Strategies that work

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TrueToSelf, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut


    I am big loser. I have tried nofap innumerable times and failed all the time.

    My longest streak is probably a week. I want to do 40 days this time. I am on my 2nd day today.

    I want to know some strategies that work. E.g. I have started using my laptop at nighg outside on my patio rather than in my bedroom alone.

    Are there any other such strategies which have been useful for you?
  2. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    - stop watching all tv. Too many triggers
    - keep yourself busy right up until bed time and crash
    - no edging point blank period
    - no touching or checking expect for peeing n shower etc
    - gym 6 days a week
    - avoid YouTube or any websites with even hot clothed chicks
    Join the 3 day challenge
    Nail that then join 7 21 30 etc
    Jerky and TrueToSelf like this.
  3. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Just focus on 3 days as a start
    Targaryenn and TrueToSelf like this.
  4. kbmn78

    kbmn78 Fapstronaut

    I recommend you refrain from calling yourself “a big loser”.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Your thoughts effect your emotions and your emotions effect your struggles with PMO.

    I know exactly how you feel, it’s a huge challenge dealing with PMO addiction, however you must have some redeeming qualities. Write them down and remind yourself how great you are.
    TrueToSelf likes this.
  5. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I agree. One constant negative perception / thought, can change your life forever. If you think positive, then you will attract positive.
    TrueToSelf likes this.
  6. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    First, get negativity out of your head. I know how you feel right now, I've been there. I even named my avatar Hopeless Case at the start of my journey then someone advise me to change it and now I'm Fenix Rising. It sound much more positive, don't you think?

    The second thing, you can definitely break free from this addiction, everyone can, but you have to believe it yourself. Withdrawal period is not easy. If you doubt in yourself for a moment when suffering, you'll fail.

    Now to some more practical advices. I started to see long streaks when I started to implement this program in my life-> The idea is not to focus on abstaining but to set new goals you LIKE and try achieving them. If you only abstain something called ego fatigue will sabotage your progress. I'm not saying you should necessary follow the program I try to follow, you should find your tgha path that suits YOU best. But you might find some sound advise in it.
    Maybe listen to this mens' recovery videos. You can learn so much from him, I know I have ->

    Have a slip/relapse prevention plan

    I like to keep my plan simple. All my relapses have happened in front of my computer so I have only 2 rules:

    1) A) If I open porn related website -> B) I immediately unplug PC power cord and stay away from the PC for the rest of the day.
    If I open porn site on my laptop I throw recharger in trash as a punishment (I have to stop using it until I buy new recharger plus it costs me $).

    I always have prepacked backpack in the case of lapse happening:

    2) B) In the case of lapse (=one time MO or PMO) -> C) I immediately take my backpack and go for a 2-3 days hike to prevent lapse becoming full blown relapse

    I didn't need to use second rule yet, but I decided that if a lapse happens and I implement second rule, I don't have to reset counter if there isn't another lapse following inside the next 3 months period. I came to this conclusion after reading this article how to avoid shame and guilt cycle from ruining progress you've made ->

    "So does this mean that even a brief lapse must lead to a full-blown relapse? Does it mean a person must continue to drink or drug until the use returns to the initial level? Is spiraling out of control inevitable? Simply put, no. A lapse need not become a relapse. After a slip, you have not unlearned all that you have learned. You have not unchanged all that you have changed in your life to support your recovery. You do not have to start counting again from day one.

    If you view your lapse as a mistake and as a product of external triggers, rather than as a personal failure, research shows that you will have a much better chance of return to abstinence quickly. Your lapse becomes a tool to move forward and to strengthen your motivation to change, your identification of triggers and urge-controlling techniques, your rational coping skills, and the lifestyle changes needed to lead a more balanced life.

    Again make your own relapse prevention plan, I advise you to keep it simple, effective and brutal. Someone here mentioned that my relapse prevention plan resembles scorched earth policy. That was my intention all along. When cravings take over, you have no time to think, but you can always pull the plug out.
    TrueToSelf and testwarz like this.
  7. Theseeker19

    Theseeker19 Fapstronaut

    Hello, First of all you're not a big loser You are a fighter who lost battles not the war so in my opinions these are some guidelines that will help enormously if you stick to it.

