My weird shameful Fetish // I feel like crap

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Rolo75, May 7, 2019.

  1. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut

    Hey bro,

    Yup, i reset my counter. And im back on track. This harder than i actually thought, Damn.
    But i wont give up. Thanks bro
  2. Hey, I’ve been praying for you and am confident you can find peace with this struggle. Keep on keeping on!!
    vxlccm and Rolo75 like this.
  3. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut

    Yo fam,

    Oh wow ! You are right.
    I just wanted to add that i dont go all the way in the alley to watch them. I usually spot one person who is about to pee but i stay Very far from them. And i dont enter the alley or the street. i really make sure that i am at a far distance. Usually when they are done, then i go inside (5 minutes after when they are long gone) . On this i agree with you, i make sure that no one feels threatened or doesnt feel Safe.

    When I say about relapse, you are right. The wanks in the morning that make me late at work and school. The wanks during work time. The wanks that last the whole week-end that make me so un productive etc.... It is hell

    I agree with you on the fact that i have a gf (who even better would like P). But unfortunately i have a serious struggle with girls. I find it awfully difficult to form relationships or get laid. Ive been in a dry spell for 5 years now. And i dont think its going to get any better sadly...
  4. aliasghar1378

    aliasghar1378 Fapstronaut

    Bro im experienced one! If you say its hard or not easy finally you will do it .juat say its nothing or its easy (we know its hard but can deceive our brain saying its nothing) and brother listen to my advice read quran ( i know you aren't muslim but try it you dont lose anything i promise its very helpful .at least after i started reading quran i last for 55 days
    Rolo75 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. plzrlzme

    plzrlzme Fapstronaut

    Weird how an infinitely powerful being can only stop you from masturbating for 55 days.

    Then again, I've met Mormons who I'm pretty sure never had an O in their life. They must have a better book.
  6. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut

    Damn this one hit hard. I need to stay focused, im back on track. Thanks for the headsup bro
  7. plzrlzme

    plzrlzme Fapstronaut


    Yeah. Shit. Maybe you should take up knitting. You know, something to occupy your hands . . . Lol. Seriously though, what do you think the trigger is?

    For me, it was fear of losing my libido. I'm getting old enough that shit is just slowing down. It's kinda backwards because when my sex drive was the highest, I didn't obsess over it. When my hormones started to fade, sex was suddenly all I could think about. It's like I wanted to have as many orgasms as possible in case some day I wouldn't be able to anymore. I'm probably not the only one who has felt this way. That's probably what drives most midlife crises.

    It will. It always does.
    Deleted Account and Rolo75 like this.
  8. aliasghar1378

    aliasghar1378 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate anything stop me for just one day! a book a movie or a radio podcast .im just sharing my experience bro. And dont expect years and years hours and hours porno suddenly disapears from you mind just with reading a book.
    "Faith doesn't make it easier , faith makes it possible"
    VictoryIsOurs and Rolo75 like this.
  9. plzrlzme

    plzrlzme Fapstronaut

    Well said.
    100% agree.
    Really depends on what "it" is, don't you think?
  10. aliasghar1378

    aliasghar1378 Fapstronaut

    I agree
    Recently i realized how important it is. I believe in this and it works for me so i wanted to suggest that,maybe it works for somebody else.
  11. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro for the prayer and encouragements. Even if i fall ten times and relapse, Ill get up and fight porn again.

    Same goes for you bro
    Deleted Account and CH3RRY like this.
  12. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut


    Yes, i do fetish responsibly, always. Frightening drunk women in the night is the last of my desires tbh. Woman have to deal with enough shit already...

    Oh the libido right, well i can't speak that much on that issue because personnaly i have a very high libido. From puberty to now so i can't imagine myself not wanting to have sex. I would feel very strange if i didn't have any libido. Maybe the fact that i'm young plays a part in it though, idk.

    Hmm not too sure about that, i'm really depressed about it and don't go out anymore because i feel like i'm going to be endlessely rejected so yeah... I sadly think that i gave up at this point... Smh
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Tillywhisper

    Tillywhisper New Fapstronaut

    The reason I found this website was through a book called Timinology, whose author, Tim Leach, deals with trying to relieve a client's fetish for cross dressing. I, myself, have a fetish for being tied up and so through using this guys techniques I most definitely have it under control. I own it now, rather than it owing me, which is what he tells you how to achieve. The Chapter is called self-control so do find a copy if you want to free yourself!
    Rolo75 likes this.
  14. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    Great man, glad that you got your fetish under control. Stay focused.
    Thanks man, i'll definitely check out that book. I need to get rid of this crazy addiction smh.
  15. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Kinky. Only part that's unhealthy is drinking the random piss IMO. What's wrong with having a fetish anyway?
    Just my opinion though. Don't take me too seriously. I don't.
    george53 and Rolo75 like this.
  16. Rolo75

    Rolo75 Fapstronaut


    Apologies for the late reply. Indeed it is very kinky, and yeah drinking piss is kind of dangerous considering i could get an STD by it. But i recently did a check and i am STD free. Right, i do believe that there is nothing wrong with fetishes but having a pee fetish is kinda weird smh.
  17. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Meh. if you find a girl that's into it too imagine how well you'd get along. I don't think It's that rare these days either.
    As long as shes well hydrated ahahaha.
    Rolo75 and george53 like this.
  18. csgo player

    csgo player Fapstronaut

    hi. i share a similar struggle. been stuck on a pee fetish for 5 yrs. i dont have low self esteem so its not really a femdom for me but regardless this fetish is a plague to my sexual life. i am on day 3 of 90 to beat this fucking fetish. ive never admitted this to anyone until now. fuck this fetish and i hope we both get rid of it:)
    Rolo75 and TimeToQuitNow like this.
  19. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    It's good that you opened up here then. You'll get to 90 days in no time
    Rolo75 likes this.
  20. BizzyzWorld

    BizzyzWorld New Fapstronaut

    I used to watch women pee themselves. Dont feel too bad. I as abused as a youth and gained a fetish for punching women in the stomach as well as watching it. That drove away my significant other. Now I'm back on day one because hours ago I was looking at videos that reminded me of her. Fetishes suck, but with this path they can possibly be overcome.
    Rolo75 likes this.