Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. Turtleboi

    Turtleboi Fapstronaut

    @010010010100000101001101 uh, well. I fucked up. Looks like I still haven't recovered from that one relapse months ago, ouch. Still being trapped in the cycle of going a week or two clean, then fucking up and restarting again.
  2. bluedragon9

    bluedragon9 Fapstronaut

    Day 12 check in, I was listening to a famous audio book called 5 second rule by Mel Robbins. I found about this book in the comment section of a random ted talk of Mel Robbins.
    Anyway it's quite, it sound so simple but actually works.
  3. primordial-saiyan likes this.
  4. I think I remember @fleurette talking about this if I remember correctly. Is the main concept to act on an idea within 5 seconds? I may have seen the same talk.
    cr7da8055 and bluedragon9 like this.
  5. Keep going, be aware of your actions and you're less likely to relapse. We go about our lives usually without thinking what we're doing weirdly.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. bluedragon9

    bluedragon9 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, if you feel an instinct to do something, count backwards 5 4 3 2 1 *Go* and do it, before your brain kills it with reasons or overthinking, cuz you never going to feel like doing it.
    cr7da8055 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  7. It's ok man, we all fall down once in a while in this journey. But our duel must continue! Just get back on it. As long as you don't quit you will succeed eventually!
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  8. christian17

    christian17 Fapstronaut

    Day 11 now had a wet dream last night and felt a bit low because of it.
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  9. daily check
    super busy day so I am able to check only now
    @Saiyan123 first days after a a long run are the hardest so it's ok also if you manage only to stay clean
    keep on fighting I want you to beat your record again
    cr7da8055 and primordial-saiyan like this.
  10. Thank you for recommending us things.
    @Saiyan123 To a shinobi.. ''hesitation is death''.

    Day 28 I had some discomforts but now I am chilling. @fleurette Do you got some chill in you?
  11. God willing, I needed to see that message right now.
  12. Checking in. Today was a really challenging day, maybe dwelled a bit too long on fantasies and this damn burnout state won't disappear, everything is so slow but now I feel focused again. Tomorrow I will plan my day better. Got to go to bed now, had a tough evening setting boundaries to kids. Flatline mood. Goodnight..
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  13. Turtleboi

    Turtleboi Fapstronaut

  14. Unfortunately, I slipped reg watching some P and touching myself a bit too much -> edging. The good thing is that this was soft P in comparison with the types I used to binge on and I know the reasons which led to the slip up, mostly, lack of me time and non efficient time planning which led to boredom etc. So I have to reset my counter. It has been a honour for me to fight against you @L'empereur. I guess I need to seek another rival who is in the early days of his/her streak, is that right @Saiyan123 ?
  15. bluedragon9

    bluedragon9 Fapstronaut

    My duel partners are offline when I decided to check in daily, and the reverse happens when I go offline o_O
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  16. daily check
    an easy day so far
    used the phone more than usual but because it seems that today all the people needed me so it is good anyway
    on the other hand all my morning routines are going awesome so a bit in flatline but I feel good
    how about you @Saiyan123 ?

    on my last relapse I noticed this thing too,anyway I am sorry but after some times in which you felt bad you came back with an amazing streak of more than 40 so this time you'll do even better
    me and saiyan btw are re-dueling despite our streaks are different so maybe you can do it too
    or maybe we can switch our duels idk
    let's hear the great boss @Saiyan123
  17. I have an idea, boss @Saiyan123! I can take multiple opponents at once! I'm already vs @Turtleboi, how about I take on flower girl and ninja cat as well?! 3 vs 1! Bring it on! :emoji_muscle:
    primordial-saiyan likes this.
  18. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    Hey @Snakeloa
    Been unproductive for a couple of days, falling sick often. Hope to get back on track.
    primordial-saiyan and fg4795 like this.
  19. Deleted Account and fg4795 like this.