Astral Projection (OBE) is just an Imagination or Really Possible?!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Zillion, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Zillion

    Zillion Fapstronaut

    Ive been heard about astral projection, out of the body experiences for quite period of time. i felt so much weird when i come to know for the first time (though still im so much skeptical about it).

    its just an act like a lucid dreaming or is it really possible to teleport your soul from one place to another?

    Im looking for the genuine answer with not indulging any of your fancy or philosophical stories.

    Here are my questions

    who did first coined the term Astral Projection?
    Is there any scientific explanation underneath this theory?
    Is this pure delusion or is there any possibility for that?
    Do we need to master patience and/or meditation or anybody can achieve it?
    How long we can sustain out of one`s body? (tell me in minutes or hours if it`s that long!).
    How much distant can we travel at a time?
    Can we meet any other souls (like already dead or the people who were in OBE).When does it get so much hype?
    Share your 'real' astral experiences if you ever been in OBE.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    This sounds like a bunch of hooey.
  3. Astral projection is possible but I won't recommend you to go after it .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. who did first coined the term Astral Projection?

    I'm not 100% sure but I think the term came from Theosophy, which is a religious philosophy founded by Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. However the concept of leaving the body has been around for thousands of years. It can be found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Taoism, etc. It just got different names there.

    Is there any scientific explanation underneath this theory?

    Science considers this magic. We can make "scientific" speculations of how this works but none of them can be tested, so it's kind of pointless. Science does not recognize astral projection as real thing. We don't have technology yet to prove it.

    Is this pure delusion or is there any possibility for that?

    Well good thing about it is that you don't have to believe. You can try yourself and see. I've done it many times. And there are ways how you can test that it is not lucid dream. For example you can have your friend put some figures in his room without showing you and have you project and then come back, and replicate this in your own room. Then you can compare. There are many things like that that you can experiment with to find out it's real.

    Do we need to master patience and/or meditation or anybody can achieve it?

    Yea. You can't just randomly jump out of your body any time you want. There are meditation methods to do this. But they are easy to learn.

    How long we can sustain out of one`s body? (tell me in minutes or hours if it`s that long!).

    When I first started I could not stay out for more than 30 seconds and now I can stay out for many minutes. Once you get good at it you could saty out for hours or even days. Also time runs differently in astral realm than here in physical, so you could end up there for many decades and come back in your body only couple minutes after you left. Things get trippy like that on astrals.

    How much distant can we travel at a time?

    There are no limits. You could travel to other side of universe and visit other alien civilizations. You could also travel through multiverse. Visit many versions of yourself maybe.

    Can we meet any other souls (like already dead or the people who were in OBE).When does it get so much hype?

    Yes. When people die they go to astral realms. So you could meet dead people wandering around (or other people who projected also like you). You could also meet angelic beings, shadow beings and other non-human entities. Heaven and Hell are dimensions located on astral realm. So you could visit these places and meet your dead relatives and friends. Assuming they would still be there, cos you can leave Heaven and Hell any time, it's just that most people do not realize they can due to their religious brainwashing. So they stay in Hell suffering for example. Sad.
  5. I've had quite a past with my dreaming such as seeing premonitions, disasters happen before they happen, even seeing a girl at work I saw in a dream the very next day. I don't know why I didn't say anything to her, but I feel as if I maybe saw my future? I remember I told all of my co workers that I dream't about her and they thought I was just over exaggerating it.

    But to OBE's. I believe I've had plenty and that I still don't know how to control the movement or teleport... I get stuck inside my house and I feel numb and limp like I can't move anywhere (this was in the past) I eventually ended up being freaked out in the dream and I would be yelling at my dad who is asleep snoozing on the couch. Recently I've started to work third shift and I've come to believing it more, because I sleep during the day. But on my off days I take naps in the middle of the night around 2am-5am some times. But every single time I wake up some where in my own house... Living room, Basement, etc.. I've told my parents about this and they think its just a weird shift from my night to day sleeping habit. Recently I had a dream where I was in my hallway leading out to the front door. I saw this creepy looking lady out side and it startled me like no other I remember hearing my moms voice saying.."stay inside the house honey.."
    I've started to take less naps at night because of this, but these are some of my stories recently with my dreams...

    You can think I'm making this up, but to me its 100% reality. Can I ask if you've had some as well?

