Masturbating is natural.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 28, 2019.

  1. ledener

    ledener Fapstronaut

    Wow! I would like to learn how to orgasm without jerking off!
  2. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    Then I don't want to be normal.
  3. Truer words were never spoken. :D
  4. I can understand where you're coming from with this, but I think for those that have an addiction, it's definitely a slippery slope. Yes, masturbation in and of itself isn't necessarily the root of all evil, but once porn comes into the mix, it becomes a bit toxic, and it's extremely difficult to have one without the other.

    Before I started using porn, back at the start of puberty, I had no issues from masturbating. It came to me very naturally, and I felt good afterwards and during. Now, I don't get any good feelings from it, and it's pretty much just a means to an end, there's no actual pleasure in the act itself for me anymore.
  5. My puberty was also MO without P and I suffered all the negative side effects of it. Additionally it lead me to P: As soon as I could get hold of it, I was on PMO.
  6. I guess it just depends on the person. MO didn't really lead me to P, at least not to begin with. Curiosity led me to P, and then I quickly came to the realization that MO and P usually went together. And even then it didn't feel natural like just masturbating did, but it became addicting very quickly, and that's pretty much how I ended up here.

    Think of it like smoking, usually someone who smokes will tell you that when they started, they didn't really enjoy it, and they still don't really. I know, I grew up around smokers. But, soon enough they were back at it. They think "Oh well, maybe it'll be different this time." And so the cycle begins, over and over. The same thing happens with PMO.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    There is nothing wrong with it, but I say this as a person who has never been an pornography addict. I suppose those with the addiction shouldn't do it until they are fully recovered.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Masturbation may be "normal" these days because most guys do it, however for most of human history it was considered aberrant. Just because something normal doesn't mean it's something one should do. For instance, watching pornography can also be considered normal by the same standard and so can swearing and getting drunk. One should not seek to sink to the lowest common denominator in life, but to subordinate his base instincts to decency and civility. This is called being a gentleman. Further, masturbation is an abuse of the human reproductive system. You can talk about animals all day but at the end of the day humans, not animals and it's our responsibility as the species the most developed conscience to abide by that conscience.

    There's also that thorny matter of what it is one masturbates to. One can masturbate to pornography but it seems to be the consensus of this group that watching pornography is wrong. I think most would also agree with the notion that masturbating to people not in pornography is wrong because it objectifies them. So what exactly is one to masturbate to? Men are visual creatures after all.

    In summary, the modern notion that masturbation is 'okay' and 'normal' is but a modern innovation destined for the trash heap of history.
  9. For me, masturbation is a kind of self-love. Maybe it depends on one's intention. Doing it for self-pleasure could be bad, but doing it just to release all that sexual tention inside you may actually do more good than harm. I think it should be the last resort. Being aware of your thoughts, and actions should be one's priority. Doing unwholesome deeds may actually contribute to your bad habits. Lol. What do you think guys
  10. I would call it self-hate. Because that is what it feels like afterwards.
  11. Maybe you have done too much. I would be in a long streak (I forced it) and I would be dying to just release even a drop as it's killing me inside.
  12. T-72 M4

    T-72 M4 Fapstronaut

    Trying to M without P and any other sex related thoughts. It works but only as some kind of sexual tension relief.

    There was a period when I slipped pretty badly multiple times. It was a chain of pmo sessions, few days in a row.
    And here comes a thought: what if I cause orgasm without porn? It worked. It worked as some kind of gap between porn sessions. Brain was satisfied and wasn't hurt by negative Porn-related effects.

    And I must say this: it's not a remedy. It's a tool- ONLY tool. You still need to learn how to maintain your sober life. It's crucial.
    It's good to have 15 days without porn usage, even if you masturbated 3-4 times (without any fantasies--look at object in your front, and do what must be done).
    I found no impact on my mental condition, if I did it not so often.
  13. Same here bro. I will be always in a long streak but always ended up fapping so hard with porn. So I tried other methods and this works me the best. MO'ing without porn helps me relieve so much tension inside. I might be reseting every week and so, but I feel like I am taking the most natural path for me.
  14. That's exactly right. Back when I started puberty, I masturbated simply because it felt good with no fantasizing or porn whatsoever, and it caused me no ill effects. Once porn came into the mix, that was a completely different story. And let me tell you, as an addict, that's damn hard to do to masturbate without fantasizing about anything.

    The thing is, if you're already going to relapse, masturbate without porn. Is it good? No, it's still a relapse. But it's damage control. It's a "tool", as you put it.
  15. T-72 M4

    T-72 M4 Fapstronaut

    It's matter of approach. I'm comparing it to picking fruits, washing dishes and so on. Grabbing your "worm", doing thing and that's it. Instead of fantasizing you can look at your wall, chair or other things in your room. It's obviously harder without porn, but you still can achieve it.

    I'm not trying to satisfy my lust. I'm just trying to cause ejaculation. It's different thing, in my opinion.
  16. I myself never thought about M as something natural. I've used to M without P when I didn't even know what P is - long time ago, once I've found out I didn't M even once it was always P induced MO. After discovering NoFap during my longest streaks ~60 days I never felt horny.. well actually it may be quite wrong I've got boner quite more often but there was never an urge to MO, it just seemed so unnatural for me. Some people call M self-love, for me it's more like self-rape.

    If you ask me it's quite simple if you do something that you would be ashamed to be caught doing or you wouldn't talk about then it's no good and unless someone has such fetish I can't imagine any normal person talk about how he M or wanted to be seen, from the other hand talking about sex seems normal for me and even being caught wouldn't be embasrassing.
  17. Hoorak

    Hoorak Fapstronaut

    Yes and george cartlin is a scientist and a god exist for sure. Yes or maybe not . more like he doesnt. Sexual energy shild be used for the mating process to produce offspring thats it. How do u know were is the limit how often u should masturbate and feel still fine. I could not in the past and would not , so i am on good nofap streak. Hopefully forrver or i would interrupt for mating

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Having sex is one of the most fun activities out there for me, but sure you can just live without it I don't care. Good luck with "mating process"
  19. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    If God intendeded us not to masturbate he wouldn't have told us it was a sin.

    That presupposes that everything we do is natural just because we can do it. Masturbation negatively affects your chances of procreation, and because everything is geared towards survival and procreation then masturbation must be unnatural.
  20. There are no direct references to masturbation in the Bible. The only commonly used reference was Onan 'spilling his seed' which had nothing to do with masturbation, and everything to do with the fact that he had already been commanded to impregnate Tamar, the wife of Er which had been killed by God for living a lifestyle of evil, but he refused and 'spilled his seed' so as not to impregnate her.

    The only other thing that could be referenced here is lust. Lust is not just desire, it's the intention of acting solely on that desire. After all, we were created by God intentionally to have that desire, after all how would you even find a wife without it? Basically in today's terms that would be like marrying someone simply for their looks, not because you actually love them. And not only that, masturbation doesn't inherently involve any fantasizing. Before I started watching porn, I was easily able to masturbate just based on sensations.
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