I sent a dick pic to my ex girlfriend

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Fallout73, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Don't worry, people actually don't care that much about your dick, just you.
    Homelander and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    The problem is I regret doing it and I’m to hard on myself about it.
  3. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    Not the point of why I made this thread
  4. Madhav123

    Madhav123 Fapstronaut

    1)Man you're a GUY!!!
    Be MANLY dude...
    2)Let's apply simple LOGIC that
    Even your ex had sent you her pussy pics..
    Even she would be equally(I can say even more) feel scared and regret as you that you might show them to others or whatever...
    So keeping THAT in mind she won't show them to anyone or going to do whatever that scares you or that makes you feel regretful because SHE BEING A GIRL FEEL MORE REGRET OF SENDING HER PRIVATE PICS THAN U.
    I can say this because Girls are more sensitive than guys,According to law of nature.


    Don't worry about the spilled milk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2020
    Homelander and Fallout73 like this.
  5. Is it? o_O
    Roady likes this.
  6. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    Acknowledge to yourself that you feel guilty about what you have done, then forgive yourself for making a mistake because you are human and young and we've all made mistakes. Then learn from that mistake and carry that knowledge with you for the next time you might end up in a situation like that. These things happen mate, we've all done shit we've regretted, especially me.
    Fallout73 likes this.
  7. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    That's understandable. I was mad at my ex after things ended. From my experience such feelings come and go. Even today I can have slightly angry feeling towards her, it of course isn't regularly but now and again it happens. But also I can sometimes think about the good times and laugh and be happy about certain parts of the relationship. I guess with time can see the bigger picture. Now I can see that both of us were to blame for the relationship ending. I'm single, sometimes I wish I was in a relationship but there are advantages to being single as well.
    Fallout73 likes this.
  8. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    It is. Ask any sex therapist or anyone who really studies sexual behavior.
    (Consensual sexting that is, not unsolicited dick pics)
  9. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    You’re right about that I don’t have her pictures anymore and she doesn’t have mine. We both deleted them shortly before I ended things with her
  10. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    Yeah. As I’ve already said on here, I want to get into a relationship fast because I feel like it will help a lot moving on from her.
  11. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    Nothing. But the feeling of regret sucks a lot
  12. thelitfit1

    thelitfit1 Fapstronaut

    Tbh, I don't think this is a bad thing?
  13. forgive this ... she deleted the pics, you said it. Just move forward and go live your life.
    Fallout73 likes this.
  14. Unjustfailure

    Unjustfailure Fapstronaut

    One piece of knowledge that would be priceless to the point of life changing when I was in my 20s and later ( not sure how old are you...), would be that the majority of the things that we regret and waste enormous amounts of emotional, physical and mental energy don't really matter... Believe me ..
    I want you to imagine yourself in 20 years from now and ask yourself this question
    "did it really matter?
    Was is worth it all this negative energy?
    What did I learn from all these?
    (Because when you regret and consume yourself into This and then something else will follow and then something else....etc you only learn how to feel worse... Yeah... That's right.. Otherwise we wouldn't be here)"

    Just move on man

    I wish I had someone telling this simple truth... When it really mattered...
    It only matters if you make it matter..

    None really gives a shit about some dick pics man and neither should you.
  15. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    Yeah. I am over exaggerating about this, but I regret doing it still.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  16. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    I have move forward. It’s just this comes back to haunt me every now and then. I just haven’t fully let go of this yet
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  17. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this! This is some really good advice. I’m definitely gonna think about what you just told me
    Homelander and IbrahimViking like this.
  18. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    That will probably be a bad idea. I got into another relationship after breaking up with my ex and it ended even worse than things with my ex. She ended up ghosting me... No discussion, just stopped talking to me and it took about a month for me to figure out she wanted nothing to do with me. She had gotten out of a relationship about the same time as me and we used each other to get over our ex's. The whole thing was unhealthy and shouldn't have happened. It might be a better idea to see a therapist instead.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  19. Fallout73

    Fallout73 Fapstronaut

    I see what you mean but I wouldn’t be dating another girl just to forget about my ex. I would definitely have to like a girl and have things in common with her
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  20. Its really not a big deal man. People do it all the time. Even if someone else were to see it whats the big deal? We all have the same hardware to a degree. I have a dick just as you do. If the biggest thing that you have to stress about is the fact that you sent a girl you dated some noods, then Id say life is good. Let it go man.
    Fallout73 likes this.