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    It’s real, yeah. It’s also not the same as a lucid dream, as it’s not a dream. You also won’t die from it, and any demons you might find there have no power over you unless you give them it. It’s much like real life, but in another plane.
  7. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    I tried this once but that was a horrific experience.

    I started off perfectly fine; using the same techniques as lucid dreaming- not moving at all but staying awake. Idk how long it took but I'll reckon 5 mins irl.

    And then I started imagining my soul sitting up from within my body and that's where shit went awry.

    I felt my self slighly hover up from my body- very slightly, like a hair's breath- and then I just kept feeling myself float up and up.

    And i shit you not, I saw a black demon like thing (humanoid) peek out from the roof. It warped right through the roof and just floated up staring at me. Pitch black body with no distinct hands or feet. The face was also pure black except for the eyes (i can't remember their colour as wierd as it sounds) and teeth. I remember the teeth. Pure white and it was baring them back at me.

    And i just went back down by breaking focus and gained control quickly. As soon as i went back in, I couldn't see it anymore.

    I'm not ashamed to say that I was shivering and slept with the lights on that night.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. I saw a huge humanoid rabbit once. Dark, blue-ish gray color. It had huge yellow cat eyes and sharp teeth. Huge claws. It looked kind of like you would imagine a demon to look... a rabbit demon. It was kind of similar to rabbit-like creature from Donnie Darko movie.

    Not gonna lie it did freak me out. But instead of running due to my prejudice I decided to give it a benefit of a doubt. I knew it could not physically hurt me on astrals so there were no real risk anyways. I tried to focus and read it's intentions (on astrals you can kind of communicate telepathically) and I could feel slight curiosity coming from it. Didn't felt any bad intentions though. Maybe that's why it approached me? We stared at each other for few seconds but then it just left, probably because it sensed that I was afraid and not in a state of mind for making acquaintances.

    Anyhow, don't be prejudice to entities. It's really most of the time projections of your mind. Just like in real life ya know. Some people associate bikes, leather jackets and tattoos with criminal biker gangs and so they get scared when they see one of those guys on a street. Same thing. It's normal to get scared from unknown, that's how humans are. And often we make up all kinds of fear based nonsese about things we don't understand. Like those Christians making up things about your body being possessed and stolen and other false BS like that based on fear and not ignorance. But there are no real danger, you can't be hurt in astrals.

    Maybe "demon" was just curious? You could have grinned back and then just went exploring, ignoring it.
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  9. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Are you absolutely sure they can't harm you? Where'd you learn that from bro?

    I think I need to do some research like you did because if I end up running into a demon 1 mile away from my body, idk if I can run back in time. Even floating felt like such a slow procedure.

    Even now, sometimes I can feel something in my room watching me right as I drift off to sleep (it's not sleep paralysis because I never experienced that). It's a fleeting sensation that something is staring at me and goes away the minute I fall asleep. Strangely enough, I never experience it while waking up.

    Is some demon taking an interest in me?
  10. i part of me really wants to attempt this, i am a curious spirit and paranormal stuff is my weakness, but i learned my lesson from doing improper meditation so i am not sure if i want to try, i dont feel like christians should do stuff like that.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  11. generally when you expose yourself to spirits they dont leave you alone, my mom bought tarot cards once and shit went crazy because of it, demons should not be messed with, and will follow you.
  12. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Christianity has nothing to do with this. Meditation is self-realisation to the highest degree.
  13. christianity does have to do with this, trying to find knowledge and answers from any being other than God is bad, in meditation they tell you to become on with the universe to let things flow in to let go of limiting beliefs, ephesians 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Meditation is not bad if you do it as a way to center yourself, like mindful meditation is wonderful, but not that kundalini crap, not that spiritual part of it, the chanting and hand signs, i went through the dark night of the soul because i was becoming lost in all that stuff, God showed me the error of my ways and led me back, that is why i do not do stuff like that or astral project, those are demons you are seeing when you do it, really anything connected to the spirit world you should stay away from, like dmt i wanted to try that so bad but i know i cant. I dont want to argue with you over this tho, we both can have our own opinions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2019
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  14. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    I have actually studied a lot about demonology in my spare time and if there's any advice I'd give people wanting to try to summon / meet a demon, it'd be:
    1. Always draw the demon's sigil properly and stand within the summoning circle. Venture outside and the demon can physically interact with you.
    2. Never summon Samael.
    3. Have a holy symbol within reach at all times but not readily exposed to the entity you're summoning. This is a last resort because guess what- more often than not, things will go bad.
    4. Never make a deal with any demon. Even if the mode of payment isn't the soul. It's just plain stupid and unwise.
    5. Be respectful and do your extreme best to conceal fear. A scared man is a dead man.
    6. If you are going to do a ritual, never do ones with animal sacrifices. It's just really, really unwise. A demon that requires blood is a particularly dangerous one.
    7. know the Lord's prayer by heart even if you aren't Christian. Most demons in Solomon's text are sealed through Christian rites.
    8. Do the ritual properly, see the demon materialise, don't speak except to say "I relinquish any bond with you" and end the ritual.

