Effects of Porn

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Limeaid, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    This list comes from the book What’s the Big Deal about Pornography? written by Dr. Jill C. Manning, Ph.D. It’s based on social science research from the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.

    Effects of Regular Pornography Consumption

    1. Decreased sensitivity toward women–showing more aggression, rudeness, and less respect
    2. Decreased sensitivity and increased tolerance of sexually graphic material.
    3. Increased risk of believing rape is not a serious crime
    4. More exposure to incorrect information about human sexuality
    5. Increased risk of developing unhealthy views about sexuality
    6. Increased risk of thinking less common sexual practices happen more often than they do (In other words, distorted expectations.)
    7. Increased risk of getting involved in sexual behavior that is risky, unhealthy or illegal (hiring prostitutes, for example)
    8. Increased risk of experiencing difficulties in intimate relationships
    9. Increased risk of becoming violent or aggressive
    10. Increased risk of becoming sexually abusive toward others
    11. Decreased desire to marry one day
    12. Decreased desire to have children and raise a family one day
    13. Decreased trust in your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse
    14. Increased risk of believing long-term relationships are not even realistic
    15. Increased risk of becoming sexually dissatisfied with your future spouse (and that leads to…)
    16. Increased risk of cheating on your spouse once you’re married
    17. Increased risk for separation and divorce once you’re married
    18. Increased risk of viewing promiscuity or casual sex with many people as normal and natural behavior that has little to no consequences (Hence, monogamy is abnormal)
    19. Increased risk of getting fired from your job (from viewing porn at work)
    20. Increased risk of believing there is nothing wrong with being sexually active with somone you have no emotional involvement with or commitment to.
    21. Increased risk of developing a negative body image.
    22. Increased risk of developing sexually compulsive and/or addictive behavior.
    23. Men can develop “porn-induced erectile dysfunction.”
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2015
  2. This is a excellent list and really hits home. I have been seeing reports of these effects echoed in many articles and the reality that porn is a very strong contributor to rape culture and devaluing women is a grim true indeed. Still I am hopeful that communities like NoFap and other web sites dedicated to helping free people from porn addiction may contribute to a future where porn use is less wide spread and more people are aware of the harm it creates. The Video that was posted awhile back on how "Porn is the new Tobacco" was also thought provoking, in this age where it is common knowledge that smoking is bad for you it is hard to imagine a time where smoking was prevalent and marketed as a desirable activity. By spreading knowledge and promoting a deeper understanding of porn's effects we make progress toward a future where porn like smoking is no longer glamorized but understood for what it really is. Thank you very much for sharing this list.
    Knight7tranquility likes this.
  3. #23 is not quite correct. PIED is not limited to young men, or men in their 20's, as evidenced by the great range of ages of the people who are members of this forum. I am 45, and am affected by PIED. Some very young men (in their teens) are also similarly affected.

    But this is a very thorough resource, and I thank you Limeaid for the article.
  4. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    ^^You are Absolutely right! This was actually copied from a post on "how to porn proof kids" so it was specific to young men. I will correct it though.
  5. I'm gonna become a serial rapist because I like watching naked ladies on the internet? Interesting.
  6. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    ^^. Where did it say that?

    The study showed that men who consumed porn were more likely to think thoughts like "she deserved to be raped" or think it was the woman's fault. They also chose lighter sentences for rapists in a mock situations after viewing porn. Does porn viewing create rapists? I doubt it but the research does suggest a heightened tolerance for it. I think our culture which is saturated in porn also shows this.
  7. BurningDesire

    BurningDesire Fapstronaut

    Great Article I would actually like to see more on this. Do you have the article or research that backs it up as well?

  8. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    "Limeaid" thanks for posting this. Reading this is sorta like looking at the man in the mirror. It helps to realize porn for what is really is. Thanks again for posting! The best of luck to us all!
  9. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    BurningDesire I copied this list from a site called pornproofkids.com. The book mentioned is where they got the studies to support this list. Reading the book would be ideal or if you look at the book somehow you could see the source list. They also have a lot of good sources here http://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/#sthash.qXLdG2NY.dpbs

    I read so much stuff about this topic and half the time I can't recall where I found things!! I do know that some of these studies were done in the 1980's when they were able to find men who did not watch porn for control groups. Those studies are next to impossible today. Not to mention how much porn has changed since then.
  10. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    @Progressive Death Mettle here is a video about how porn contributes to rape culture or widespread acceptance of rape.
    Study is cited around the 16 minute mark.

