whats your belief?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

your belief

  1. theist

    33 vote(s)
  2. atheist

    8 vote(s)
  3. agnostic

    10 vote(s)

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I’m a Christian... a nontraditionalist anyway as I don’t believe in the Trinity, I don’t believe in the Apostles’ Creed, I believe exposure to sin through Adam’s transgression is a necessary means of progression and I believe everything was created spiritually before it was physically. All of which is an absolute no-no in mainstream Christianity. But I only care about what God considers me.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
    u376 likes this.
  2. Agnostic. I'm skeptical of both sides.
    Deleted Account and u376 like this.
  3. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    which is why I said you don't have to go through the trouble to respond
    Our brains work by chemistry. Science and Christianity are almost completely compatible, despite the common misconception. So we physically function by chemicals, but what about morality? How did we start to live as opposed to existing without life? If every event has a cause, there must have been a first cause. etc etc...
    u376 likes this.
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I'm a christian. To make a long story short, the Holy Spirit revealed the Son to me in a way that I couldn't ignore.
  5. I'd like to hear that story!
    u376 likes this.
  6. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Basically I found out that Muhammad contradicted the Qur'an, so I left Islam. After that, the Holy Spirit convicted me and told me that I was hopeless-- I needed a savior. Check out my testimony here; my church filmed it and posted it.

    Brent Mace is my real name, BTW.
  7. We live in a world in which children are raped so violently by their own parents that they bleed to death from their injuries. And never mind the multitude of unending abberations...look at nature itself...it's principle drivers are violent competition and suffering. Nature is like a grim clockwork machine in which the parts are unendlingly slaughtering and torturing one another. So is there an intelligent designer of all this horror? We'd better fucking well hope not. Trust me you believers, you wouldn't want to meet this God your clever sounding quasi philosophy makes apologetics on behalf of. Given the state of the universe, to think that the creator of the universe can be both all-powerful and completely benevolent is childish in the extreme. This is the truth but I won't put in the necessary effort and time to debate it here. I don't care if people agree or not.

    My God is honour.

    keep fighting
    u376 likes this.
  8. So essentially you found that the stories in one book didn't sit well with you emotionally, so you looked at another book and decided that it had better stories?

    Respect for putting the video up by the way.
  9. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Emotions are not the reason. I try to suspend my emotions when I'm talking about something related to theology. I saw that Muhammad's teachings were not in line with reality. It's not that I felt something in my heart that led me away-- it was a matter of fact.

    Feeling something in your heart is not evidence.
  10. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Exactly.....the fact that we can attain heaven or liberation is quite interesting
    And it motivates us to improve ourselves
  11. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    When I looked the negativity in this world then I also doubt that why God is doing this
    This is one of the reasons which shakes my belief
  12. OK but you don't explain why the bible is more 'in line with reality' than any other story book.
  13. Those of you that believe we either go to heaven or we go to hell, AND do not believe that salvation is automatically inhereted: It's incredibly barbaric of you to have children under those circumstances. You would risk them going to hell...wow. In fact it's cruel on a scale that is difficult to comprehend. I'm sure you'll have your excuses, but this is basic logic, just as 1+1 = 2. Again I won't debate it, because if it ain't obvious when you sit down and properly think about it, you're probably hopeless.

    Ironically the fact that so many people will lack the cognitive equipment to understand this, potentially lends weight to the argument that we need religion to keep the sheep in some kind of order.
  14. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I only believe in the love between us human beings. Being good to each other is enough. I don't need to believe in anything, I just need to be good to other people. By being good to others, I'm also being good to myself. I hate the idea of following a religion that has been established by other humans long ago. Why should I follow others blindly, how do they know anything better than I do? People want to be part of religions and believe in higher power because they feel empty and lost when they don't believe in anything. I know how this feels, I know why people become believers. It's because they can't stand all the mixed thoughts bouncing left and right, without a direction. So they turn to believing in something. Yes it does feel empty if you don't have anything to believe in. I believe in other people. I can always help others, and they can help me.

    When I was a kid, I got into a "gang" with a few friends. Still to this day I don't know if they were bullshitting me or if they also believed the bullshit themselves, and that haunted me for a long time. I also questioned if the things that happened were real. There was this one instance that really really bothered me. My friend got a phone call from a random number. Supposedly, it was from the "gang" but in reality we were being bullshitted by him. Still right now this thought bothers me so much. Was it set up by him or was the caller real? These things really made me question our world, but I have to be realistic. Of course it was set up by him, which angers me a little bit but it was such a long time ago and we were only kids. But it made me so delusional and doubtful later on. These kind of instances are what make people believe shit, it's fucking dangerous.
    u376 likes this.
  15. drkrishanarora

    drkrishanarora New Fapstronaut

  16. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    I would argue that the bible is more of a history book than a story book
  17. A complicated theist who occasionally gets told by theists that he's not a theist.
    u376 likes this.
  18. Superman25

    Superman25 Fapstronaut

    I believe that there's a God, not simply because I read the Bible, but because I observe nature. Nature is very very complex and beautiful and amazing and mind-boggling... We can never stop learning about the wonderful things nature holds. I thought to myself. All of these certainly cannot come out by chance. There is so much organization and arrangement in nature that it's impossible to believe that something as catastrophic and spontaneous as evolution would piece them together with 100% orderliness. I became convinced that an Intelligent force was at work here. Cells are regarded as the basic units of life. But there's nothing basic about cells, otherwise we, as intelligent humans, would have made a cell ages ago. Cells are very complex and are mind baffling. It becomes difficult to reconcile with evolution. The creator cannot be like the created. Just like Pinocchio cannot be like his sculptor. The creator has to be a higher and more intelligent than his creations
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2019
    Christian Fox likes this.
  19. Superman25

    Superman25 Fapstronaut

    People think that science has all the answers. They are forgetting one crucial thing. Science only explains the natural world. There's no way you can discover God using the scientific method. God is not of nature. God is a higher form of life...and biology has proven that life can only come from preexisting life. You would only get disappointed and agnostic if you think science would help you find God. Science can only help you prove that God exist by examining the evidence. You don't have to see God to believe he exist, just as you don't need to see the wind to believe it exists.
    Christian Fox likes this.
  20. It really doesn't though. Perhaps for you personally on an emotional level, but that's irrelevant.

    So do you find hyenas ripping the foetus out of a pregnant wilderbeast and eating it while the mother is still alive, and some species reproducing by gang rape, 'beautiful,' and things like a deer being eaten alive from the anus first by a bear, whilst locked inextricably in the horns of a rival stag, 'wonderful'?

    You don't see the wind but you do feel it with other senses, and it can be measured.