Day 600+ and Rejection is Leaving Me Clueless

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Glex, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. jrizzle619

    jrizzle619 Fapstronaut

    Nice man I have the same problem as you, I can't read women very well when I am interested in them. I hope you well and good luck.
    Glex likes this.
  2. endmystery

    endmystery Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, totally get you. Was the same except I didn't even have the courage to ask girls out at the time. It took me a heartache to finally understand I needed to fight the fear of rejection and act with confidence and vulnerability. All I can recommend you do is not going through scripts and PUA-stuff, just don't try to come up with smart lines or think too much about what you are going to say. Here's an image that helped me : imagine you're walking on the edge of a cliff. Below is a pool of water. It's quite high and you're feeling even more nervous as you approach the edge and look down below. You challenged yourself to dive in the water below. Now, the more you'll think about how to jump or worse, if you should jump at all, chances are you won't jump. There's only one way to do it : it is to jump before your mind has a chance to ask itself those questions. You know you've succeeded when you hear yourself saying the words you want to say for ex : asking a girl out or expressing genuine interest , not within your mind coming from your inner voice but in your ears, coming from your actual voice, get it ? As if someone else spoke these words. You feel suspended in mid-air at this point. The feeling to be looking after I think is having just jumped and asking yourself : wait, did I just jumped ? You get the idea.

    Great resources I recommend is Models by Mark Manson in case you haven't read it yet. This book kicked my ass big time and I re-read it at least once every year to remember its most valuable lesson : be vulnerable, be honest, act honest, communicate honest. Wishing you all the best my friend, and remember, you're not alone, I was and still feel like you do now. Best
    kruznick and Glex like this.
  3. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    I already go to church weekly, but I never liked the idea of approaching girls there if thats what you mean?
  4. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    You too! We're all in this fight together.
  5. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the insight. That cliff example makes a ton of sense. Ive never thought about getting rid of scripting that way.
  6. Maybe don't approach them in the church, wait until service is finished and approach her in the parking lot..
    Glex likes this.
  7. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    I am still not a huge fan. To me, church is a time self reflection. I think the trip there and back are sort of included in that. Plus I feel like it would hinder me a bit to see someone at church constantly that rejected me.
  8. You're only 19 mate!
    Do your studies/work, have good habits, and just develop yourself as you aren't even fully an adult yet (no offence).
    Don't worry about getting a gf or getting laid.
    Glex likes this.
  9. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    Thats the attitude I had in high school. While I respect what you mean (Im definitely not a full adult yet lol), I dont want to just kick the can down the road another few years where I am behind the pack on experience and at a really bad disadvantage.
  10. Good attitude. The good news is that you are way ahead of certain pack members who are far older than you. Nobody knew about giving up on PMO a few years ago.
    You're doing great.
    Glex likes this.
  11. Fair enough..
    So what's your strategy now..
    Even though you are still very are u going to find this ideal woman you are searching for ?
    Glex likes this.
  12. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    Thats a very good question. A part of me wants to just see where life takes me and go from there, but that hasnt worked out too well historically for me. I think the best way might just to try to put myself out there more to expose myself to more potential partners.
  13. Definitely don't sit and do nothing..... that is.... if you are truly determined and on a mission. But instead of trying to put yourself out there, why not do the reverse, and make yourself more attractive. And not just in the looks department, women crave an accomplished man. A man who is a financial provider, a care taker. If they see you driving a nice car, they will automatically assume you are financial secure and accomplished.

    Don't chase women, attract them, then decide who's a keeper !

    Most males do the opposite, they chase and chase and chase....
    Glex likes this.
  14. kruznick

    kruznick Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the book recommendation. Will check it out.
    Glex likes this.
  15. Check out Ralph Smart in youtube, he once used the quote "analysis is paralysis" and i feel that in social dynamics this may be true a lot... in general people just want good easy going vibes i feel like... i have been a social wreck for most of my life.. but now just seeing it as something "easy going", "making myself comfortable" things seem to be going better than before. Respect for the many days btw, keep it going :)
    Glex likes this.
  16. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    I really like that quote. It describes things perfectly lol. That definitely is my biggest issue with and without girls. I cant even count how many times I have worked myself up trying to predict what is going to happen for hours only for things to end up completely differently than I thought, and obviously work out just as well.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I've had the same issue for many years... it can be so hard. But now i feel like the solution has a lot to do with finding more inner peace, relaxing the mind, finding myself and aligning to my core beliefs. I feel like it's pretty easy in this world to get very confused. I value scientific and rational thinking, but at the same time.. i don't see life as theoretical anymore.. and really aim for more tranquility.. it's all a journey :)
  18. Harrynak

    Harrynak Fapstronaut

    what i am going to say is not to hurt your feeling

    it is the harsh truth
    anyone who disagrees whit me, that is fine and entirely up to you

    but in the world we live in today

    rejection is mostly because of your looks.

    not your confidence, or your status

    but your looks

    plenty of evidence to find for this

    to keep it simple = improved looks = improved dating life
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. And impove size of wallet $$
    Harrynak likes this.
  20. Glex

    Glex Fapstronaut

    While I cant read minds to prove anything, I have to say that I dont think this is the case. I consider myself to be a pretty good looking guy. I am pretty tall, and a healthy weight and as far as I know my face isnt too hideous. While I do understand that looks are something that matter to at least some extent, I do not think that they are the only thing that matter. Even if they hypothetically are, then admitting that only makes me unable to improve myself, to instead shower in my own self pity. If that were the case, I would still be PMOing this very moment as love would just be a lost cause due to the roll of the genetic dice. I apologize for any negative experiences that you have had in regards to encounters with women, and I hope and pray that you will find the woman of your dreams, but the only reason that we are all here is self improvement, and that is what I seek to continue doing.