    1- The habit has four parts ( The cue - the routine - the reward - The belief ) and to change the habit you need to change the underlying belief Then become observant of your feelings and emotions to catch that cue and handle it. (Meditation is a good thing I'll provide you with some good tips later on)

    2- Start chasing a dream or maybe pick up a new hobby that you are really passionate about.

    3- Set up a schedule or a routine following these incredible and useful guidelines.
    A- wake up at your chosen time and make sure that have a task/tasks to complete.
    B- Meditate for 10 or 15 minutes if you are a beginner
    C- Eat healthy breakfast
    D- Go out and walk for 10 or 20 minutes while listening to a calming Music or a useful podcast
    E- Don't touch your phone until you go through these steps.

    These are some additional habits you can adopt that will help a lot
    1- Drink more water
    2- Read or listen to an audiobook for 15 minutes a day or even 10 minutes
    3- Journal (Makes you more observant)
    4- quit social media.

    4- Stay positive no matter what, don't spread negativity and don't say I'm not gonna make it. JUST STAY POSITIVE

    5- In terms of meditation I would suggest you practice the mindfulness, this is how you simply do it.
    Mindfulness meditation
    a- Focus on your breath Inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds (Don't strain, do them as best as you can ).

    b- Being aware of all that is within you and around you right now.

    c- The aim of mindfulness is not quieting the mind, or attempting to achieve a state of eternal calm. The goal is simple: we’re aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment. Easier said than done.

    d- Feel your breath—or some say “follow” it—as it goes out and as it goes in. (Some versions of this practice put more emphasis on the out-breath, and for the inbreath, you simply leave a spacious pause.) Either way, draw your attention to the physical sensation of breathing: the air moving through your nose or mouth, the rising and falling of your belly, or your chest. Choose your focal point, and with each breath, you can mentally note “breathing in” and “breathing out.”

    e- You may find your mind wandering constantly—that’s normal, too. Instead of wrestling with or engaging with those thoughts as much, practice observing without needing to react. Just sit and pay attention. As hard as it is to maintain, that’s all there is. Come back over and over again without judgment or expectation.

    f- When you’re ready, gently lift your gaze (if your eyes are closed, open them). Take a moment and notice any sounds in the environment. Notice how your body feels right now. Notice your thoughts and emotions. Pausing for a moment, decide how you’d like to continue on with your day.
    testwarz likes this.
  8. mikewayne76

    mikewayne76 Fapstronaut

    delete all sexual content from your devices (phone, computer)

    Delete any accounts with tumblr, instagram, etc that you use for even minor sexual stimulation.

    If you start getting urges, find something else to do as quickly as possible (ride your bike, go to a restaurant, etc)

    Avoid heavy alcohol use when you are around technology that gives u access to porn (tough one since you can just google it)
    Jerky and TrueToSelf like this.
  9. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut

    Thanks testwarz. These are really good suggestions. I completed 3 days now :) where can I join the 7 day challenge?
  10. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut

    Hi Kbmn78, This is a useful idea. I tried it. Feels much better and I completed now 3 days so no longer a loser.Thanks :)
  11. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut

    Hi Mikewayne76,
    These are good points esp to avoid alcohol. I could surf the urge using mindful meditation, it really works for me. I think it boils down to just being able to surf that urge for 10-15 mins
  12. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut

    Hi Fenix Rising. Your name is really cool :) Also your post is also very motivating. I saw the video and the thread. These are really useful. Thanks for sharing. :) nd I am on my 3rd day now so no longer a loser. A winner now :) now ready for 7 day goal :)
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  13. best method is internet isolation, through out all sources of porn, i today just completed my reboot and its thanks to this method.
    TrueToSelf likes this.
  14. kbmn78

    kbmn78 Fapstronaut

    Of course, brother!

    Good luck on your journey!