    BurningDesire likes this.
  11. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    "Rape culture" was originally coined in 1974 to describe conditions in one specific prison in the D.C. area. Then the "men suck" bandwagon got a a hold of it (leaving the prisoners behind.) Plenty of better reasons to quit porn.
  12. Basically what it comes down to is that porn causes us to objectify women, which leads us to treat women like objects. Whether that is rape, MOing to fantasies of a woman you know, stealing and sniffing their underwear and other increasingly perverse activities, it all stems from how porn shapes our brains. So no, porn does not make you a rapist, but it lays the groundwork of objectification that makes rape much more likely and permissible. And that is what is terrifying about porn.

    Edit: Just watched the video... I think the analogy to slavery is apt. Porn is a buying and selling of human flesh, dehumanizing, objectifying and utterly unacceptable. It sickens me that it is still appealing to me. I can only conclude that. no matter how against my will and without my consent, I am part of rape culture because my attitudes towards women are often those that contribute to rape culture. That makes me feel extremely dirty.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
  13. Thank you for posting this goldmine of information Limeaid.
    I'm going to buy this book on Amazon, and add it to my anti-porn library.

    I'm watching the video on youtube now and I'll watch part 2 and download them into Itunes so I can listen to the truth on my ipod and change my brain.
    Thank you very much Limeaid.
    You're doing the right thing.
  14. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    The only thing I would add is regular PMO results in LESS aggression, not more.

    The life and soul of me is sapped out. I'll let people walk all over me. This doesn't happen when I'm refraining from watching porn. I feel more aggressive, more manly. How it should be.
  15. Well said, I could not have summed it up better. And again thank you Limeaid, I know that this is a hard and ugly topic to think about but it is important to remind our selves of the damage porn can do and has already done to the way sexuality is viewed. It perpetuates an inequality between men and women and can lead us to see women as a collection of parts while we still see men as whole people. More over it spreads lies like "She asked for it" and "Men can not be raped" and "No means yes." Many will see these lies for what they are, however it is all too common that if you repeat a lie often enough people may start to think that it is the truth. One Youtuber did a an excellent video on objectification, slight trigger warring for thumbnails.

  16. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I had no idea, very interesting. I think rape in prison is horrifying not to mention the constant prison rape jokes. It's not funny....but that is exactly what rape culture is. A downplaying or even comical look at rape. Not every prisoner rapes. Rapists rape and they also happen to be in prisons or the military or the street. Until we start pointing the finger at rapists and not something else it will continue.

    I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "men suck" bandwagon but from your other posts I will assume feminists? The truth is that women contribute just as significantly to "rape culture". Many women also think "she shouldn't have been drunk" etc. I hear it constantly. I have been in compromising situations with men and was never raped. Yet according to rape culture 'logic' I should have been raped. I was drunk and alone with a man....but guess what? I wasn't drunk and alone with a rapist so therefore I did not get raped! Pretty straight forward one would think. I think men in particular should be against rape culture because it gives rapists a free pass since apparently all and any guy will rape if given the right circumstances. This is not true obviously. That is what is so horrifying. It puts the blame of rape on women who "should have known better" and men who simply "can't control themselves". This is actually why many feminists are against the term rape culture. They say that it indirectly blames a "culture" for rape and rape tolerance, rather than on the perpetrators of rape or rapists.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
  17. Very well said indeed. These are hot-button topics and it is wonderful to be able to discuss them here in a thoughtful meaningful way. Because as Ran Gavrieli said in his Tedx Talk "Our History of silence never did us any good because silence only perpetuates more silence. While talking normaly gives birth to more talking more sharing more identification more awareness more change. Small change in our small humble life but real change a true one emotionally safer."

    Sorry for all the video links but I just feel like these people are far more eloquent and qualified to speak about these issues then I am.

    Limeaid likes this.
  18. I understand why feminists would want to disassociate from the term culture, but I feel that they lose some analytical strength by doing so. Of course there was rape and rapists before porn, and justifications of rape too. But today porn and sexual objectification provide both a cognitive background for the rapist and the primary justification for rape. So the culture and those perpetrators who act from that culture's mores are both strongly influenced by what they see depicted in pornographic material. So if you want to fight rape, then you need to tackle the way it manifest itself in our society, which is largely pornography. Just telling men they shouldn't do that won't help must when they pull up a video and see all kinds of sexual violence purporting to be normal and common.
    Kurapika and Limeaid like this.
  19. Shock Diesel

    Shock Diesel Fapstronaut

    All very valid reasons! Thanks for the post!
  20. Thanks for the video, GentlemanWriterDreamer. :mad: I'm seriously angry right now...I just hate how our culture portrays women and I wish I could be free from it all. From my own participation in that portrayal and from having to deal with cultural metanarratives that are constantly dehumanizing half of the population. It just makes me sick.