Every person against porn should be against abortion, shouldn't they?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by brfreedom, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. brfreedom

    brfreedom Fapstronaut

    If you are addicted in pornography you probably like having sex. If you like it, you probably had sex sometimes before mariage. So, you were at risk to impregnate a woman and if it happened you will never aborted, right? Mistakes can not be the cause of people's deaths. I hope everyone in this forum understands this. Otherwise, the recovery you seek is merely selfishness.
    Mr.GoodVibes likes this.
  2. i personally am against abortion, but one thing you have to realize is a lot of people are self centered, they only care about themselves, i know some people like that.
  3. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    "Every person against porn should be against abortion, shouldn't they?"

    I don't want to go into my personal opinions here, but I see these as two unrelated issues.

    There is plenty of scientific evidence for the harmful effects of porn, massive anecdotal evidence of the benefits of NoFap. One can realize the harm of porn and benefits of NoFap regardless of other political beliefs.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction and sex addiction are two different problems. It’s not that PA’s like sex, it’s that they like porn. There are many married people here who have porn addictions.
  5. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    We porn addicts are the ones who are least likely to make anyone pregnant (while we're still addicted to porn). Most of us can't get laid, and even if we do, we don't have enough sperm left to make anyone pregnant.
    Gotham Outlaw and Liv4ever like this.
  6. This makes no sense at all.
  7. What is said by the OP is so fucking stupid! And no we do not need another fucking thread on abortion!
  8. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    calm it down man
  9. Fighter Never Quit

    Fighter Never Quit New Fapstronaut


    That's very true, that gonna takes years to fix what that disease has done to our health
  10. Fighter Never Quit

    Fighter Never Quit New Fapstronaut

    That's a very twisted question I see. There is no relation between porn and abortion. Abortion is a crime,dude.
    As if you are killing somebody .it's a completely different situation. abortion is a crime which should be sent by court and law. In time that some couples can't have children, other people threw their children and even kill them before they ever exists .what a fantastic world
    brilliantidiot and Liv4ever like this.
  11. Liv4ever

    Liv4ever Fapstronaut

    Firstly not all abortions are pure evil!
    If it puts the mother at risk,humanitarian concerns ,if the foetus is genetically impaired .. By law abortion can be done wht the fq kinda notion is this?
    If smone we know is RAPED!?
    u wld still compel her to keep the child because sm1 did it with her nd U r against abortion? U will get burnt alive..
  12. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Well, if we agree that abortion is murder then we should also agree you can't follow up rape with murder. So yes, we should compel her to keep her child, not because I have a certain view of abortion, but because you cannot kill a child to make way for yourself, however difficult that may be
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Liv4ever

    Liv4ever Fapstronaut

    Nd grow a child.. Tht Serves a mark of gettinf violated.. These r WHO stated grounds fr abortion ... I don't make em up
  14. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    I believe we're ethically more human aborting a kid we would make suffer than creating a life and then not caring about it
    Liv4ever likes this.
  15. There is just no point discussing abortion on here. We had an abortion thread on here last year and guess what? The people who were pro-life are still pro-life and the people who were pro-choice are still pro-choice - no ones changing their mind.

    And the idea that sex is just for procreation is nonsense. Suggesting people who don't have children are like people who have abortions is so silly. The OP doesn't seem to understand how complicated life is. Plus he says people who look porn like sex which is nonsense. I looked at porn so I could avoid sex. And anyone what is wrong with liking sex anyway?
    letter likes this.
  16. Liv4ever

    Liv4ever Fapstronaut

    :p i was just replying to the naive thread title.. Im outta here
  17. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    yes, serve the mark of getting violated instead of committing infanticide. She could give the child up for adoption.

    That is simply not true. I will use an analogy here: imagine that a child of 7 years was diagnosed with potentially terminal cancer. Would you permit the parents to kill the child for his own good? Absurd. I'm guessing you will think that is not the same thing at all, well if so explain how it differs.
    You have absolutely no moral right to kill an infant for any reason, not in the name of the infants own good, nor in the name of convenience for the parents, nor anything else. The infant has a life, and anyone depriving it of that life is, by definition, a murderer. I do not support murder, I would hope the same for you.
    Liv4ever likes this.
  18. You're wise. I try to avoid the abortions threads on here but I'm here now :emoji_grimacing:
    This thread is truly kicking a dead horse.
    letter likes this.
  19. Every person, period, should be against abortion.

    But personally I don't really see the correlation between that and porn.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  20. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I was addicted to porn and am a 33-year-old virgin.

    The correlation between the points in the case presented in the OP are clearly tenuous. However, just because I can easily poke a hole in the reasoning, does not mean the thought is without merit. It is just poorly articulated.

    As @Rio pointed out, the debate between both sides of the issue still rages on. I agree with him that it can be like beating a dead horse while hoping it can come back to life. The battle lines have been drawn and marked and are now deeply entrenched.

    But does this mean we should give up? No. It just means that a different tactic is needed. Also, a different realization may be needed too. There are going to be some people who will never be convinced, but there are some who will be. Some of those people may never step foot into the debate but watch it go back and forth as they ponder what decision they should make.

    So while we engage in what may looks like a senseless struggle, we should consider the purpose for which we do it and apply a different kind of strength. It is here that OP's thought has value, it is a different angle from looking at this issue and that alone should merit some consideration.

    Most importantly, as we find the right answers and ways to advance, we need to be careful for how we treat one another. People are watching and it does not do us any good to cut each other down when we are all working towards such a similar end. In this, we must hold wisdom in our bearings and treat each other with grace and nobility. That alone will help sway the hearts of our opponents and those who sit on watch upon their fences.

    OP has a point. Our struggle against porn touches upon sexuality which in some cases makes for hypocrisy. How can we be for healthy sexuality & be okay with abortion? If the result of more healthy sexuality is an increase of abortions, then somewhere along the line we have lost the way. I would argue that all should be as I am, abstaining from sex altogether so that abortion would not be an issue, but as we all know....so few people have this strength within them.

    What do we say to them? What is their answer? Healthy sexuality in regards to PMO, okay...but what do they do with their sex drive? Doesn't abstaining from PMO only further make total abstinence more difficult? What are you going to tell the rape victims? What are you going to tell the women whose pregnancies will likely kill them? What do you tell the pregnant children?

    In this, I have to agree with the pro-choice movement, not that I agree with the crux of their points, but that I agree with their assessment of reality in that the issues are so real and the answers available are typically abysmal. OP's thought actually helps begin to address this. It doesn't fully answer it, but it opens a line of thought.

    If we who are committed to abstinence from PMO took a sober look at ourselves and went just a little further with healthy sexuality so that we wouldn't be further contributing to more abortions, the pain of this issue would begin to be lessened. Hey, it isn't everything, but the idea has merit.

    Well, I'm sure some will have more to say upon this. I really need to hunker down to write more on some deeply important personal & professional matters, so I likely won't reply much here. For that, I'll trust this wise & understanding community to carry this forth in my stead.

    Just saying, if you ask me something and I don't reply...it's nothing personal :p

    See everyone around :)