Woman Benefits for doing NoFap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ReclaimedLife, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    I am happy being accused of ignorance, but can someone please explain what benefit a woman gets from doing Nofap? All the negative aspects ive heard about so far are all concerning men. PIED, ED, DE... nothing of those things is happening in a woman, is it?

    And are woman developing "dick size expectations" from porn and cant hook up with normal guys anymore after watching it? They can't even see what kind of package the guy has until they are in the bed already. And even then, i would take a safe guess that if the woman actually really likes the guy, she will still give it shot, because he might still make it beautiful for both of them.

    And in regards to the more "assertive dominant man" in porn, i am sure that the majority of guys out there are more then willing to fulfil that role, so there is not really a loss there either.

    It just doesnt make sense to me that if a woman wants the feel good with O, she actively choses not to, even though her body doesnt really punish her with any repercussions like it does with guys :S

    Now then. Let the beating begin.
    Be gentle please. Or not :)
  2. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply Fleurette, i wish i had more women like you for some more insight.
    Hearing this from a woman is very valuable to me.

    And i am going to say this, because i dont want you to get the wrong impression of me. I DO see woman as sort of an "Object" when i have any kind of sexual relationship with them. But i have to. I must do that for the sake of both of us. We need to keep the mutual attraction going in a relationship and for a guy this will always physical attraction first. Porn just overexaggetated the living hell out of it and makes women who are already beautiful feel insecure. That is just fkn terrible.
    I've been with a gorgeous woman and even she had body issues. And that was just from social media. According to her, she never watched porn. And since i was with her, i believe her. She was a very sexually healthy girl.

    As for you, do you notice a difference now? Do you feel like you can become more easily aroused after 50 days?
    That girl i met didnt have sex before she turned 19 and she strongly believed that, to get pleasure, that is a guy's/man's job. I don't want to argue about this but here is the kicker... and the reason why i am writing this. She was increadibly sensitive. For almost any kind of touch. And she was able to have several orgasms during intercouse as well, and we weren't even a match, physically, because she was normal, and i am a bit on the thinner side with my dick.
    Now that you mentioned that, i start to believe that if you don't touch yourself as a woman at all, that area is probably going to become more sensible, probably not like it was the case with her, but probably much much better. She didnt touch herself at all. And i dont know if she ever will. But by doing so, she gets rewarded tremendously the second she is with any guy. I am super curious if a woman can improve in that area as well. Just for herself. Not for any man. Only because ehe knows she can increase her own pleasure due to being very dedicated. It really would be the female equivalent to a man who is doing NoFap.
    I am really fascinated and excited as i write this.

    And for Sex and having a connection needed for Sex...
    To me, Sex is and always will be Fire and Water.

    There is intimate sex with a lot of kissing, hugging, cuddling, eye contact, slow stroking and compliments.
    And then there is the rough, raw, "pornstyle"- sex where the man mostly just "takes" the woman, which can be really really hot, arousing and pleasurable for both.

    I dont know about other man, and frankly i don't fukin care anymore. But i find a girl, she must be up for both of that.
    I want the connection. It feels fucking beautiful. But i also need to "just take her" when i feel like it.
    Thats why i try to have a conversation first, so i can find out what her limits are, so i can gently dance around, and yes, maybe sometimes push them.

    For a girl/woman who is 100% comfortable with the guy, she is more likely to feel more comfortable, even if the guy is more dominant and assertive.
    It feels to me like if she knows she can be vulnerable to him, and give herself to him, while he isn't abusing that, in fact rewards both of them for it...
    That is where both men and women want to be in the bedroom.

    And if she knows that when they enter the bedroom, its like an amazing game of roulette...With a guy who can and will do both, she never really knows what she will get... And to me, that brings a lot of excitement into a relationship...

    "Maybe we will cuddle all night and he will kiss me everywhere and go down on me gently, make me feel beautiful and hold me in his arms until i fall asleep" - OR
    "Maybe he will rip my pants off and just starts going!"

    As a man, this shit excites me. Her not knowing what is going to happen. In a very positive, good way.

    This "Yin-Yang" or "Fire-Water" balance... just feels the best way to describe it.​

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

  4. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    Desensitization and the need for a stronger high required for orgasm. Similar to how heroine addicts may no longer be able to use codeine. This precludes a full sexual experience regardless of penile size due to the nature of the acts required, the kind of vaginal stimulus required, and the kind of visual stimulus required.

    Sexual hedonism becoming favored over and to the exclusion of sexual intimacy such that a woman would prefer the high of porn to the affection/love of a real relationship and warmth of a family. The need for this high precludes more emotional benefits of sex, which can in turn lead to depressed states and unfulfilled life.

    As with any drug, reclusive behavior and diminished interest in everyday life activities and ambitions. This can likewise lead to depressed states as well as financial and professional hardship.

