The Race to 90 - To the victor goes the title

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Jefe Rojo, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. They will go away. Your mind is just trying to rewire itself. I’m glad to hear that your doing well and keeping that PMO monkey off your back :).
    Game4g likes this.
  2. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    I am struggling today my mind tends to keep wandering back it PMO fantasy thoughts. I could use some incouragment. The drive is there it’s just on medium on the backburner. Now that I am more mindful of these moments what do you all do to handle them at this early stage?
  3. Hang in there @JR-62 ! I use running for 30 minutes, then a cold shower, and sometimes guided meditation. Also taking a nap sometimes helps. It also helps to keep yourself occupied with productive activities or activities involving other people. Stay strong!
  4. Godsent7

    Godsent7 Fapstronaut

    Sorry for not posting the last few days, I’ve been on vacation and with no internet. I’m back and I’m pushing through, since the last time I’ve been having a lot of urges and slipped up, but I’m back. It’s been two days no.
    JR-62 likes this.
  5. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I needed this.
  6. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Day 49 of 90: While today had it's struggles it was great to get it out by posting earlier today. Overall the 24hrs were super positive. I feel incredibly grateful to God for being the strength and wroth that I continue to enjoy. And you all are a big part of that. I went years before I made it to this point. I have felt like the weakest and most shameful person in the past. I can't believe how far I have come. Thank you for lifting me in my times of need. Without all of you I would have lost my way a long time ago. On to the next 24hrs
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  7. All the best to you all here.
  8. Game4g

    Game4g Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Stay strong buddy.. go outside if you can.. stay away from media for a while.. do what u like.. read , play outside, go shopping, go walk ariund in a mall

    Do something but stay away from media..

    Ps when i get strong urges I take 3 4 cold showers a day.. helps a lot and its like -6 here in canada.. lol
    JR-62 and Jefe Rojo like this.
  9. Godsent7

    Godsent7 Fapstronaut

    You’ve made so much progress, stay strong brother. We’ve all been there, but you are able and Capable of overcoming anything!
    Game4g and JR-62 like this.
  10. Godsent7

    Godsent7 Fapstronaut

    The last few days have been amazing for me, I feel empowered again. I want to make it past day 8 and beyond. Still taking it a day at a time.
    Game4g and JR-62 like this.
  11. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Day 50 of 90: thank you for your support and strength. You really pulled me through a tough spot. The last 24 hrs were good. I felt in control and capable. I couldn’t do this without all of you. Thank you
    Game4g likes this.
  12. Game4g

    Game4g Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    No need to thank.. just doing our job.. we will need you one day :)
    JR-62 and Jefe Rojo like this.
  13. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Day 51 of 90: 23 out of the 24 hrs were great. But in just the last few minutes I wandered into danger zone of content and allowed myself to stay. And then I into a P image and in a split second I was out of there. I must admit that I saw an image that must be defined as P. And I can't decide if I should start over again because I got right out of there. However I would like to purpose a penalty for knowing full well where I was and what I was going to run into. I think a minus 5 to 10 days is appropriate. But I will leave it up to all of you. Let me know your thoughts. And if needed I am willing to change the number back to Day 0 of 90, because I'm in this for the long run. Now on to the next 24 Hrs. "Lift your chin, and square your shoulders and directly face the things that challenge you. And you will find pride in yourself, rather than shame"
  14. Sorry to hear about your struggles @JR-62 . Good job getting out of that situation before it got ugly. You did technically look at porn but I will leave it up to the group as to what should be done.
  15. @Game4g
    @Andy Dufresne

    Please see @JR-62 ‘s message above. As a group we need to make a decision as to how this should be handled. I would like to propose that we all vote on what course of action we would like to take. Please PM me your vote for the following options:

    1. No penalty

    2. 10 day penalty

    3. Needs to start at day 0 again

    I will give everyone 48 hours to respond and then I will post the group’s decision. If the voting results in a tie, the ruling will be imposing a 10 day penalty. Please let me know if you have any questions.
    TorreDelOnion likes this.
  16. Game4g

    Game4g Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I think this is the first time that has happened.. because its its first time i think there should not be any panelty.. from now on this should be a rule.. if any one does make a mistake they will be have a 10day panelty..

    Stay stong JR.. you did the right thing
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  17. No penality this time as the person quickly deleted the porn image. However if it happens again there be some penality for anyone that does it.
    Game4g likes this.
  18. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Day 1 of 90: After some thought I have decided that I will move forward looking to the next 24hrs. Too much hype was placed on my past rather than my future. I actually think this is good for me to make this choice now. I would be more difficult for me if I was driven to it by shame. I will admit that there is a part of me that is thinking if I am at ground zero may as well. I tell you this simply to get the thought out and written down because I have gained so much personal strength and I want to build on that not leave it behind. Keep up the good work. And ON TO VICTORY IN THE NEXT 24Hrs.
    Game4g and Jefe Rojo like this.
  19. Thank you for sharing and your honesty. You are doing really well. Dont get discouraged. You got this.
    Game4g and Jefe Rojo like this.
  20. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Well that that all went to hell in a hand basket. I fell apart today and relapsed. I have to admit that I lost a lot of modivation by cutting back to the number 0. With my intentions being to be done with PMO for the long term I think this is a good moment to stop and revaluate where I stand mentally.
    Game4g likes this.