act!

    but in a forum like this there is no sense for moderation. addicted people dont know any moderation. that is the main problem.
    so there is only one solution: no fapping and no porn.
    if i would start to fap now, i am sure i would be the same addicted guy in a few weeks, i mean the same porn-addicted guy before this challenge.

    black or white - sadly there is no grey (concerning to this topic). :cool:
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I think that is an excellent explanation monkotto - spot on.
    Buzzltyr and monkotto like this.