Help!!!!!!!! I am a Sissy addicted to everyrhing

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Sackstor, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. I think that sometimes it isn't trolling, but that we are of two minds. It is easy to get excited and lose track when we find others who share our fetishes.
  2. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    Ah I understand what trolling is. Trying to feed our fetish by seeking others with same....
  3. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "Victorious, post: 1879079, member: 292333"] You have already said that you hide everything from your wife. Do not you think it's time to ask her for help? My husband did not ask me for help, I discovered everything. At first I thought he was gay. But he never was. He was always a man. So I went after the answers and ended up here in this forum and on YouTube videos of Gary Wilson. That's when I understood everything that was happening. Because since he was very young, he saw pornography about 5 years ago and everything got worse. I was noticing he was like a zombie. She did not want any more sex with me. Then I watched him. Until I got him in bed with a dildo. The women's clothing was found hidden in the house. [/ QUOTE]

    DDid you use dildo with him?? In bed??
  4. Vitoriosa

    Vitoriosa Fapstronaut

    O meu tradutor não está funcionando.
  5. Trolling is when you are not at all serious, but you post stuff just to make people react. I am suggesting that you are not a troll, but that maybe you get excited sometimes and lose focus.
  6. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Ok good point
  7. Vitoriosa

    Vitoriosa Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "Roady, post: 1879278, membro: 169739"] Aqui está um homem que lutou com o pornô hipnótico, crossdressing e muito mais.
    Se eu puder falar algumas palavras, eu encorajaria todos vocês que a liberdade é possível se você realmente quiser.
    Eu sei o quão forte é a atração desse tipo de estilo de vida.
    Eu sei a batalha espiritual que é necessária para se libertar desse tipo de vício.
    Mas também sei como é superá-lo completamente!

    Para os interessados, escrevi muito no meu diário. Isso me ajudou a processar minhas coisas, e espero que isso ajude e inspire você em sua jornada para a recuperação.

    O crossdressing é definitivamente um problema de "anexo".
    Quando um menino não está seguramente ligado à sua mãe, os problemas transgêneros podem ser resultado disso.
    Por causa dos sentimentos muito fortes que o crossdressing e o pornô de maricas dão ao viciado, é muito difícil reconhecer os problemas reais. Mas uma vez que você comece a enfrentar os problemas e os processe, será, repito, que ficará claro qual é o problema.
    Depois de passar por sua dor e medos, você alcançará um ponto em que não precisará mais do seu vício . [/ QUOTE]
    Creio que quer isso, é muito do meu marido era muito autoritária. Ele espelhava muito nela. Morria de medo dela. Não era uma pessoa ma, mais também não era compreensiva.
  8. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut


  9. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    If I wear my panties and bra Brahman DO NOT PMO, what is the harm??
  10. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    What about getting blow job during reboot? If I am able???
  11. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    So i realize that if I only wear my lingerie, its the same thing as porn.....
  12. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    Boy I feel like I'm slipping today. I feel like I need to PMO. I need to play with my toys. I need it. How do you deal with this desire.
  13. ElogicalStudent

    ElogicalStudent Fapstronaut

    Don't give up. Do something that relieves dopamine. Do 100 pushups when you get home and exercise till you feel exhausted.
  14. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    Throw your fucking toys away, throw away everything that's related to this fucking garbage. Then tell your wife ASAP and seek therapy immediately.
    I'm not going to sugar coat anything - YOU FUCKED UP BAD. Porn is not to blame, but your problematic addict behavior is. Beyond just getting addicted to sissy porn, you acted out on it many times behind your wife's back. This is extremely humiliating and you better tell her quick or else one day she'll find out about it and shit could get much worse.

    Divorce would most likely be the result, but you'd save a lot of trouble and shame for your family and for yourself.
    Trying to supposedly fight it by posting here and simply not watching porn, while still keeping this secret hidden from your wife and keeping your toys and clothes is not going to help.
    As long as none of the above is complete, your attempt is nothing but a half-assed approach to fixing your problem and it will not work if you keep up that way.
    GripStrength and Flaumann like this.
  15. Sackstor

    Sackstor Fapstronaut

    Thx I will seriously think about it tonight and most likely act on it tomorrow
  16. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    That's kinda gay.
  17. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Join the groups "Recovering from Sissy Porn" and "Confused Sexualities". Check out the posts. There are people like you who have recovered.
    Roady likes this.
  18. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Join the groups "Recovering from Sissy Porn" and "Confused Sexualities". Check out the posts. There are people like you who have recovered
    Roady likes this.
  19. Flaumann

    Flaumann Fapstronaut

    How are you doing???
  20. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    I feel you bro ! Havn't dressed up and met someone but taken photos. Love the responce when someone is fapping to me and giving me compliments. Been sucking dick 2 and love watching big ....

    Im on 30 days now and i feel better, ( been going to 12 step progams for a year aswell ) Since i started to go to meetings and then writing here and stoped watching porn it has gotten better. But can still feel the urge to get attention from a guy with a big cous i know i can handle it.

    There is a life without all that shit ! Keep going forward !
    +TenPercent likes this.