Questions for the ones that escalated to gay/trans stuff ***trigger warning ! ***

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by ultrafabber, Sep 29, 2019.

Which "person" were you imagining to be?

  1. The passive man

    47 vote(s)
  2. The active man

    33 vote(s)
  1. Explain please? Why the need to hate on someone like me? Especially when you’re secretly attracted. That seems extremely insecure of a man.
    Not wanting a big fight....just curious. Thank you.
    Roady and csparbs91 like this.
  2. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    I don't think anyone hates trans people.

    However many people hate the fetish of being attracted to one and have never actually tried to meet or date a regular trans person.

    I have visited trans escorts and i had absolutely no joy in this. In fact it just led me to shame and guilt. Made me question my sexuality. Thank god I stumbled on to nofap because I was really getting worried.

    I neither hate nor do I have a problem with trans or gay people but fetish that's being induced by porn is not really natural process if you know what I mean.
  3. Thank you for your kind response.
    csparbs91 likes this.
  4. Lenard Fosterman

    Lenard Fosterman Fapstronaut

    Are you serious? :rolleyes:
    Your 'pseudo science' would have taught you in first semester that correlation and causation are all too quickly and easily confounded but have to be differentiated thoroughly...

    It's all too simple to dismiss an academic discipline if you haven't understood it but feel threatened by its findings:
    Remember Galilei? Remember Darwin?

    Also this alleged pseudo science could enlighten you what a pseudo 'confirmation' a highly context-biased poll of 28(!) people provides you with... you have no clue of empirical social research, don't you?
    csparbs91 likes this.
  5. I have a PhD in Physics and I specialized in Statistics. I think I know a hell more about empirical studies than you. I did not refer to the pol and I did not claim causality. I said "I wonder". You do read the posts, do you? Or do you just read and interpret what you want so you can play an offended person?
    Comparing Galileo's heliocentric worldview with gender studies is really ridiculous. Believe me, only one of these thesis is science and will endure the time. This comparison at itself is a cheap attempt to put a joke on the same level of a one in a century scientist who has changed the world. It's like comparing Justin Bieber to Johann Sebastian Bach.

    However your aggression, your defamation and the pathetic attempt to paternize fit all to well in the scheme of a believer of a new "pseudo" religion, that can only be challenged by a right wing Nazi, I get it. Your aggression tells all to well who you are and why.

    You don't need to like what we write here. Respect our freedom to speak about our thoughts. That's why we came here. No one is blaming Transpeople, questioning their rights or whatsoever.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
  6. Lenard Fosterman

    Lenard Fosterman Fapstronaut

    Then why are you making such alluring suggestions like in the quote I cited? If it's not ignorance, ... ?

    I do...

    Dear reader, please assess who of us plays the offended person?

    Dear reader, please assess who is the one of us that reacted with aggression, defamation and the pathetic attempt to patronize?

    Freedom of speech implies the right to disagree and confront others thoughts with a different opinion.
    Dear reader, please assess who is the one of us aiming to suppress other opinions because he obviously cannot stand them?
    csparbs91 and Nil1991 like this.
  7. I'll take my leave from this thread now lol
    csparbs91 and Deleted Account like this.
  8. That must be you. This thread will probably be closed very soon anyway. A shame that people are chased out of a discussion that they joined to get help in the first place.
    Oh and yes, there are two genders, the rest is scientifically unfounded.

    So am I.
    Deleted Account and FellatiousD like this.
  9. :emoji_cat2:___MEOW___:emoji_cat2:

    And then, just like that, "SNAP", and it was all over!!!

    ...and you think trannys are QUEENS?

    ...boyz need a spanking!, did @ultrafabber get to have his question answered or not?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2019
  10. I think this deserves a trigger warning.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Done. (meow)
  12. Lenard Fosterman

    Lenard Fosterman Fapstronaut

    Why so? Because you can't bear to be confronted with your inconsistencies? Shouldn't a sincere scientist be glad for any critic that helps him to smoothe out possible shortcomings? Wouldn't a scientist answer by participating in a rational discourse, presenting substantial arguments that take objections seriously? You claim scientific superiority but then resort to mere declaration, denial of what shouldn't be true in your opinion, exaggeration, imputation and other manipulative rhetorics that run counter to scientific exchange. Those being typical for a closed worldview not open for discussion, which is the exact opposite of science. Strange.

