Can't seem to get on big streaks again. Need tips!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Yash Pednekar, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Yash Pednekar

    Yash Pednekar New Fapstronaut

    In past I used to get on lot of big streaks 50 days, 60, 100! But now I can't even seem to get past 20 days. Also because of relapsing I lost my "superpowers" things aren't like before. Leave your advice please! Thanking you in advance <3 god bless all of us
  2. The biggest help for me is to set up a plan. The urges will appear at various times, often unexpectedly. Just assume they will happen. Ok. so then what? You need to have a plan for what to do instead of your default instinct to PMO. There are things you can do which can distract you till the urges pass (which they always do eventually). Some of these actions are just better alternatives than PMO, some are actually positive on their own as ways to improve your life.

    My list won't be the same as your list, but the important thing is to have a list and go right to it as soon as you feel temptations to break your streak. Here's mine: take a walk, ride my stationary bike, do a meditation, read a good book, do a hard crossword puzzle, play a hard videogame (puzzles or strategy is best), cook something (learn a new recipe perhaps), play my guitar, watch a video/documentary on science or math (something logical/analytical), listen to a cool podcast or audiobook, meet a friend for coffee, do stretching/yoga, clean my room, write in my journal. Just my ideas, make your own list, and get in the habit of going to it whenever you're feeling restless. Good luck bro.
  3. Yash Pednekar

    Yash Pednekar New Fapstronaut

    Thanks man good luck to you too brother
  4. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I ruined a streak of 300+ of not using porn.

    Now i've done dome minor days streak, and now i'm on day 14.

    I have a big tip, do not watch porn, and do not touch your pee pee. Tat will work.
    Yash Pednekar likes this.
  5. ButchDragon

    ButchDragon Fapstronaut

    I'd say it's important to make note of what things cause you to slip, and avoid them like the plague.

    It's also good to remember what your brain is doing when you feel those urges. All that's happening is your brain is looking for a nice, huge shot of dopamine, and there are plenty of ways to get that aside from PMO. Exercise is one I hear often, and I have to say, it does help. But I also hear that eating some good food is also helpful. That list above by Chiyu is a pretty comprehensive one, I'd say to try a bunch of those to see where it takes you.

    Best of luck, man, you've got this!
    Yash Pednekar and Iwillmakeit123 like this.
  6. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    Yash Pednekar likes this.
  7. emadrz

    emadrz Fapstronaut

    holy shit i thought it will go fore ever untill 30 or 60 days :emoji_bear::eek:
    Yash Pednekar likes this.