Anyone dealing with sleep paralysis?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    I think u can find the answer in link below,
  2. One highly suggestive piece of research has indicated that nightmares happen only when breathing is restricted. Because you relax so deeply while asleep, if you are lying in a position where your tongue might fall back and block your air passage, you can stop breathing. One consequence can be sleep apnoea. According to the research, another is nightmares.

    I stopped my nightmares by concentrating on my sleeping position, and adjusting to a position where my air passages are kept open when fully relaxed. For me, sleeping on my back is a serious problem, while sleeping on my side in a certain position works. You will have to experiment to find what works best for you.

    Try this as an experiment, to see if it helps.
  3. I havent heard that, but I never sleep on my back anyway
  4. Thanks, but I dont think that's an issue for me. I definitely dont have sleep apnea, I dont snore and I never sleep on my back
  5. ProtagonistOfMyLife

    ProtagonistOfMyLife Fapstronaut

    I have had it a few times but only when I tried to induce lucid-dreaming. To this day I am not sure whether I was dreaming about having sleep paralysis or really had sleep paralysis. Anyway, I don't normally have it and only have tried this lucid dreaming stuff 2-3 times.
  6. Most people have sleep paralysis. It's a natural part of the sleep cycle. When you get to a certain point in the sleep cycle, your body stops you from being able to move so you arent moving around and getting up and acting out your dreams, basically. So I think lucid dreaming is a big thing that makes sleep paralysis scary, because you become aware of it, whereas normally you arent.
    Re:Born likes this.
  7. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    I don't think so, I have had some lucid dream experience. Sleep paralysis is one stepping stone to lucid dream.
  8. Celibi

    Celibi Fapstronaut

    When I was in college one of my collegues experienced this, she told us she could hear everything around her but couldn't move at all. But in that period she was using drugs( especially amphetamines).
  9. Wild

    Wild Fapstronaut

    I only had it happen once.
    I woke up sleeping on my stomach. It did feel like there was some presence in the room behind me. Then it felt like someone got on the bed and started to push me down on my back and head like it was trying to suffocate me. I could hear the springs of the mattress creaking and everything! I couldn't speak, but was trying to. I eventually got the name "Jesus" spoken out loud and the weight lifted and I was let up. The main thing that was pretty scary was that it wasn't like I "woke up" afterwards. I had been fully conscious during the event, just unable to move or speak until it let me up. Needless to say I stayed awake for a while afterwards.

    I did have a few other experiences that were similar, but not quite sleep paralysis... The scariest one happened when I was in middle school. I had just watched The Ring with my brother... I woke up in the middle of the night. Immediately I noticed that something felt wrong. In the corner of my eye I can see the girl from The Ring sitting in a chair by my desk about 5 feet to the left of my bed! I think I'm having a bad dream and I am paralyzed by fear! I thought maybe it's just a trick of my eye, so after about what seems like an hour of me laying in complete stillness and fear I muster up enough courage to turn and look at her. When I do it STILL looks just like her!!! Sitting still facing towards the wall by door. I dont move for another hour. Then I finally decide this is going to continue unless I get up and turn on the light or something... of course my mind is telling me the moment I try and cross in front of her to get to the light switch she is going to run at me and grab me! But I slowly sit up in bed, eyes fixed on the girl, and sidle along the wall towards the end of my bed. When I reach the wall she is still sitting still facing forward with her long black hair streaming down in front of her face. I am only about 6 feet from the light. I leap to the door and flip on the light! And when I do I find that the girl isn't there, but in the chair is just my backpack with my jacket hanging on top of it. I was exhausted and angry at my mind for playing tricks on me so I threw the stuff off my chair and went back to sleep! XD
    Mordobarn likes this.
  10. It doesn't have to be sleep apnoea (I mentioned sleep apnoea as only one possible consequence); just restricted breathing.
  11. Sleep paralysis is not just a symptom of lucid dreaming. It's just a thing everyone's body goes through during sleep. People just usually arent aware of it happening, because they are asleep.
  12. Yeah, that's why I also mentioned the other things you said, like sleeping in your back and such. I don't think I have any issues with restricted breathing during sleep.
  13. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    Happens to me only when I sleep on my back, or when unfortunately end up sleeping on my back unintentionally. It is usually me in my bed, feeling like I've woke up but unable to move, while sensing that there is someone in my room. It is scary because I believe there is someone there, maybe to hurt me, and I feel totally defenseless. Sometimes I know that it is only a dream and then I just wish to wake up as fast as possible while trying to scream at the same time.
    I think it is caused by breathing difficulties due to back sleeping, when I'm lucky I just wake up while failing to breathe.
  14. excapdmysleepdemon

    excapdmysleepdemon New Fapstronaut

    I was experiencing sleep paralysis at least 3 times a week if not more and often many times a night. After researching it I learned to try to relax and I was able to experience astral projection and lucid dreaming. I was only able to achieve that one time as it is very hard to relax when you wake up in a state of fright. I learned that trying to wiggle your toes and fingers will jolt you from the paralysis. If you are in an episode and are able to relax by telling yourself that you know what you are experiencing and can calm down you will immediately go into lucid dreaming and/or astral projection which is unlike anything you have felt. It is invigorating and amazing. Every time I woke paralyzed and terrified I always had a buzzing in my head and an overwhelming uneasiness and aware of an evil entity. I didn't see any shadow person just sensed its presence. Then one night I woke in the paralyzed state and in the corner of my room I did see my sleep demon peering back at me! I was so frightened that it instantly put me in fight mode and I leaped from my body and attacked my shadow demon. I could literally see my self lunging towards it! It disappeared right away and oddly enough I have not had an episode of sleep paralysis since. I am not sure if my actions let it know that I was no longer fearful and that somehow took its power away or if I am just in remission with the possibility of it returning. That was 3 years ago. I still suffer from sleep difficulties and some nightmares. I am also Rh neg and I also read that almost all Rh neg blood types experience sleep paralysis.
  15. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    Huge shit. Happen to me rarely but today i got one. It happen when i am stressed (for example, when i try to abstain to porn), i get a huge panic attack when i am half sleep, or wake up where i can't move. I was dreaming to be inside a recently ababdoned house and the spirit of the owner get mad because i was taking his books, he started to scream in my mind and then when i waked up i was blocked and still ear his scream abd feeling like i was getting tased with electroshock for 10 seconds, but no vision, even in the dream, just a scream, funny that i had music in my ears and i could listen to both. I will never stolen books.
    This happen as i said when i am particulary stressed.
    Last edited: May 18, 2022