    Of course, men are undeniably far more sensitive to both the detriments of porn and its benefits. However, it is wrong to think porn cannot harm women as well. Not to mention, in the grander scheme of things, it can have long-term societal impacts.
  5. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    I like you. You are smarter then me : )
    I had to look up "hedonism" and "preludes" because i have no fkn clue what it means :S

    I would have never thought that a woman can experience similar psychological effects as men do. I always thought woman value a connecion to a man, especially men who know what they want in life and have a strong and reliable character.
    Do you think Woman can fully recover from this, just like certain men do? Are woman more or less prone to a relapse?
    It makes me sad how many people on this forum are apparentely "lost" in porn or at least highly damaged due to it, myself included.
    But i can feel everything getting better after 1 month no Porn and 5 days without pmo.
    Porn really is fkn poison.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    I think women are less susceptible to these effects than men, simply by their very nature. Women seem to care more about romance and plot in porn than men and spend more time watching it. I believe this means that they need some sort of emotional stimulus before arousal can really take hold. They are also naturally more selective about sexual encounters and therefore less prone to arousal in the first place. Meaning that they have an extra defense against porn’s corruptive influences. And are less prone to relapses once porn addiction takes hold (perhaps). But these sorts of things can also be erased with porn, in much the same way that heterosexual men can develop homosexual tendencies and fetishes.

    Once this takes hold in a woman, the process for recovery seems much the same as that for a man, though biological differences (beyond my scope of knowledge) may play important differences. Of course, like with men, recovery is possible. Since there haven’t been many studies for normalization of sexual tastes following porn addiction (that I am aware of), no one truly knows the best treatment to ensure recovery. Nofap is merely one proposed treatment path.

    But one thing is for certain: porn really is poison
  7. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Haha, there were any plots in porn??? :emoji_smile::emoji_joy:
  8. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    For a narcissistic man, the woman is the best appliance, definitely not a friend and not a partner. The narcissist doesn't see other people as human beings.
    ReclaimedLife likes this.
  9. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    For the sake of this thread, lets leave any kind of personal disorder out of this.
    I am not really interested in comments about narcissists, sociopaths or even psychopaths.
    They don't have the same kind of emotions like a regular person has and almost all their relationships are build fully on their own benefits only.
    They don't give a flying fuck about their partner, often even try to drain them and abuse them mentallly and sometimes physically as well.
    They often naturally prey on people who have a weak mind and are easier to manipulate. They often leave after the other person is mentally destroyed.

    Lets assume the people on here are normal and actually care for their current partner or future partner.

    They fascinate me because i believe, in a way, ignorance can be bliss.
    But they will never experience how it feels to actually "make love" with someone you truly have a connection with.
    They are very capable of faking this kind of feeling towards the other person though.
    I've met one. Got out while i still could. Thank fkn christ.

    That is why it is SO important to work on ourselves. The stronger our mind becomes, the less prone we are to fall victim to someone like that.
    This goes for woman especially, i think they are more vulnerable to it then men are. Not saying that men aren't.
  10. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I was reacting to Fluerette "My ex husband who was a narcissist even said once "a woman is a man's best friend" (as if describing a dog)"
    ReclaimedLife likes this.
  11. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Sorry. I get easily triggered when someone is mentioning them in what i (falsely) assume to be a reply to my post.

