Vegetarian diet

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by pezzer, Oct 31, 2019.

  1. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    I always wondered if i was missing out on energy by not eating meat, its been over a year and every day i feel drained, this is either down to my diet, PMO or both. I was wondering if anyone here also doesn't eat meat and what vitamins or things i can do to replace any nutrients i might be missing. I think im gonna start taking vitamin supplements just to give me more energy for the day, if anyone knows any that are good out there pls send me a link
    thegibbie and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    if your active an live demanding lifestyle working your body everyday your muscle well break down then build back up stronger but muscle needs proteins to build, there are alternatives for protein intake other then meats
  3. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    you can actually searching for dietitian in your city or well i can i dont know about your country, i can set up appoitment with them an they take me grocery shopping for the foods i need or cater to what my plan is
  4. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    Yeah i think i should start a diet plan cause otherwise my meals are just unscheduled. I use quorn as a replacement for a lot of the meals i cook, i always thought that was a suitable amount of protein but i'm not sure anymore, just seeing if there's a reason behind my lethargy, i'll give it a shot this month to really focus on what i eat
    Deleted Account and {Ananta} like this.
  5. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    iwish you great well being on your food escapade
  6. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Alot of vegans have problem getting B12, Iron, Essential Fatty Acids, and Essential Amino, etc. But this is generally due to not having a diet which the range is wide enough to get in all the necessary nutrients. You being a vegeterian is inspiring, considering I find it hard for me to keep. I would do a blood panel test, and see what I'm deficient in. Dont worry about bone density, articles are now coming out that some vegeterians have a high bone mineral density than meat eaters, although the mechanism isnt exactly clear on it.

    Here's an article documenting everything you should know about vegeterian/vegan diets. I hope it inspires....
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
  7. Biggus Dickus

    Biggus Dickus Fapstronaut

    I am a vegetarian for two years now and I have relatively high energy most of the time. It depends a lot on sleep for me. I need 8 hours at least, sometimes 9. When I sleep 9 hours I have high energy. I am quite far into nofap as well though, which accounts for a lot of that energy for sure.
    I take a B12 supplement and in winter a vitamin D3 one. Vitamin D3 is something that I would always recommend if you live in a northern country like me, where the sun isn't strong enough during winter for your body to produce vitamin d.
    Maybe you need more protein, in that case eat more beans and lentils, also nuts and seeds for good fats. Don't be afraid to try and eat a piece of meat to see if it makes you feel better. You can buy organic, that way you're not supporting the worst parts of animal aggriculture. I'll do that at some point too, eventually, just to make sure I'm not missing out on health and energy. Make sure you eat lots of veggies, especially the green ones when eating vegan.
    I'm planing on making a journal, where I write down what I eat, how much I sleep, move and how I feel. After a while of doing that some patterns should get visible and maybe I'll find what I should eat more often or what I should eat less. That might be an idea for you, too. Actually I think this is a really good idea for everyone to do.
  8. CaptainBeReal

    CaptainBeReal New Fapstronaut

    Watch the Netflix documentary on athletes using plant based diets. Try it out for yourself !! Stuff works
    Deleted Account, Ajar and pezzer like this.
  9. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Any kind of dietary restriction needs a bit of care to make sure that you are getting everything you need. I am vegetarian, but I eat eggs every day which provides a lot of my 'animal protein' needs. But you can get everything you need from a vegan diet, you just need to be careful.

    A food tracker like myfitnesspal might help you keep a balance of fat/protein/etc, at least until you get an instinct for it.
    Deleted Account and pezzer like this.
  10. I applaud you for going vegetarian. You need to do extensive research if you want to be successful and fill all of your dietary gaps. Watch a hundred youtube videos or go on the forums.

    If you want to be thorough, go to a doctor and get some blood analysis done.
    Deleted Account and pezzer like this.
  11. In my understanding you can live without supplementals, if you have chosen Lacto-ovo vegetarian style.
    Which means vegetarian diet + eggs + dairy.
    Though depending on living location D3 could be handy. B12 you get enough from eggs and dairy.

