6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    medicine says it is impossible to give power to the kidneys.
    it says that medicine can slow down the energy loss in the kidneys, but it cannot give more energy!
    so we fapastronaut that we have this kidney problem cannot heal ... we have consumed too much kidney energy ...
    I hope someone can deny what I'm saying
  2. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    We have "pre-natal Jing" and we have "post-natal Jing". The pre-natal energy cannot be accumulated. The post-natal energy can. Your body will try to preserve pre-natal Jing by using post-natal Jing. So by health cultivation we can accumulate post-natal essence so to preserve what is left of the pre-natal essence.

    I hope I have answered your question :)
    kidxsama likes this.
  3. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    do you use medicines or supplements? if yes, can you give me information and advice?
  4. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    No, not specifically for the kidneys. I take omega-3 & vitamin C
    lceres6 likes this.
  5. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    so we fapastronaut we will be damaged forever ... the only solution would be that of a kidney transplant
  6. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    That, I think, is really not a solution mate...

    I'd suggest you should learn a lot about biology, neurology and TCM in general. I would advise against drawing such harsh conclusions before feeling like you have some real oversight on your issues :)
  7. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    Yes, OK...
    tcm can help the decay of the kidney but there will be a day when physical activity and nutritious and genuine foods will not suffice ... the kidney over time will be too damaged
  8. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    If you think you have serious kidney problems, you should check it with your doctor
    QuietKarma likes this.
  9. This thinking is very much false. Depending on your age and how sever your addiction was,healing will take its own time, but do remember that Nature is kind and healing, if you truly have walked away from this evil, you will heal fast, considering all the damage you had done. Remember that Weakness is unnatural for the body, if you give it the chance, it will heal itself, fast. Some people believe that if you been masturbating for a decade it will take a decade to fully heal (body), which is not only false but also very discouraging. A year is a solid time.

    Also as for the supplements, I have tried it all man, Shilajit, Pine Pollen, Zinc, you name it, but the best source of pure energy I have found is simply fresh fruits. 2 days ago only I switched to eating mostly fruits, and already feeling much better (even tho I am in a flatline). I am also sprouting sunflower seeds, waiting for them to become little plants, and then gonna start consuming them as well, pure life energy. Just eat live foods, easy digestion and instantly they become a part of you and work towards healing you. Supplements just don't compare.
    HMHU likes this.
  10. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    To have chronic renal disease is equal at to have little jing energy?

    in both diseases the kidneys do not work well and in chronic kidney disease the damage is irreversible.
    even the pre-natal jing energy is unrecoverable.

    @Tywin Lannister
  11. There are different stages of chronic renal disease, if it's very severe then yea transplant or whatever. If it's in the earlier stages, it's possible to heal, and I would argue that the damage is not irreversible, it can heal.
  12. but that's just what I feel like, nothing to back my statement up.
  13. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to tell you that the damage is always irreversible
  14. QuietKarma

    QuietKarma Fapstronaut

    From Soaring eagle (translated):
    Sounds so obvious but I had literally never really thought of it in this way. This is golden advice.

    Excellent work with this translation.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  15. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    in any case the reasons for wet dreams can be many ... for example spermathorrhea or prostatit ...
  16. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    Renal disease is NOT the same as low jing or low essence. As I said, please try to learn more about TCM. It's very different than western view. Kidney-energy in TCM is a different concept than the physical kidney in western science. Though they are connected, you should not focus purely on the physical kidneys to "measure" Jing or vice versa.

    For example: It could very well be "just" a functionality-problem, where there is no real physical damage to your kidneys but they can't function like they should because of a variety of reasons. Which in turn causes disbalance in other parts of the body (liver, brain, blood, etc.). While TCM can explain your symptoms and the reasons behind it, your western doctor will find nothing only to say you probably need some rest or whatever. This is because the problem here is not in real physical damage, but in the functional dis-order.

    Learn about the San Bao (Jing, Qi and Shen). Focus on the Jing and learn about the difference between prenatal Jing and postnatal Jing. Learn about Water, Fire, Metal, Wood and Earth.

    Read "Between Heaven and Earth" by Harriet Beinfield to get a sense of TCM and health cultivation as HMHU puts it.

    Health cultivation is a delicate art. As long as you are doing the good things and follow "the way", you can not go wrong.

    Again: try to not be quick in your conclusions.

    Please go to your doctor if you suspect physical damage in your (ad)renal functions.
    Captain! and (deleted member) like this.
  17. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    I hope you're right ...
    I love you
  18. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Hi UK Lad, I'm so glad that you have managed to reboot for such a long time, do keep it up! Your body has for sure benefited from the 374 days of rebooting, I'm very sure of it and yes, health cultivation is paramount in this process. Which part 2 are you referring to by the way?
  19. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    I'm doing well Captain A. It has been a busy period leading up to Easter with many deliveries at work. Thanks for asking and I hope that all is good with you brother!
    Captain! likes this.
  20. HMHU

    HMHU Fapstronaut

    Excellent find brother! By studying human anatomy, it is apparent that meat is not our natural diet, we are more adapted for a fruit-based diet. There are exceptions to this, Jordan Peterson for example, lives on an all-meat diet which he claims to have transformed his life. Sri Yukteswar advice a simple diet that is suitable for one's constitution, I think this is a good rule of thumb to go by. Most monks, yogis, and people on the spiritual path prefer a vegetarian diet. Again, there are exceptions, take Tibetan monks for instance, though one can argue that they consume meat out of circumstance. From a karmic and environmental perspective, a meat-free diet is definitely something to be strived for.