    Mea Culpa.
    4DCreator likes this.
  12. I think that men are just the same. I certainly value a strong connection to a woman. Sex without connection, to me, is empty, which is why I hated porn even as I was addicted to it, and when I was younger, disliked one-night stands (now called hookups, I believe).
    Not just men. My ex-wife has NPD, and she also treats others — even her own children — as tools. Nasty.
    4DCreator likes this.
  13. Interesting topic. Yes, I think I may be more easily aroused now, tomorrow marks my day 55. I have noticed that the entire body is now much more sensitive (once my little son accidentally touched my elbow and it sent shivers all down my spine - was not like this before) and I have been thinking of full-body massages or smth like this - in contrast to stimulating this or that area. It's as if my entire body is becoming one erogenous zone. I also think if I deliberately stay away from lustful images, thoughts and sounds (as in songs) and I don't engage in PMO I will be more capable of experiencing greater pleasure with a partner because I will not have this conditioning in my mind anymore as to penile expectations, sex positions and things like that. I would regard him more human - more as human being I'd like to connect with on all levels and less than just a male - and I would regard the process as sacred. Regarding this fire and water - just look at the appearance of male and female genitals and the message behind it, the masculine energy is the driving force, it seeks to penetrate, to take, to achieve, whereas feminine energy is more like the flow of river, it is soothing, nurturing, receptive, it creates space, adapts etc. There is no such messages in porn, I'd say it devalues both men and women and sex in general. It objectifies the women and it creates the illusion that all men want is to look like and to act like a promiscuous woman - it mentally conditions women on the other hand and it creates respective expectations women-wise in men as well. It distorts reality, to sum up.
    I sometimes think that I'd love to be a personal porn star for a man who's also off porn so that we could create our own unique type of porn :)
    Oh it is not always true, it depends. For ex. I could be very easily aroused and when I was very horny I'd go for the so-called hardcore porn, I mean really hardcore with sadomasochistic elements, groups of men, you get the idea. But on other occasions I'd watch some lesbian videos or the ones having some plot - encounter, cuddling, sex, cuddling afterwards or the ones with some teasing, where the story evolved very slowly. And I've been on a few hookups and done sexual acts straight away, without any need for time to get aroused. I think men have this notion of women as being less susceptible to porn effects because women do not talk much about that. And they do so because of the societal labelling as sluts or promiscuous women who cannot be satisfied by their men and they need to watch porn etc. - whereas it is all understandable if we talk about men, physiological reasons, need to release semen and the like. As if women have no physiological desires for release or they have no genitals which can be stimulated. Sometimes I really don't get it! I don't know how it is in other countries but at least in mine the common belief is that if a man goes to another woman while being in a committed relationship then he has a frigid woman who is not hot enough - but if a woman goes to another man while committed then she is just a slut. Even if her husband is a total jerk and sleeps around. The society would still condemn the woman. So in many cases women choose to better not speak up and to act as all good girls do.
    Well it's not only personal disorders, there are many normal people who were raised in more or less dysfunctional families and they have this anxious-avoidant attachment style where they want to be vulnerable and to connect but they are also so much afraid to do that and so they choose to deliberately keep distance. But healing is possible :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2019
    Mordobarn likes this.
  14. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    I have seen that on a woman who never watched any porn. She was very susceptible to any for of touch, anywhere on here body. There were areas (not counting the neck, boobies or pussy) where that was more prominent, but overall, she probably was similar to you now. And for a guy... this is fkn awesome. A woman who is so susceptible to touch makes every man feel even more of a man. FAKING AWESOME!
    And to think about that this is trainable, that shit makes it even more awesome.

    And i think there is a HUGE difference between attraction and arousal. A hot chick or guy can easily arouse us. But that doesn't mean we are also attracted to that person. For you to have sex, i would guess you were aroused, but you weren't necessarely attracted or had a connection with that person. It was probably based on your overall "hornyness" and how good the person was looking, physically.

    And with the "baggage", you were talking about that a lot of people walk around with, i believe you are right. I actually believe that most people have baggage they carry around with them. Those people often make their own happiness depending on someone elses happiness, which is a wrong mindset in my opinion, but i don't want to discuss that in this thread.
    It is a long journey to work on ourselves and drop all of that, some people don't care and some give up because it can be really hard to deal with, even though it is so fucking rewarding.
    Neither of them will experience how beautiful life can be once you are getting rid of it.
    Life can be so beautiful. We just have to want it.
  15. Yes and I guess it is the same for men. Men can only build meaningful relationships with women to whom they are attracted/have connection with AND who arouse them. It's just the different wiring, men need to feel desired in a physical way in order to build up on emotional connection and women need to feel connected in order to experience physical intimacy to the fullest extent. Without the feeling of connection we cannot open up and be vulnerable - we just put on a mask of one of those girls seen on porn, pure sex, no connection, and that's all about it.
    ReclaimedLife likes this.
  16. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Not true actually. Both genders need to feel desired physically. It just makes us feel good if our partner tells us what specifically he or she likes about us.
    Other than that, it depends on the man, but i personally need to be valued and taken seriously on a character and personal level to build up an emotional connection now.
    When i was younger, i could easily fall in love with a woman purely based on her looks. But that shit is over now(thank god!), and while women still do arouse me physically to the point i would want to have sex with them, if they don't have a character to back it up, i will never be emotionally involved.
    It's just like you said... I could have this kind of sex with a girl/woman, but that would be purely physical and nowhere near of what i know how beautiful sex can be with someone i have a connection with.

    Now, having sex with someone you really are highly physically attracted to AND have a connection with... Z-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!:emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes:
    Best. Sex. On. This. Planet.
    Probably one of the best things to do on this Planet at all. Not even kidding.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Yes it is - and you have to bear in mind that you will experience this kind of sex regularly :)
    ReclaimedLife likes this.
  18. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    How do you know?
    I mean, you are probably right. (And i say "probably" because i am very humble :emoji_upside_down:)
    But you never met me and have no clue about me.

    I am fascinated.

    You females really are fascinating creatures.
    And let's just assume that you are a female. I am fully aware that i am on the internet and that there is no way of actually knowing what kind of gender you have.

    But i prefer to believe and just go first, and complain later.
    Life is boring otherwise anyway, and nobody would do any fun and silly stuff :emoji_tophat::emoji_rabbit:
  19. Well I mean if there is both physical attraction and connection one would hardly let his/her partner go.
    Yes, I am a female. Yes, we are fascinating creatures, we like compliments like this :D
  20. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    I were with womans that cannot feel pleasure or reach orgasm trought penetration. Suspiciously for exesive masturbation in my opinion, i meet them.

    Kinda womens death grip?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019