Advice for all of you on the TRUTH to get abs !

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. „What do you do for abs ?“

    As I am getting leaner and muscles are starting to pop out beneath the skin, I get asked more and more questions in the gym about what specific exercises will „tone“ a specific muscle and give it “shape”.

    Here is the answer:

    There is not one exercise on the face of the earth that will burn fat from an isolated area or make a muscle more “toned”. Biology doesn’t work that way.

    Having a visible six-pack (or eight-pack, depending on your abs genetics) is simply a matter of dieting (and low body-fat).

    As you lose body fat from your whole body, the muscles become visible and usually visible abdominals come in last (along with rounded shoulders and an Adonis belt).
    Stop wasting time on exercises that are promising to burn fat from a certain area or to give the targeted muscle “shape” (you can make the muscle bigger, but with a lot of body fat it won’t be visible). Get your diet in check and simply lose the body fat hiding the muscle ! [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2019
  2. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    That's indeed good advice!
  3. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    How much body weight? Cuz im with 80kg and have-+ 9% of body fat and altough i have a very shaped Adonis belt(even vains can be seen there) and rounded shoulders , my 6 pack is still very small looking, i can feel the muscles but only on a type of light it can sees a little of my Six pack
  4. b-v-o-y

    b-v-o-y Fapstronaut

    I heard somewhere that you lose fat evenly throughout your body, is this true?
    A goal of mine is to get 6-pack abs and I can kind of see them, but it's obviously my body fat is still too high lol, I just do jumprope almost every day for about 10 minutes (weighted rope)
    What I'm eating could use some work too, but assuming my diet is okay what else would I need to do to on top of what I'm doing, because it feels like I'm burning just as much fat as I'm gaining back
  5. Yes, it is. Spot fat reduction is nigh next to impossible. It's been debunked so many times, but I guess people never wanna lose hope of having an easy way out, so the myth still persists.
  6. I honestly can't believe that spot reduction is still a held belief out there. When I weighed less it had to do mainly with my diet and working out as well. I literally cut out all fast food and made all my meals and when I trained I utilized a variety of different exercises (weightlifting, cardio(walking/running, boxing, basketball, and even yoga) I fell off the wagon and I am working myself back in shape now and I can start to see the abs for my six-pack showing although I am still a long way from where I want to be. "Trust the Process"
  7. Nine

    Nine Fapstronaut

    No and yes. There's no such thing as spot reduction, so you can't choose where you lose fat, but you also don't lose fat evenly throughout your body. You don't store it evenly either. There are some areas where you store more fat than others, and there's a certain order to your fat gain. There's a rule you can apply: First on, last off. In other words, the first places your body starts storing your fat when you're gaining fat, are also the last places to get lean when you're losing it.

    There's a reason you've never seen anyone with huge obese arms and 6-pack abs, because the lower abdomen is one of the first places where you store fat, so even guys who are relatively lean often still have a little bit of fat there. You have to get really lean to truly get rid of the fat around that area, since it's one of the last places to get lean.

    It goes beyond just storing more in some areas than others too, there can even be discrepancies between each side of your body. For example your left bicep might have slightly more fat than your right. (Usually it's so little you can't actually notice it, and would only know if you had a DEXA scan)

    So it's not that you lose fat all over evenly, but it's that you can't lose fat in just one place, so to get fully lean, you have to lose fat all over, and there's no changing the order it happens. If you want those abs, you need to get very lean since it's one of the last places to go.

