Time Travel Update

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Thanks for participating in the experiment




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  2. In the big flat circle you are guilty and not guilty

    Either one? Both? Neither?

    The question mark
  3. What is the meaning of guilt if the consequences of time be not? The flat circle provides the ever present. Travel it and you find it infinitely repeating both no states and all states simultaneously without direction.
  4. I welcome arguments about the nature of time. Can we all agree that we experience it in one direction?

    Maybe not. Yesterday I got confused when I was trying to describe the experience I expected to have with someone tomorrow, now today. I said "yesterday" when I really meant to say "today offset by one day".

    Saying that would not have conveyed my meaning though . Simply saying "tomorrow" would have left all parties satisfied.

    Except me, who sees all possible meanings in every word combination that is spoken, might have been spoken and wasn't, or was spoken but wasn't meant.

    Excruciating and fascinating.

    Every word combination channels everyone who ever said that same combination. You're the only one who ever thought the things you're thinking and about to say? Probably not.

    When you hear something that seems strange do you reject it or accept it and process it? If something isn't strange you've probably heard it before. Everything that isn't strange was strange at some point.

    Time is strange. We have five senses. None of those feels time. We are affected by notions of the past and the future. The present is too fleeting. What I think of as my experience of time is an illusion.

    In the future we won't have words. Complaints about 'ur' instead of 'you are' will be antiquities.

    My friend says that choice is our interface with time. It is a concept too powerful for our little monkey brains to fully grasp. But it is one that we grapple with unwittingly moment by moment.

    You understand it? It's only a feeling of familiarity. Mathematically? Just an interface with a proof.

    We're all only time travelers with no sense of what is actually occuring. My memories are not the past, they're just pieces of information in my mind, as are my predictions.

    Why this thread? Who can tell?

    Choose the same as before. Choose differently. The only option unavailable is the lack of choice.

    Choose now.

    Everything will be changed according to your choice.
  5. Time is space no? We experience space? In music time is subdivided as pauses between things happening or measured as the things happening multiplied by the theoretical pauses of that same thing if it wasn't happening. In other words time is both a thing happening and its not happening and then divided or multiplied by parts of a defined whole. The problem is we never know the whole whole which is itself unknowable so we define our units with constructed points within a thing or not a thing and call the space, time.

    Is time linear? What is beginning and what is end? Intro verse chorus bridge outro? Fleetwood Mac started The Chain with the part they wrote for the end. We know is as beginning. What is beginning and what is end?

    Parts of a whole. Points between points. Subdevided and multiplied within an infinite whole.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    the secrets of déjà-vu whisper through the echoes of epoches

    the stars shine from the past that we perceive in the present to guide us to tomorrow

    everything that can happen has already happened and will happen again

    yet with hearts of wonder and courage, we climb past songs and sounds and stars and our own lives

    because peace and love are a place more real than reality

  7. What is that Nietzche? Shut the fuck up.
  8. It's HBO's True Detective. ;) I'm pretty sure Nietzche wrote for Dexter on Showtime. These are my thoughts from an alternate time line where Biff controls the fate of Hill Valley and I'm stuck because I can't get my Delorean up to 88 miles per hour (that's 142.622 km per hour in your language).
  9. I know I know.

    Skip to 4:00 -

    You let me down man :-(
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Cheer up guv'na! It makes more sense that time is flat when you realize the earth is flat too.
    letter likes this.
  11. Lol well Alex Jones was saying he will pay for Eddie Bravo to go to the ice wall at the end of the earth, since Bravo thinks the earth is flat, or says he does I dunno.

    Anyway just found out a third season of True Detective is out btw.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. I watched it! Not as good. Time is a major theme though.
  13. Safe is it better than the second series? That was shite except for that one long shootout.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I watched 1 episode from season 2 and then quit. Didnt get into it.
  15. If there are multiple timelines, I always pictured each person as an amorphous shape in the time dimension. They are born in the centre. Time tendrils meander outwards as each of their timelines progresses. Some die and end after a short time. Some go long before expiring. But there are an infinite number of them spreading out from birth. They all end.

    They don't go away. They remain. Our consciousness remains only on the extremity. It only knew one way to go. It wanders between endings, treating itself to confused life conclusions.

    Resulting in a fist sized lump, handy for fitting in some cosmic hand and throwing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut

  17. This is a true story. There was a dried up old chicken bone on the footpath outside my house. It was dark like a dark omen. Shrivelled and mummified. A raven may have dropped it there. So out of place it seemed.

    I forgot about it because it wasn't there when I went past again.

    Some days later my friend came over for beers on my balcony. We ordered chicken wings. My friend threw one of them onto the footpath. No way, I thought, and ran out too look at it. But it wasn't there.

    And when I went back inside my friend wasn't there either. Neither was my memory of him. I've always drunk alone.

    Come to think of it, the only evidence that it ever happened is this post. And a text from my friend who took an Uber home while I was looking around for his disgusting half eaten chicken bone. He said I was bumming him out.

    He's Canadian. Do they say "bumming me out"? Anyway, in Australia it means a different thing, to bum someone. Heterosexual males usually don't do it to each other. Unless they're bonobos or something.

    But the point is that the first chicken bone was my imaginary mate's chicken bone from the future, a husk ruined by the rigours passing unnaturally through that other dimension.
  18. When I find myself apparently stuck in a moment I'd rather not be in, counting is a useful tool. It's a simple primal thing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Speaking of time dilation, time travels slower in higher gravity zones and slower at higher speeds. Did I say that already?

    All that means nothing to the human experiencing it, because we don't sense time O.O.

    Instead we have these things. Ways to experience time slower

    1. computer games - fastest
    2. TV - fast
    3. Reading - slowest