Porn Addiction Binging Causing Arthritis

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ChunkySoup, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. ChunkySoup

    ChunkySoup New Fapstronaut

    So, I have come to the conclusion that chronic masturbation has been causing pain in my middle finger at the 2nd joint from the tip. This finger is where I squeeze hardest when masturbating. I have been dealing with this for months now and when it first happened, I thought it would go away. Hopefully, I truly haven't done any damage, but I haven't FAP'd with that hand in over a month. I get no pleasure out of using the other hand. Kinda sucks, actually. I can always feel it, though, even when I am not masturbarting. My finger has stopped hurting, but every time I would binge, it would happen again. Haven't seen a doctor to have it looked at. As long as I don't FAP, its not too bad and i still have full motion.

    So, after 25 years of PMO all the time, it seems I have been given a physical reason I need to stop and probably should not have jerked it so much over the years in the first place. Many times multiple sessions sessions a day. Its good, though. I need to stop.

    Anybody else having arthritis because of excessive FAPing? Never thought I would have an issue like this at 40.
    nirav2696 and learning like this.
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I have plenty of arthritis, but it's most likely from all the hard mileage I've put on my body.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  3. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Yea I've got mild arthritis in my lower back and legs and I'm only 36. I blame PMO entirely.
    learning likes this.
  4. Would love to talk with you all more about this. I also have wondered if PMO has caused arthritis over the years (especially since my PMO sessions would consist of 7 hours of edging/M for 2-3 times a week).
    learning likes this.
  5. ChunkySoup

    ChunkySoup New Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it would be multiple sessions a day edging for 1-3 hours while I was binging. A lot of times, this would be many days in a row. Rinse and repeat for 25 years or so. I would have to say, when looking at Porn, I would never be looking for a quick FAP. I enjoyed looking at beautiful bodies too much. So, I would only PMO when I had enough time to be alone for a few hours. Yeah, would not be so bad if I could just get it over with quickly. I think that is the way the addiction works for all of us here, though. So, are you talking Arthritis in your finger like me? I have really limited my PMO in the past few months and have tried with the other hand. Just not enjoyable using the non-dominant hand/arm. Awkward. I get no pleasure out of it, so I have slipped up a couple of times and gone back to my dominant hand. My finger keeps telling me no. I have resolved to listen to my body. Maybe I will get more done in my life without it. Man, when you add up all the hours and days I have spent doing this over the years, the number must be mind-boggling. I don't really think I could put a number to it. Would probably depress me.
    StraightEdge3616 likes this.
  6. So I've actually been diagnosed with an arthritic auto-immune disease last year. But just lately, I have started to notice my right wrist has begun hurting too for the first time during my 7 hour sessions lately. I can even take off time and it still comes back, unfortunately.
  7. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    I was having a lot of arthritis-like pain in my fingers and thumbs a few weeks ago when I was experimenting with testicle massage. I stopped that practice and now the pain is gone.

    I also have a lot of other joint pain that seems to be aggravated by sitting so long and tensing various muscles in the hips, lower back, groin, and neck.

    Also using the mouse hurts my hand.
  8. Interesting...where specifically in the hips? I've been having issues with my right front hip and neck as well, I always assumed it was from my arthritic condition but now I'm wondering how much my 7 hour sessions of edging, PMO have to do with it more so now.
  9. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    When I PMO, I sit towards the front of my chair with my back hunched yet leaning my upper body slightly backwards. This posture creates a tendency for my body to tilt backwards, but that is counterbalanced by my legs. So the hip flexors are constantly taut as they are continually pulling my upper body back to vertical using the legs as ballast. Along with the hip flexor, there is a whole chain of muscles on my left hip and leg going down to my calf and heel that are knotted and tight.

    What I have been doing is the pigeon stretch and a calf stretch. I also have a lot of tight muscles connecting the hips to the groin on the front. The cobra stretch is helpful for me.

    Another thing that helps me is ashwagandha. It seems to deaden the joint pain.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
  10. BreathTheFreeAir

    BreathTheFreeAir Fapstronaut

    Pretty sure you have arthritis because you have arthritis. :)

    Talk to your doctor.
    learning likes this.
  11. Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I'm sorry you are also going through it but at the same time I'm glad I'm not alone. It's only my right front hip that is giving me problems for some reason.
    learning likes this.