    That is a basic principle of empirical science (as a PhD you'll know ofc): one counter-example is enough to falsify a claim (Karl Popper).
    Then what does this mean for your claim, that in this very thread there is a person who identifies as transgender?

    Denying the existence of somebody is tantamount to also denying there is a subject of rights.
    And the dignity of other human beings is the limit of freedom of speech. _MEOW_
  13. BRAVO!
    Thank you for noticing :)
  14. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It means nothing. All the people here identifying as transgender would also mean nothing. Just because people feel a certain way does not make something valid.

    Being transracial, even though that doesn't exist either, makes more sense than transgender because the differences are far greater between gender than they are between races.

    Which makes things even weirder because a person thinking he is another race is considered crazy but a person thinking he is another gender is considered brave

    Disagreeing with something or someone is not denying their existence, lol. Forcing someone to conform and accept your beliefs is denying their existence and this is what you and many trans advocates do.

    They have a right to believe anything about themselves and so do others.

    The limit of free speech is hate and calls to violence. Not "dignity".

    Lets not derail this topic further. Please make another topic if you want to discuss this.
    DerSchütze and Vendettana like this.
  15. As you mention race, I would like to point out that in biology the "race" is "homo sapiens sapiens", the modern man. The race is humanity not black, white, asian etc.
    In biology a race is defined by the fact that two specimen of the two genders each (1 male and 1 female) can reproduce). As black, white, indian, arabs and all the other can mix and reproduce, we all belong to the same race. There is no black race, no white race, only the human race.
    A different race would be chimps for example because humans cannot reproduce with chimps. Humans and chimps are two different races.
  16. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I use "race" the way most people understand race. While what you're saying is technically correct it is more or less pedantic.

    No matter how black/asian/white etc are called, one can't become black from white, asian from black etc. My point was that even such a switch would be less incorrect than a gender switch, as gender differences are far grater than "racial" differences.
    Deleted Account and Vendettana like this.
  17. Avaloview

    Avaloview Fapstronaut

    Passive, always. Beginning with femdom then escalating to same sex. I would be interested to see if there is a correlation between passive fantasies and anxiety/depression.
    ultrafabber likes this.
  18. I'm reading my psych book and there was a study where men that identified consciously as straight when watching gay porn had larger erection, thus experienced greater arousal, the study said they were unconsciously homosexual, but at the same time experienced anti-gay attitudes. This may also apply to those of us that watched ts porn, however, at least in my case before discovering this genre and porn in general I always liked women and still only like them. This is really interesting do the unconscious thoughts/desires dissipate with time or they're still there but deeply hidden. Just want others' opinions on this.
  19. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It's a bs study or rather bs interpretations.

    1. Sexual arousal is fundamentally an arousal, it's not only mediated by sex but also anger etc. That's why anger or fear sometimes increase sexual arousal. That's why for example some people experience arousal and even orgasm in a rape scenario even if they do not want it. It does not mean "latent homosexuality", "unconscious homosexuality" or other bs

    2. As most of the literature, it uses the standard "homosexual" which is a meaningless term invented in the 1800s. What's important is who one identifies as, the active or the passive side. The "man" or the "woman". A man being penetrated by a woman with a strap-on is also a "homosexual".

    3. The correlation for the "non-homophobic" group to "homosexual" content was still 0.78, not too far from the "homophobic" group to "homosexual" content which had 0.9

    I am quite certain that that is the classic path to escalation. Femdom first, then same sex. It's all about giving in to passivity, regardless it is to a woman or a man. The bad things happens when one accepts a passive role (being led/controlled etc). Cuckold also belongs to the same category, another form of passivity.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
    Vendettana and Demodectic like this.