Dinosaurs and the Holy Bible

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Are dinosaurs biblical?

  1. yes, they clearly fit into the biblical scriptures

    8 vote(s)
  2. no, the theory of evolution provides a better explanation

    10 vote(s)
  3. I'm still on the fence about it

    1 vote(s)
  1. I'm currently reading the Old Testament and to be honest have had some difficulties believing certain stories, the more incredible ones like the donkey talking or the trees talking to each other. I can see how some people would abandon their faith because of what the Bible is telling sometimes, and how the theory of evolution can further feed this disbelief by presenting an alternative explanation.

    However, a wise man doesn't rule out the Bible all together. In fact there is lots of archeological evidence that clearly proves at least some of the stories described in the Bible, actually happened. King David for instance has been mentioned on findings dated centuries BC. That can't be a coincidence and I'm sure atheists and science are having a hard time explaining those away.

    There is still one subject that causes the most controversy amongst believers and non-believers alike... dinosaurs! Whilst researching, I came across an interesting video concerning dinosaurs and how they would fit into what the Bible teaches. I must say these guys are incredibly convincing and what they say makes a lot of sense, the only thing that kind of threw me off a bit was the description of the T-rex being a vegetarian. I mean, I have a hard time believing that. I can believe all of the rest they are saying, easily actually since it makes sense, but if there weren't any dinosaur predators, why would some species have armor and other defensive features, spikes on their tails etc...? Surely armor had some kind of purpose. Defense against predators mostly. It would be ignorant to think otherwise.

    I thought this was an interesting topic to post here and would like to hear what you guys, believers and non-believers, think about all of this. I'm sure there will be a lot of different opinions, but these guys sure do a good job of explaining how dinosaurs could be biblical after all...

    "15 Look at behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. 16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! 17 Its tail sways like a cedar, the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. 18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron." Job 40:15-18

    Dinosaur bone recently discovered in France (picture copyright AFP)

    Did Noah's flood kill the dinosaurs? A meteor? Are dinosaurs millions of years old or the creation of the Biblical God? Your opinion?

    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Perhaps I'll watch the video when I have time. Anyway, just last week I finished an interesting book that covered a wide range of topics, but also devoted a chapter to Behemoth, Leviathan, crocodiles (=taninim in the Hebrew Torah), dragons and dinosaurs. I won't get into it all, but the author, a learned person, theorized that dinosaurs are what ancient cultures thought of as dragons and when it says in Genesis ch. 1 "And God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that crawls, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged fowl, according to its kind, and God saw that it was good.", it means sea, land & sky dinosaurs. As I stated above, the term for "great sea monsters" in Hebrew is "Taninim" which in modern day Hebrew means 'crocodiles'. These creatures certainly weren't modern-day crocs, but it seems they were some sort of ancient precursor to crocodillians. So, dinosaurs.
  3. The stories of the bible do seem crazy and out there but its all based on faith, when you think of God and the fact that he can do anything than you dont doubt the stories as much, its all based on faith friend. And about the dinosaurs, i think they died off after noahs flood, there simply was not enough food for such big beasts, or maybe they were all hunted to extinction, either way we know they existed so thats all that matters.
    Deleted Account likes this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Dinausors still exist maybe. The Earth is way larger than we think, 95% of the USA are raw non inhabited land. Leviathan, dragons, fallen angels, giants, hybrids, are all biblical. The serpent had legs and arms before being cursed by God to crowl eating dust also and the bible refers to it as "that old serpent" and that was in the earliest times of Creation. Noah just had to carry baby ones.
    need4realchg likes this.
  5. Paul69

    Paul69 Fapstronaut

    Dinosaurs exist, these days we call them birds. Obviously they are a bit different from the dinosaurs of yore, but then again a lot of time went by for evolution to do its work. And yes, I do take the Bible seriously, its stories contain a lot of wisdom. But what it can really teach us these days is about people, their failings, and how they sometimes do rise to the challenge. Some of the stories are about tempatation, a subject those here can relate to. However concerning dinosaurs I do not believe the bible has anything valuable to teach us.
  6. look up the coelacanth, its a dinosaur fish that has not gone extinct.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. The theory of evolution is completely senseless. There are far more complications with evolution than with the Bible.

    Check out living waters ministry on YouTube, and watch some of their stuff. Evolution vs. God is probably a good place to start.
  8. Faith is very important, but please do not go around saying that belief in the Bible is ALL based on faith. That's just not true at all. There is a ton of scientific and historical evidence that backs up the truths of the Bible. To say it's all based on faith is to do a great disservice to the word.

