Almost a year, no concrete advantages, i think nofap is placebo...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by arkad1, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    That's why i left this forum in the first place.

    Full of kids saying they feel great but acting like girls in their cycle...
    Fallensoldier1 and HugoBoss like this.
  2. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Your profile page says that you joined just today!! must be a great liar .
    You are perfectly describing yourself now .
  3. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Because you played the innocent know that fapping has ruined people lives in this forum and they need to abstain from it..but you keep rationalizing that it's ok.
    I find a huge sense of meaning and purpose in helping people to overcome this addiction. This is what I'm so passionate about .
    Ok thanks . You are a nice person after all.
  4. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    That's a great question. I think I'm not totally sure, even after 3 years. At first my expectations were to become more social and outgoing, I think. Then I had a phase, where I was thinking that "all of this is bullshit". I was in similiar shoes like you seem to be in right now. I even went back to watching porn for a couple of months. It didn't take long to realize, that I feel a lot worse again. So I figured NoFap must make a differnece, since the rest of my life stayed the same. I still exercised a lot, I studied, etc. I only went back to watching porn and I felt worse than I did, when I didn't watch porn. So I guess my expectations are to feel "better overall". That's a very vague & not really satisfying answer, I know. But it's the best I can offer at the moment.

    I see your very valid point, but I don't agree. In my experience, betterment doesn't work that way. If you aren't satisfied with your life, there are usually multiple reason why. You have to work on all of them, in order to feel better.

    As I said before, I don't consider NoFap a solution to my problems. I consider it a starting point of a long process. NoFap simply gives me the momentum I need to keep up with the process. Without NoFap, I personally wouldn't feel "motivated" enough to improve myself further. I would simply stay the same forever. I experienced this in my "NoFap is bullshit"-phase, which I mentioned above.

    Of course, you can't say "NoFap works" or "NoFap doesn't work" this way, but I don't feel like it is important. The important thing to me is, that my life becomes better than it was before. And I'm sure, that staying away from porn plays a big part in that regard.

    If you feel like this, then there is nothing I can do to change your mind. I can only say, that I'm personally convinced, that NoFap improves my life.

    I disagree with you on this one. I talk a lot to people on this forum and I usually see very positive experiences. I highly doubt, that the majority experiences terrible things. The only terrible things, people commonly feel, are withdrawal symptomps, which usually fade away with time. I don't really know, how you come to this conclusion.

    That's a valid point. However, you have to consider, that "improving ones life" isn't a simple topic. It's very complex and so it can be difficult to name the advantages you feel. Also a lot of advantages don't really meet the eye. You only notice them, when you go back to porn and feel how much different you feel again all of a sudden.

    In regards to your second point, I'll just direct you to my response at the start of this post.

    Indeed. It is all a bit vague afterall. I speak with 3 years of experience.

    @Infinite spirit, don't you see what I mean? Because of statements like this, people can't take you serious. You are offended way to easily and react way to harshly. He is not you. He has other experiences, a different life. His experiences are not worth more or worth less, than yours. You have to practice to be more open to different perspectives.
    Freeddom_Taker and arkad1 like this.
  5. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Abstention is just a first step. Have you changed your lifestyle in this 6 moths period (exercise daily, balanced diet, getting daily dose of sun, 7-9 hours of sleep, work on improving social connections...)? Just doing "monk mode" and not working on developing healthier lifestyle will bring you no results. NoFap is a way of life, abstention is just a prerequisite to start working on yourself. I don't know how addicted to PMO where you in the first place, but for me daily binge compulsive PMOer long abstention makes night and day difference energy and mood wise, especially as I got older. I got my willpower and energy back to start better myself and that's more I could ask for. Overflooding your brains many times a day with endorphins, oxytocin, and vasopressin as I used to do, numbs and drains you. Brain start to fight this with endorphins receptor deactivation, that's why you lose motivation to do ordinary things. Abstention gives brain time to reset receptors to preaddiction values, that's why your motivation slowly returns.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  6. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    The fact that your skin is clearing up and your backpain is gone is actually huge. Especially if you look at the fact that you relapsed 10x and had sex 24 times. Give it some extra time bro, you're on the good path. Time to start paying attention to exercise, sleep patterns and diet :)

    For the social anxiety, it can take a bit longer. You could consider some training or whatever or just plain old exposure-therapy to help the balancing process in your brain.

    The fact the back pain is gone very good. It's a very good sign you're healing and your CNS is getting a lot more rest. Also your liver and kidneys are healing because your skin doesn't have to detox all that crap thats been building up in your system. Your neurotransmitters and the nutrients you feed your body are now focussed on slowly healing and making your body look healthy and young instead of masturbating and flooding you with endorphins etc.

    Placebo actually also has to do with endorphins activated by your own beliefsystem. Placebo van be helpful IF you don't use up your opioid receptors for PMO.

