No groups should be immune from criticism.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Get_It, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Absolutely none, do you agree?
  2. Naturally, I do agree.
    IbrahimViking and Get_It like this.
  3. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    We should be able to look critically at things. Although we have our own biases so we usually don't look at the things we believe and the group's we are apart of critically.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  4. need4realchg

    need4realchg Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I agree provided the spirit of criticism is transparent, well intended, not inquisitional.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Need more context.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Needs no more. It's so simple and clear; no groups, political/religious/whatever should be free from any sort of crticism. Let them stand on their own, and not in the lame identity politics and political correctness bubble. Stand or fall in the court of public discourse. To do anything less is weak and further reinforces that you deserve every bit of the criticism levied against you.
  7. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    You don’t think the public mob can sometimes be wrong? Your suggestion definitely appears to make sense on the surface, but I’m concerned it leaves open the possibility of oppression.
    Deleted Account and Themadfapper like this.
  8. LTLThrowaway93

    LTLThrowaway93 Fapstronaut

    I think NoFap is a genuinely good cause mired in pseudoscience and anecdotal evidence to the point where it's becoming a meme.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Criticism is good. Calling out things that are evil or misguided is good. But all-out insults shouldn’t be done.
  10. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Agreed. Attacking the issue, not the entity is likely a good starting place.
    MLMVSS and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I think this fellow believes the same as you.:D 1568600548786.png
  12. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I do believe they can and are wrong at times, but that's why its even more important that no individuals or groups be deemed immune from criticism. When the mob is wrong, there is backlash against them and their bullshit. We see this right now with the media against President Trump. The more mud they try to sling and blame Trump for, the more mud just goes back on them like with this Biden holding Ukraine ransom thing.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  13. LTLThrowaway93

    LTLThrowaway93 Fapstronaut

    I don't get it.
  14. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Guess you're not familiar with the whole Coomer meme and that fellow going viral as a huge porn fan. I see your age is still in 20's but you're unfamiliar as if you were older like a Boomer. Wow.
  15. LTLThrowaway93

    LTLThrowaway93 Fapstronaut

    Oh well.
    Still think NoFap is becoming a meme itself.
  16. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Using the American President and the media, it’s been getting progressively worse for the President. Respectfully, that example proves the mob gets their way. Other examples include mobs from the left and the right who have been sniping public figures using the cancel culture by digging up random snippets from the past.
    need4realchg likes this.
  17. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Sure, the media harassment of the President is a nuisance, but are they winning, have people dropped support for Trump, fat chance, not at all. That's why the left always wants to censor online because they can't win their argument. If somehow people did follow that mantra of "you can't criticize ____", that would be a big advantage. Fortunately smart people don't play by the PC playbook/rulebook.
  18. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    I’m not entirely sure we share the same definition of winning. The president has waned in support by everyone except his base, he’s become increasingly hamstrung in his ability of his administration to conduct business, he hasn’t gotten significant legislation through during his tenure, and his party is distancing from him. His behavior has been discrediting the conservative movement. When he leaves office, the ability for conservatives to execute their views will be even more difficult than it mathematically should be. He’s turning out to be the Republican version of the Jimmy Carter presidency.

    For goodness sake, he uses actual schoolyard insults to disparage people. He takes pride in that. Those behaviors are causing grave damage to the republican and conservative brands. Yes, he has gotten two conservative justices on the Supreme Court. But at what cost?
  19. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Would you qualify with "as long as the 'facts' are made crystal clear and not falsified"?

    I think a lot of criticism is due to people believing fake information.
  20. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure that's true, if you trust the polls (which I don't much, eg, 99% of hillary winning in 2016). He seems to be about equal to when elected:
    Excerpt:" As of September 27, 2019, the United States Senate has confirmed 152 Article III judges nominated by President Trump, including 2 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, 43 judges for the United States Courts of Appeals, 105 judges for the United States District Courts, and 2 judges for the United States Court of International Trade.[2] There are currently 37 nominations to Article III courts awaiting Senate action, including 4 for the Courts of Appeals and 33 for the District Courts.[3] There are currently 4 vacancies on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, 92 vacancies on the U.S. District Courts, 2 vacancies on the U.S. Court of International Trade,[3] and 12 announced federal judicial vacancies that will occur before the end of Trump's first term (3 for the Courts of Appeals and 9 for District Courts)."
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.