I dislike the feeling

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Steveju, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. Steveju

    Steveju Fapstronaut

    Hey all. I’m very happily married and expecting my first child. I truly love my wife and want nothing more. I’ve done well in phasing this behavior out of my life. I’ve had ups and downs but I’m proud of how far I have come. I feel helpless and overwhelmed by physical withdrawal and urges to return sometimes. I truly hate the feeling and hated any time I’ve relapsed into watching or even just master-bating without watching anything. I’m having a hard week with withdrawals but really trying. I feel like a terrible and selfish person. I don’t ever want to hurt my wife in any way. It hurts me a great deal too. I just want it to go away forever. I feel like it won’t let me express how deeply I love and care for my wife and myself. I don’t want her to think I ever want anyone else. I don’t understand how I can feel like I’ve hit the lottery in real life but the urges persist. I really really hate it.

    If anyone has had any success in dealing with withdrawal I’d love to hear how. Or any thoughts in general are always welcome. Thanks all!!
  2. Have you tried using blocks on your phone/computer? Sometimes it’s just that whole “out of sight, out of mind”
    Steveju likes this.
  3. Steveju

    Steveju Fapstronaut

    I have and after good behavior took them off..... perhaps I do need to resume. I haven’t been out of control like before but I don’t want to even tempt getting into it again. It makes me nauseous to even think of it
    Butterfly1988 likes this.
  4. I think putting them back on is a good idea. Taking them off after good behavior makes no sense to me—you still don’t want to access/watch P so there’s no problem with not having it available ever.
    FX-05 likes this.
  5. Steveju

    Steveju Fapstronaut

    I agree. Thank you!
  6. The withdrawals get easier from my understanding but I'm sure @Mourde can give you some tips he's found helpful on his journey so far :)
    Steveju and Mourde like this.
  7. Mourde

    Mourde Fapstronaut

    Meditation helps it dont have to be long, short ones are very good and keeping yourself busy. Letting your mind wonder is very bad cause those urges seem to take over then! Exercising is also great and taking a nice walk and enjoying the scenery is a great way too! Boredom is the urges best friend so keeping busy and finding a hobby is good too from what I hear. Good luck and stay positive!
    Steveju and Butterfly1988 like this.
  8. Steveju

    Steveju Fapstronaut

    Excellent points! Thank you :)
  9. The part of you that is the real 'you' is the part that sees and appreciates how lucky you are to have your amazing life. The other part, the addict, does not care at all about having a fantastic wife or anything else. All the addict cares about is getting that dopamine hit. The longer you starve the addiction, the more desperate it gets so the harder it tries to get you to fall back. But, while this is happening, it's becoming weaker and weaker. Hang in there and know that, right now, 'you' are in control, not the addict. I know the urges are tough sometimes, but they will get easier the longer you stay committed to recovery. @Mourde has some good advice, and so does @SOofanaddict. Maybe read through their journals at times when you're struggling.

    Keep going. You can do this.
  10. Steveju

    Steveju Fapstronaut

    Very well put. That is exactly how it feels. Thank you for the input.
    hope4healing likes this.