    Mike Winger is another great person to learn from about the Bible on YouTube. He has a lot of knowledge on these subjects. I would recommend some of his dates on the historical accuracy of the resurrection. It's not all blind faith. It's history.
  9. L1ttl

    L1ttl Fapstronaut

    The Bible is not a book on taxonomy, it talks about land animals - it doesn't talk about all the land animals. Secondly, if you're asking why the Bible doesn't specifically mention dinosaurs - well for the same reason it doesn't mention pyramids and the great wall of China. It's not part of the scope of the document. The reason the Bible exists according to 2 Timothy 3 is to make you wise unto salvation - get you saved and sanctified. It's not to tell you about everything about everything - in fact there is no book that can tell you everything about everything. There are books on taxonomy that leave out the dinosaurs. All writing is limited, and if you read the story of the Bible, it's about one bloodline, the bloodline of the Messiah where Jesus actually comes to earth to save the very creatures who rebelled against him. That's what the story is. Jesus even says in Luke 24 that the Scriptures are about him (even the Old Testament). So again, it's not a book telling you everything about everything. Therefore I don't get what the dinosaurs even have to do with any of this.
  10. Well yah of course a lot of it is historically proven, but i was referring to things like adam and eve, or things people would call impossible.
  11. Well you summed up my thoughts, once more Cassie...

    On the topic of dinosaurs. These projects of the millions of years can be true. One day in Gods eye is 1000 years in ours. You see the time frame. Note that animals were not granted eternal life like Adam. And the the rest is history.

    The Job scripture... first time I've read it, I thought of the sams thing. Another example for you. The big 'fish' that swallowed Jonah. Note, once more, that Jonah stayed in it for three days. So the size and the features would clearly be more than normal.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Adam & Eve beats evolution everytime with more logic. Even every animal came from one couple. And if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys ? Why are there still fishes in the ocean ? Maybe if I eat fish that makes me a cannibal ? Ridiculous.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  13. Some interesting insights guys, thanks.

    Here's an important question I forgot to ask... If the flood killed the dinosaurs, why weren't they on Noah's ark like the other animals in the first place? And if somehow they were on the ark, wouldn't you expect at least some different kinds to still be alive today?
    If you think about it the flood can't have killed the dinosaurs since they weren't sinners and deserved to be on the ark like the rest of the animals. That or the couples that were on the ark went extinct quite fast after that. Such big animals don't go extinct quite fast. They rule.

    On the other hand if the meteor theory were true, have any skeletons been found that display signs of burning, or did they suffocate to death?

    Any smoking guns you can think of in favor of the biblical theory, or in favor of the evolution theory? You have to admit the cave drawings of dinosaurs are pretty impressive and mind-boggling. Those could be a smoking gun in favor of the Bible. Either early humans found skeletons and imagined what they would look like alive and drew that, or humans and dinosaurs once coexisted, which would pretty much rule out evolution.

    On a side note, apparently some giant humanoid skeletons have been found that could have been of biblical nephilim, hybrid children of angels and humans as described in the Bible. However many of the pictures you can find online are hoaxes. Where do we stand on that? I mean if mankind could conclude nephilim actually existed once, dinosaurs wouldn't even matter anymore since it would be too big of a proof the Bible happened.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I don't really see what the question of "what happened to the dinosaurs" has to do with whether or not the Bible or evolution is true. The meteor theory doesn't discount the Bible either. I have no idea what happened to the dinosaurs, but that doesn't make me question anything about whether or not the Bible is true.

    Check out this video if you'd like. There are so many things about the Bible that would pass the history test with flying colors, but people question it because they don't like the faith part. The method historians use to determine that the stuff in our history books is true and really happened has been used on the Bible as well, and it holds up. It's not like a bunch of people just decided to call it history without doing any kind of research or vetting.

  15. Gentle man

    Gentle man Fapstronaut

    are those 2 points u mentioned from the bible ?
    cause it seems like the quran !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Christianity and evolution are not entirely in conflict.......
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Holy smokes. Reading through threads like this one I'm becoming less and less surprised that concepts like PIED and porn addiction are being laughed at as an invention of crazy religious people. The fact that some people who have written here might actually be serious is fucking embarassing and terrifying at the same time. Moderators please move this discussion someplace else.
  18. No lad. The bible. You should try reading it.

    Read the quran sometime back. It is seems to take inspiration from the bible but at the same time, many differences are found.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  19. What are you? Illiterate? This is in the right section lad. "Off topic Discussion". Anything that do not relate to PMO, goes here. You're new to forums I presume.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  20. I'm afraid you're the one who has trouble reading.
    From the Forum Rules:
    onceaking likes this.