  7. skibum71

    skibum71 Fapstronaut

    OP what were your pmo habits? What were you watching and how often?
  8. Abu_sameer

    Abu_sameer Fapstronaut

    I don't care the fact that every time i masutrbate to porn i get tired every fucking time and feel like shit. i don't know about the "super powers" thing all i want is to be energetic , last thing NoFap ain't magical pill it's just a step stone to gather yourself up and move froward in your life instead of fapping to 2 people having fake sex or even girls , such a pathetic thing
  9. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    As i said to the other user, if nofap works only while you do a hundred other things to improve your life (which i have been doing for years, like diet, training, gym, reading self-help, etc.), that just means it doesn't work. It does not make any sense, if it doesn't work per se, it just means it doesn't work.
    If you just have a good diet, it works, if you go to the gym, it works, if you meditate, it works...why the fuck would nofap don't work alone? It's the other improvements that works, not nofap!
  10. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    My backpain is gone because i removed the mechanical work of excercising very strongly with just one arm, not because of semen reabsorbing or things like that...

    Placebo for nofap works only at first, that's why you find a lot of enthusiast at day 30, and almost none after a year...
  11. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Yes, remind yourself that one thing is nofap, another thing is not using porn.

    I still think not using porn is ok, but about's not what people's just a big placebo movement...
  12. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Been on porn for 20 years, from 13 y.o. to may of the other year.
  13. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Ok you are right. Log out and go fap off away from here.
  14. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    You have my support, being on your cycle must be hard, hope it ends soon.
    HugoBoss likes this.
  15. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    You are a joke .
  16. Abu_sameer

    Abu_sameer Fapstronaut

    Lol dude let him go he made the account today i don't know what's the point he is trying to approve , just a random dude on the internet leave him
  17. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Yes yes, you're right.

    Now go in threads that are interesting to you, you already expressed your opinion, your negative presence is not needed anymore.
  18. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Fair enough. Maybe we had a misunderstanding then. When I think about "NoFap", what I primarily mean is actually "not using porn". So, if you were talking about the advantages of NoFap in the sense of "No masturbation", I generally can agree to what you said. I agree, that masturbation to pure sensation can be helpful, as long as some criteria are met. I mainly have a problem with porn. I know, that some people disagree. I had plenty of arguments about the topic of masturbation the last couple of days.

    I want to apologize for my fellow forum members, who can't behave themselves. I hope you know, that we're not all like that.
    HugoBoss likes this.
  19. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    You misread my post. No PMO works for me by not being tired, anxious/depressed and numb all the time. This can be explained by brain chemistry. Having orgasm 5 or more times a day, constantly flooding your brain with endorphins, oxytocin, and vasopressin causes depression/anxiety symptoms through receptors deactivation (the same principle as injecting heroin) and numbing of emotions because oxytocin and vasopressin have analgesic effect on your body. This applies to anyone who had daily compulsive binge MB problem. If you do PMO few times a week, this probably doesn't apply as you're not constantly messing with your brain chemistry.

    Your argument that NoFap doesn't help with all accumulated problems is just silly. Abstaining drug addict is still an addict with all the underlying issues (be it some kind of childhood trauma, depression/anxiety ect.) that led him to get hooked on drugs. He/she is even worse off after quitting because all the problems he/she wanted to suppress with drugs surface and bite him/her in the ass. That's why not taking drugs is only prerequisite to start recovery process. The same is with us. Spending 5 or more hours a day jerking of to some pixels is the same form as escapism as with drug addicts. Granted, we get 3-5x less strong dopamine fix than heroin addict by O, but principle is the same. What's why we get similar acute and post acute withdrawal symptoms. PAWS can take up to 2 years so 6 months means nothing. I've done more than 6 months of "monk mode" in the past and still fall back to the rabbit hole, because I only abstain and didn't address my underlying psych issues that led me to compulsive MB properly. In short I've been fighting with this addiction for nearly 2 decades and all I can say nofap works. The only time I feel alive again and well enough to continue recovery process is when I stop with compulsive binge MB be it with or without P.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  20. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I know, i have already been in this forum a lot, but people like that make me go away, they just ruin it.

    I consider myself as an experimenter, i decided to try this nofap thing for a long period, because ita was never really clear how much it was helpful.
    After half a year in hard mode, and almost a year on no porn i can totally said that nofap is totally overstimated. I kept an eye on the community for a year, and most of the people lost themselves after 30-60 days.
    Some go further, only a few reach one year. The advantages are toally smoky, unprecise, too different from person to person, and after all this time trying that on myself, i can say that most of those advantages come from other behaviors that people implement while doing nofap.
    If you go on the "success" section in this or other forums, the majority of threads are about some vague advantages, advantages so small that could be due to a diet change, and a lot many others issues in one's life.

    The crazy thing is that when you bring up a real experience after a year, and you say nofap is no big deal with a real experience on that, people get crazy, call you a liar, hate you, and things like that. That is the exact behavior extremist have, these people put up nofap as their god, and hope their life is going to be great with nofap, and when they read something that go against that belief, they go crazy and insult you, like it just happened.

    So, that's my view after my long experience, hope other people like you add their thoughts about that here.