    The only half-sensible reason I can think of anyone performing a demonic ritual is to see if they exist. Get the proof and begone. Bless the place after and never go back to studying demons.

    Just saying. :V
  15. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    I won't argue with religious quotations but I'll just say that they're damn vague and can apply to a lot of scenarios.

    I'm talking about meditation btw; not astral projection. You don't interact with anything during pure meditation. I'm sure other forms of medication have been invented to bastardise its true nature, but meditation in its very essense is the act of no thought.
  16. i agree with stuff like mindful meditation, you know just breathing and focusing, but not that connecting to the divine crap those yogi preach about.
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  17. That's just common knowledge in astral projection and occult community. There might be very few exceptions with few entities that are extremely powerful but I doubt you would ever meet one. These kind of entities are closer to a god level power and not just some common "demons". The worst they could do is maybe drain some of your life force, maybe feed off of it. But that is not that dangerous. You can also meet normal people here on physical realm that are naturally "energy vampires".

    Bye the way, I don't like the word "demon". There are shadow beings and there are light beings. Not all shadow beings are evil and not all light beings are good. You might meet angelic looking being in astrals who radiates pure light and have golden wings. Yet they might have evil intentions. Or you could meet a shadow being with red eyes, dark skin and all that who has loving energy and good intentions. It's just like real life. You could meet a person here who has tattoos, shaven head and leather jacket who is a nice guy and you could meet a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes who is an evil person. Nothing is black an white.
    Learning how to move in astrals is one thing. But getting back to your body is instant. You just think and focus on it and you will be instantly teleported back into it. So you being far away from it is not an issue.
    Maybe. If you did summon these things in past maybe some are still here. It's true that sometimes they might refuse to leave. I don't really know much about spells. But I know there are cleansing spells, protection spells and banishing spells that you could use to clean your aura and your surroundings. Maybe you could try it. But better probably would be to ask an entity to leave politely, maybe it's all that required. No reason to pull a shotgun when simply asking could be enough.

    Or maybe it is some dead friend or relative watching over you? Or maybe some a dead pet? Have you ever had a dog that died or something? Animals have souls too, so he might be still around watching you and guarding you. Or it might be your spirit guide (aka guardian angel, as some people call them). Or it could literary be anything. Maybe your mind making things up? Sometimes our senses lie to us. No reason to assume the worst.
  18. your screwed if you run into satan lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    I've always been intrigued by this stuff but I will never intentionally do it because I am a Christian. While I don't know if obe is strictly outlawed in the bible, its definitely on the edge and dangerous. I want absolutely nothing to do with demons in any non-Biblical way.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  20. Crossbow

    Crossbow Fapstronaut

    I came across this thread by accident but I am interested because I have had some experiences similar to few of those recounted here. I also have a medically diagnosed physical condition called "Ocular Migraine", where unpredictably you start seeing a row of colorful zig-zag flashing lights, sort of like a line of emergency vehicles with their lights flashing. These experiences last about 20 minutes and then just stop. My doctor says this is a real medical illness which is not understood well, but many people suffer from it. Sometimes the weird experiences I have (which usually involve knowing something that is happening exactly at that moment -- often trivial things, like a package is being brought to my door, or a certain person who I have not seen in a while is writing to me, and sometimes larger things, including once a plane crash nearby, but never revealing anything in the future ) occurs before or the night after one of these migraines. I just wonder if anyone else here has ocular migraines and similar experiences. Sorry if this is off the track of this thread, just wondering because the people writing here seem to know about odd experiences.