    Also bonus tips for anyone reading this thread:

    - You do still need some abs to see. An emaciated anorexic's abdominal muscles are showing, but it doesn't look like they have a 6-pack. You don't need your abs to be particularly developed, but if you're 100% sedentary and have never worked out your abs, then be prepared to also spend some time building up that muscle if you want your abs to look good. There's a saying that abs are built in the kitchen (i.e. by losing weight), but there's an even better one, that abs are built in the gym, but revealed in the kitchen. :)
    - Genetics will determine 4-pack vs 6-pack vs 8-pack vs some other unusual variations. Those are just muscle insertions, you can't change them, working out more won't take you from a 4-pack to a 6-pack, that's just the way your abs are shaped. There is one exception to this: Sometimes you're just not lean enough to yet see all your abs, so it can look like you have a 4-pack when you actually have 2 more just hidden away under that last layer of fat.
    - If you're lean but your abs aren't showing, 9 times out of 10, you're not actually that lean. MOST people underestimate their body fat %, by a HUGE degree. Most guys who think they're 15% body fat, are 20-22%+, most guys who think they're 12% are more like 18%. Unless you have literally 0 muscle mass and are wasting away, you're not below 12% body fat if you can't see abs. If you can't even see an outline, you're above 15. It's all good, it's hard to judge your own body fat % because we have such a skewed view of ourselves, just means you gotta lose a little more.
    Deleted Account and b-v-o-y like this.
  8. b-v-o-y

    b-v-o-y Fapstronaut

    Yeah people probably still believe in losing fat in just 1 spot, since they
    Thanks for the info! I'm hoping I'm in the 6-pack-but-looks-like-a-4-pack group, lol. Right now it looks like the last 2 are invisible, but it's higher up on my stomach sooooo hopefully hahaha
  9. 90 Kgs

    My guess is you are not 9%.
  10. Correct, you lose evenly (even though you might gain fat on different places FIRST when you gain fat, this will depend on your genetics).

    There is nothing else you need to do except diet. I don't even do cardio.

    As someone who has 10+ years experience in this field, it's 90% diet. Hormonal manipulation through food.
  11. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    What? With that amount of body mass i have to have 90kg? Im with 1.78cm , i dont want to have 90kg i achieved my goal of 80kg Now i want to get less fat but mantain the kg

    Im with 9.8 i check it Now, somehow my mind tought it was less ahah, still i had 8.6 and it was the same almost
  12. i am overweight and i think the universe wants me lose some weight.
  13. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    I'm 186cm @ 70kg (yeah, life-like toothpick) with difficulty putting weight on from emotional issues. However, even at this weight, I still don't have a 6-pack; on the contrary, I have quite some visceral fat (that's in-between the organs). In addition, I eat a mostly plant based diet, so I attribute the existence of my visceral fat to my current emotional state.

    I believe our bodies are intelligent enough to sense subconsciously that hardship is either here or about to come, from ancestry, and then prepares itself for survival; it's just my theory that the gut is so important to survival that stores of energy are first being created there, in the abdominal area. I'm pretty certain that once my anxiety/fear comes under healthy control, I will also get a 6-pack and start build body-mass other than fat.

    I strongly believe that we've fallen into the pharma trap that we can take a super-complex system like our body and dial in this hormone or reduce that chemical compound and then all is ok; the body is so complex and is constantly seeking to get into a homeostatic state that us trying to eat less or exercise more could do more damage than we imagine.
  14. I weigh 90 Kgs. You have to lose more body-fat if you want a visible six-pack. If you haven't done a DEXA scan, your body fat measurement is meaningless. You are not as lean as you think you are. People grossly underestimate their body-fat.
    Nine likes this.
  15. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Yes, most people underestimate their body fat percentage, 9% is VERY lean.
  16. Check out Alberto Nunez at 6.2 % and the dude is SHREDDED :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2019
  17. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    That's insane, his striations have striations, afaik the lowest a man can get is 3%, don't know if that has been done before. It would probably be pretty unhealthy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2019
  18. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Dexa ? Cool name whats that?

    Thanks man! What bothers me is that my Adonis belt is very shred and the ABS no no, also i have alot of vains on my arms and some in legs , and rounded sholders
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
  19. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    I have a friend that was also skynny like you and tall but started to do gym and +- year and half he got much better ! So can you

    Só you think Thats primal? I was born with very strong legs , my calvs were big since i was born, that means that i was born to BE a Runner?