Unmotivated, Lazy, not bothered to do anything

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. So i'm progressing though nofap but i still feel lazy and unmotivated to do anything. All my friends at school are starting to workout/exercise, i myself tried to but i just end up stopping because i am too lazy. Is this a symptom of my porn addiction or am i just a naturally lazy person.
  2. I forget who it was who said, "There's no such thing as a lazy person. There are only people who have poor goals."

    Think about how much effort you used to put into porn and masturbation! That's not laziness. It's just choosing goals poorly. You also put a lot of effort into feeling bad (think about it). Again, not laziness. Just a poor choice.

    You need to truly know what you intend to do, and your motivation.

    Sit down with paper and pen, and write down everything that is important to you. I don't mean stuff like money, cars, phones, whatever. I mean your values. Things like people, connection, music, security, adventure, love, travel, learning, reading, … Some will appeal to you, some won't.

    You'll get some ideas. Don't worry if nothing is clear right now. At the tender age of 14, you should be confused about what you want to do when you grow up — it would be unusual if you didn't. At your age, your brain is going through a massive rewiring process, and that will continue until late teens or early adulthood.

    Also do this: Write down everything that you are good at. I don't care how silly a thing might seem to you; just write it down. Do you cook well? Is there a subject at school where you do well? Does someone compliment you on something well done even if you disagree? Are you good on a bicycle? Write them down.

    Give yourself a meaning to live. Porn is a thief and a vandal: it destroys meaning, steals your goals, hijacks your happiness — all for the pleasure of the rich porn boss who abuses the vulnerable girl and boy porn actors, and who laughs at your misery. Think about that every time when you open your computer to watch porn.

    Give yourself a meaning to live. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine life in 20 years, in a dead-end job, lonely, loveless, still fapping to porn, getting PIED. Is that really what you want to put all your energy into?

    Again, sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine life in 20 years knowing that you stopped wasting your energy on fapping to porn and feeling bad. Instead, you took charge of your life, decided to something — anything! — instead. You joined clubs, played sport, made friends, studied, passed exams. You made mistakes (lots of them), but you learned from every mistake. Now, because you learned so much, you are enjoying your life, you love people, you have people in your life who live you. Friends, a lover or wife, maybe even children who look up to you. There are things that you used to be bad at, but you learned and now you're good at them.

    Does that look and sound like a life that you want?

    Don't waste your energy on finding reasons why you're no good. Imagine that a friend or relative told you that they were feeling the same things as you do. What would you tell them? Now tell yourself that.

    No one will give it to you.
    You have to grasp it with both hands!

    Life is waiting for you. Stop waiting for life, and go meet it.
  3. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I am on 27 days today and I am completely unmotivated even though my goals are very strong. I go through heavy flatline. Depression also can make you look lazy.
  4. Ah, yes, flatline can indeed do this to you. It's temporary, fortunately.
    A person with depression looks like someone with low energy, but inside, their head is buzzing, albeit with unhelpful thoughts.
  5. Lack of Motivation is just a sign your human every has it from time to time, just like you cant be happy every day every minute.
  6. Johnnybgud3

    Johnnybgud3 Fapstronaut

    As it's been stated in other replies, having a purpose, a goal and a reason are vital. I'm 29 and I've felt like you since I was your age, I'm only now beginning to awaken to this. The depression is a sign that there is need for change, that you are not where you truly feel you should be. Change your mindset, your habits and therefore your life. First step is establishing where you want to go and have that clearly in your mind, and at your age that is going change but as long as you keep your direction and purpose clear in mind you'll be moving in the right direction. Do not run away from pain and failure, in fact embrace these things, they're going to happen no matter yet, key to learn from them. I hope this helps.
  7. Terrificby11

    Terrificby11 New Fapstronaut

    That's so true bro