Free will and nofap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Infinite spirit, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    If we don't have free will how can we make a choice to committing to nofap?
  2. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

    Therefore we have free will?
  3. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    We don't you know what I m talking about.
  4. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

    Maybe rephrase it? :p
  5. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Scientific studies show that we don't have free Will. Laws of physics show that we don't have free will . Self -observation of your thoughts and emotions show that we don't have control. Therefore can we reframe our situation that nofap is a choice and that we are responsible if we successfully completed the reboot or relapsed?!
  6. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

    Care to reference said studies? I feel quite willful
  7. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Check out sam Harris book "free will".

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    If you want to use this as an excuse for failure, then go ahead. I made the choice to respond to this; I didn’t have to.
  9. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    This issue is more deep than what you think...if I'm using this as an excuse I don't have free will..if I don't also I don't have free will.
  10. The goal is to attain free will.

    We're not born with it.
    (Edit) We ARE born with it, but through the "necessities" of familial obligations/societal/environment...etc...etc, we lose it. We become encapsulated within the reality which was defined for us by somebody else.

    We have to train to attain it.

    You're at the stage of thinking I was just a few months ago... Everyone and everything I saw around me operated according to cause and effect.

    Understanding this is one of the ways of attaining True Free Will.

    It does exist...within the Infinite Mind or Spirit.

    Train yourself to get there. Train hard.
    Malik1 and ReclaimedLife like this.
  11. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Could explain more on details what do you mean and how can i attain that?
  12. The journey begins with awareness.

    Your awareness has shown you that you and most of those around you live according to something else besides their free will.

    Become more aware of yourself. Of your emotions. Of your desires. Of your dreams. Of your body. Of your perceptions and sensations.

    Then become aware of your environment. The people operating off a program, one which manipulates and controls their emotional and rational minds.

    A good place to start is understanding why you found yourself in the NoFap community to begin with.

    A book that helped me was The Mindfulness Solution for Intense Emotions.

    I'm more interested in ancient esoteric mindful practices that the greats such as Leonardo Da Vinci practiced and sought to understand.

    A good place to begin attempting to understand All that is, is by understanding the seven principles of reality which has been passed down through thousands of years of mystics, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, doctors....etc...

    A good Master Key lies within the Kybalion. This attempts to explain in a way not clouded by religious dogma, the way to attain this contact.

    Your journey is yours alone, yet there others with your same interests out there.

    Lots of them.

    If this interests you, maintain contact and we'll work together. I haven't found It yet, the Truth; I am working my way there, but I have been working in solitude and am now seeking partners on this journey.
  13. I think you're right, to an extent, though. Even by gaining to ability to manipulate our reality and become movers instead of being moved, we are still limited to the finite resources of this physical plain.
    Everything we create will be influenced by what we know, have experienced, even after gaining access to the infinite source of knowledge.
    This was something that bothered me before and I almost lost grasp of it until your mentioned it once again and I saw @MLMVSS 's comment.
    You had a choice whether or not to respond.
    Does choice equate to free will?
    Does responding to environmental stimuli equate to creating universes in the blink of an eye? Of creating anything with just the twitch of the finger?
    As far as I see it, now that I return to my previous thinking pattern, only people with small minds believe that making choices based on their environment is the same fucking thing as free will.
    If I had true free will, I would be on in the Orion Belt, travelling the planets, finding new life.
    I would be repopulating new galaxies.
    I would, right now, at this very moment, be providing a means for every single person to attain free will....If I had true free will.
    I have a choice to make an attempt at accomplishing such goals.
    I have a choice to focus all of my willpower, time, finances, thoughts and actions towards accomplishing such goals.
    Does that equate to actually accomplishing that which I dream?
    Does attaining free will mean that I have to limit my imagination down to that which actually correlates with our reality?
    If in the goddamn fuck is that free will?
    We are seeking NoFap because we can't handle mommy and daddy not loving us enough. We don't know how to handle our emotions. We don't know how to become successfull. We don't know how to be great men and women, so we hid in porn.
    We allowed thoughts to become moods to become actions to become habits to become...blah deee fuckin blah de fucking blah. It's all cause and effect.
    You may think you had free will to respond to this, but you fucking didn't.
    You mistook somebody asking an excellent question for someone who was trying to excuse themselves from this addiction and THAT PISSED YOU OFF. You could've chosen to ignore it, but you responded instead, because you're unregulated emotions compelled you to.
    That being said. We can still learn to master ourselves and in turn the reality around us.
    Many Titans are doing it now, and have done it in the past.
    But I would suggest, as in the old greek mythologies, be a god, not a titan.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  14. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    You understand me ..but from what you said I can conclude this"I can make a choice to fap or not to fap..but either way I don't have free will ". Which precisely my point! if I'm going to fap in the future at some point..that was already predetermined..
  15. Hercules9

    Hercules9 Fapstronaut

    There is no free will, but nobody can be a consistent determinist.
    intelligentignoramus likes this.
  16. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    How can you not? It is your destiny.
    AxBlaim and intelligentignoramus like this.
  17. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Are you sure about this? Could free will be an emergent effect at the quantum level?
    intelligentignoramus likes this.
  18. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Please do the research on the topic of free will .
  19. If you don't have the will to control yourself, doesn't mean everyone else is in the same boat. I have been in control for many-many months now, and I will continue being in control for a long time (difficulties may arise, but they are not insurmountable). A man ought to take responsibility for his actions and their consequences over the years of his lifetime. It doesn't make a difference to me or anyone else, if you don't wanna take responsibility, but it doesn't change the fact that some things are always in your control (and certain things are outside your control, like circumstances and other people).
    letter and intelligentignoramus like this.
  20. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I think you are deliberately misunderstanding me. Let's suppose that you are correct and that free will does not exist and that we have no choice. From that you jump to the idea that "committing to nofap" is a choice, an exercise of free will, but continuing to masturbate to porn is not. Why think that? Opening a browser, navigating to your favourite porn site, getting your dick out, edging for hours to your favourite porn, etc. These are all choices, demonstrations of free will. You have two paths available, to use porn or to abstain from porn, what proof do you have that the first is the default, the one you will follow if you do not make a choice?
    AxBlaim and intelligentignoramus like this.