So many drama queens?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NothingMoreNothingLess, Oct 10, 2019.

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  1. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Damn, didn’t realize this forum became so offended over every little thing someone posts. Then you get the passive aggressive response threads to a certain topic/thread someone posted.

    The ultimate goal for most on here is to quit PMO. So what is wrong with some posts that are unpopular opinions that might help some other members? I mean if a post bothers you, why not just click back and look at other genuine topics? Leaving is one thing, but making a huge rant is a completely different thing. Feels like a Twitter social media page often times now.

    Never knew that different opinions in a support group can be wrong or right. Just so sad how the forum became such a politically correct safe space with folks just wasting their time arguing on an online forum and not benefiting themselves or others in a positive way.

    Get over yourself.
  2. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    If Reddit is considered to be social media, this should be considered to social media as well. I mean NoFap started on Reddit.

    Yes, it's an unhealthy way to respond to someone who has a different opinion but this is an addiction recovery site, people who get addicted aren't healthy people, so an unhealthy reaction to disagreements should be expected.

    Tony Adams said most addicts have big egos and low self-esteem. That's a lethal combination and you can see it here with a great number of the members. I include myself as one of those members. Hopefully I'll complete my recovery and be able to browse the forums without my big ego and low self-esteem but I don't think I'm even half way in my recovery.
  3. Sounds like you're trying to cause drama tbh.
  4. Was something of yours deleted or what? There’s obviously things you can’t and shouldn’t say, nobody should be allowed to just say whatever they want without some sort of repercussion. I mean after all there are not only different ages on here but all different sorts of people from a vast amount of countries and cultures. It really depends on what the topic is and how it’s worded.
  5. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    LBP, you're so narrowminded and bigoted it isn't even funny. Please don't take that personal though because it isn't.
    pickledRick and johnmarston2001 like this.
  6. I’m actually neither of those things just because I don’t believe everything should be allowed on here, and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t talking to you but thanks for that. ;)
  7. What do you mean? There's barely any arguments here.
  8. whoiwanttobe

    whoiwanttobe Fapstronaut

    Some opinions are too extreme and too dangerous to be left uncommented. Not saying anything sometimes is seen as silent consent.
    Especially in an environment where people are troubled and unstable already.
  9. LOL Clearly you don't explore this forum often enough. (A good thing in my opinion) I just saw an argument between two folks yesterday.
  10. Might wanna use a mirror. :rolleyes:

    It's the internet... What else do you expect? It can't be all peaches and mangoes and unicorns.
  11. Maybe but motivations are diverse. There's many religious zealots and culture warriors here who do nofap more as a statement than for any actual reasons. They like to broadcast their views which obviously prompts backlash.

    Btw it's kind of funny that you complain about rants while ranting.
  12. How is that anything but personal?
  13. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Well, because others have that same mentality and it isn't against her personally. I have more a problem with that mentality, but a lot of people do take it personally simply because they want me to conform to their worldview, and I just won't do that.
  14. The only thing I really get mad about enough to rant is the absurd amount of misogyny here. Because that harms other users here, and not just the women. It's contrary to our goals of quitting porn to continue to think of women as objects and perpetuate that.
  15. Why should people be allowed to talk or even debate everything? There are certain topics that just shouldn’t be on here, that doesn’t make a person narrow minded and especially bigoted, this is a bloody addiction recovery site not FaceBook. People that complain really need to grow up,

    Also, when you say a person is both of those things that is personal insult when “you” is used. That’s like saying, “you’re an asshole, but don’t take that personally!”.
  16. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I remember when that guy from Belgium threatened to sue Alexander because he closed down a thread and he immediately was permanently banned. NoFap has zero tolerance for people who threaten to sue them.

    Get_It knows he can't just say anything anyway. He's been temporarily suspended already and will probably get permanently banned eventually at the rate he's going - he's only been here for just over a month and has already had a suspension.
  17. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    generation snowflake/soyboy/bugmen are hilarious. Mere words hurt them. smh and lol'ing forever at their fragility.
  18. But aren’t people like you the snowflake? You guys are the ones that complain the most especially after something is deleted, I mean it’s pretty easy to tell what you shouldn’t talk about. What do I do when my stuff gets deleted? I react and deal with it like a grown bloody adult, I move on without whinging like a baby.

    I don’t want to see stuff like religion bashing and Nazi support thanks, there’s an acceptable limit to what you say.
  19. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Never saw any religion bashing nor Nazi support. I definitely see intolerant leftism here all the time because you folks can't stand that there's lots of Nofappers that support Trump and hate Political Correctness and PC language only. Real life has no "safe spaces" but you guys need safe spaces online because you can't stand when others don't share your delusional worldview.
    johnmarston2001 and Demodectic like this.
  20. Im talking about if everything was allowed in general, which thankfully not everything is. There already is talk about Trump here, and as much as I think he’s a plonker and hate him, you don’t see me complaining (even though I think politics don’t belong here).

    And it seems like you people always get butt hurt and whine when you’re policed because you can’t say insulting or socially unacceptable things, so that snowflake rubbish is invalid.
    onceaking and Ghost in the Shell like this.
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