    I'm feeling little bit bad about eating meat but i have done peace with it. I once tried to drop meat but
    my body didn't react well, like oatmeal which would be pretty staple for vegetarian, didn't kick well
    as daily dish. And i don't want to eat many eggs in a week, i'm just maybe frightened about cholesterol
    claims though they are telling again opposite truth than earlier.
    Then tofu, well, i got stomach ache, though tofu also would be important as protein source for vegetarian :D
    And lentils, as my good luck, there was lentil look alike stone among lentils, and it cracked my tooth. This has never
    happened with meat! :D
    Oh, and btw, i once grinded sesame seeds by blender, there was something in there causing also tooth problem, unclear, was it from sesame seeds or from the blender, nevertheless, wasn't result i was expecting hehe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2019
    pezzer likes this.
  12. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Stop the insanity already. We are Omnivores, we need Meats.
  13. Clean4Life

    Clean4Life Fapstronaut

    Could be down to more than just diet. As far as diet goes it will be different for everyone, some people actually do better with meat believe it or not, humans didn’t evolve all eating the same thing so there is no one fits all diet. As for me I am mostly vegetarian, I only eat chicken and turkey for meat, I eat fish also. I don’t drink milk or yoghurt (no lactose) but I eat cheese. I don’t really eat eggs but I don’t worry about small amounts such as in cake or whatever. I have started taking creatine recently and there is a chance that it has helped my energy as a passionate lifter. Creatine is mainly found in red meat and eggs so I believe it has been beneficial for me to take it. A multivitamin is always a good shot too. Hope this helps.
    pezzer likes this.
  14. You wonder correctly. Meat gives you what you need, following the obvious logic that we're not herbivores and you need flesh to maintain the flesh. Not plants with a huge amount of chemicals in them designed to ward off predators. Like the following. Vegetarians/vegans are just putting their body through a slow, poisonous starvation that'll eventually require them to change their diet back to including red meat in 7-15 years, depending on whether they're vegan or vegetarian.

    Besides, if you have to take artifical supplements to keep your body going, you're doing something wrong in the first place, as you already acknowledge.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  15. What do you think they feed the animals that we slaughter to obtain our meat?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
    pezzer likes this.
  16. What does "grass-fed" mean to you? This isn't a justification for the consumption of vegetables, not as food. Processed meat and carbohydrates (vegetables are carbohydrates) are bad for you, this is obvious. But not meat by itself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2019
  17. If you base your decisions on what is obvious, you are missing out on a bunch of stuff that is not obvious. I'll just leave it at that.
  18. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Vegetables aren't 'bad for you' ffs, although I remember having this conversation on here before (maybe with you?). There are some conspiracy nuts on here for sure.
    Just eat a varied diet just like people have for generations, meat fish veg whole grains etc. Check in with your doctor now and then, take supplements if you need to/would like to, and do some gentle exercise every day. Have fun and enjoy your life. No silly fad diets are necessary!
    pezzer likes this.
  19. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    I would suggest drink lot of milk and other milk products.
    I have read in few places that Aerobic exercises are good to elevate mood and stay fit.
  20. Decisions should be based on thorough research, which has been done. It only took me 5 minutes to realize vegetables aren't good for you while doing it, but a few weeks of ensuring I was right. True, what seems obvious isn't always the correct answer, but in this case, it is correct... with a few conditions involved.

    Lol, so instead of offering anything substantial, you use an ad-hominem to disregard what has been said. I swear, people are terrible at debating on here. Also, yes they are. Vegetables are filled with estrogen-like chemicals (which are terrible for humans, especially men), have sugar (sugar being bad for you and there is no natural form of sugar in the body), and are a carbohydrate. Carbs aren't good for you. But you know. I'm a "CoNsPiRaCy nUt" (though I never mentioned a conspiracy, you're the one who made that connection), so we'll just ignore that. Aight.