Sexual energy Day 173 this is amazing

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Goo, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Now I remember why I left nofap.

    I'm not interested in your personal definition of happiness.
    If fucking a girl and sex and orgasms makes me happy then what does it matter to you? We all have different souls that's what makes us unique. And following in your footsteps is not what I'm interested in.

    I mean, I don't really think you know how I feel right now. I feel amazing, I'm smiling all the time.
    Livermore90 likes this.
  2. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    One last thing before I sign out for the night.

    When I have sex with a girl I do love her. How could I not? You think I don't love what she's doing to me then? People say "meaningless sex". At 175 days, any girl I have sex with would be meaningful. You can't understand the feelings I got they so intense. I've done hard drugs before, they don't compare to how I feel now, that's how powerful this nofap thing is.

    Lastly, if I had sex with a girl and got her pregnant I'd stay and support my son/daughter. Even if I didn't get her pregnant I wouldn't just hit it and quit it. I'm ganna get in a relationship with some girl, but I'm just telling you guys that so many girls look so sexy to me.

    And please, stop with this whole "sex is the same as fapping" shit. It's not. I'm beginning to think you guys have never had sex before...
    Get to 6 months of absolutely no porn and no masturbation and you understand my pov.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2019
    Harrynak and Professor Abraham like this.
  3. I like that attitude! You're right, I would imagine most women would find the fact that you have gone into voluntary celibacy and haven't masturbated for few months quite hot.
    That's just plain wrong. Some do, sure. Just as some men want it. But many women don't want any type of stable relationships. They just are horny and want to be fucked.
    Married is not cool, unless they are in open relationship. But what's wrong with having sex with a mother? Mothers are women too, they get horny and have their needs like all women. Just because you are a mother does not mean you suddenly become an asexual nun.

    No offense @Yep u do but you sound like one of those beta male white knights who has has a harem of women who all have friend-zoned you, and always asks girl for verbal consent before kissing her... on a cheek. Either that or some Christian fundamentalist who is brainwashed to think that healthy and natural human sexuality is something dirty and a immoral. Not cool.
    pornlessgeneral and Goo like this.
  4. I think that we don't understand eachother :). I never said that sex wasnt enjoyable, it is one of the most powerful pleasure that we can feel but we need to control it. If u are gonna be a man and assume whatever happens with a woman then there is no problem. Enjoy and make her happy! But if u are a beast looking only for sex and ignoring the human being in front of u are a monster. But i understood that u are a true man and well done for quitting drugs! I wish u a happy life with a respectable woman ;)
  5. They also enjoy sex for sure but they expect more than this from men, they want some love some support etc. Not a trash only looking for a good body to play with and throwing her like a toy after the pleasure. The women that u are describing are women from porn, they dont exist. And if they do there is a bad word to call them.
    Marriage is a contract of trust so for sure it is not good, its even forbidden to break it. And having sex with mother is the most disgusting thing u can do ( if she is married, but if u are a second father after the first idiot left her alone with kids its a good thing.) You are destroying a whole family, if the father learns it it wd end up with a divorce. If she gets pregnant i can't imagine the consequences for his family etc having sex with a mother of a family is a crime really. U arent killing a body but numerous souls and relations. A whole life of a father and kids and even of the mother : 2 hours of pleasure for 1 life of sadness and regrets and problems etc.
    I won't insult u back but yes I am what is called a Man a true man who respects women, i never got friendzoned cuz i never asked women to go out with me or whatever, yes i am religious and its a good thing, God knows better what is good and bad for us. Playing with the feelings of women is bad. There are two types of crimes : physical and mental. When u throw a woman like a piece of flesh after enjoying her body u let a scar in her heart that will never get cured. A fact : most of the criminals and other bad guys are from broken family, from women alone who got threw by a trash who fled after giving her a baby etc. But u wont understand it until u have a daughter. A cute little girl, a flower, that u educated with love and affection. And one day a trash will come (becuz this guy has sex desire, poor thing he needs to satisfy it like a good animal) and he will seduce ur daughter, who will think that he is a good guy who will take care of her. And the animal gets his pleasure from sex and then after some months/weeks he gets used to her body so he goes to the next one. And he threw ur daughter to the ben. And u can't imagine the damages in her mind/soul/brain idk but he destroyed her life and if u are lucky there is no baby in her vagina.
    So i never said that we have to stay celibats all our life, or that sex is the devil. Sex is enjoyable, its a good thing whitin limitq. We have to respect women and assume what we do instead of behaving like animals. If u cant assume the consequences, then go back to porn it is better for everyone...
    gagate likes this.
  6. @Yep u do Lying, cheating, manipulating and then dumping them like used condom is obviously bad. But I also think casual sex can be done in a loving, compassionate and respectful way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with two people having some adult fun and then going separate ways. As long as it is done consensually and with honesty about their intentions.

    Sex fundamentally is not divine/sacred and neither it is dirty. It is just hormones, tingles and friction designed to motivate reproduction. We then take that and give it artificially made up meaning in our heads. The idea that normal, natural sexuality is something to be controlled, suppressed and shamed comes from close minded and ignorant religions. This sexually repressive mindset is toxic and unhealthy to the psyche in almost the same, but slightly different, way as excessive promiscuity without any boundaries is.
  7. Do u know why God forbids certains things in religion? Because first its a test but more important, because He loves us and forbids what is bad for our body and our mind. And who knows better what is good or bad for a creature than its Creator? Sex with random people seems to be really enjoyable i agree, but as I am not an animal and because God gave me reason to use it, I think about the consequences for me AND for the other because we live in a society. I told u, there is the risk of a baby. Don't tell me that we can protect cuz there are always incidents and even ONE LIFE is important. U may say so what if a kid lives alone with his mother father?
    Take a look at this
    If u get used to have sex with random people do u think that u can stop right after marriage, or right aftrr having a baby out of marriage? No u won't. It is exactly like porn but porn irl with direct consequences on the society not only on u. I know that it is hard to accept this idea, u know why, cuz its so much pleasure and temptation that our brain doesn't want to give up this pleasure. But if u are selfish and arrogant u won't even think about this and just live like an animal looking for pleasure, having tons of relations etc. But u aren't eternal and every soul will taste death, u cant escape from God. U will be so sad most of ur life and when u will reach an old age with an ugly appearance (cuz nowadays society judge people on there outside not their inside) u will feel pathetic. And the next step is suicide or raping women childs etc. U will be sad on earth but this is nothing compared to the punishment of God in the Hereafter. God is Fair and every soul will get what she deserves. To help us to resist, God reminds us that Hellfire and paradise are waiting for us after ur death. So will u exhange eternal pleasure (paradise ) with some years of ephemera pleasure on earth? Do u remember this feeling after u fapped behind a screen? So disappointing right? Thats what u get when u dont listen to God fake pleasure and true disappointment. But life isnt a prison we can enjoy life WITHIN limits of God cuz he knows bettr what is good or bad for us. Thats my point of view. I am not here to convert u but to show u that sex with randoms piece of flesh is bad (even if we dont consider women like this, we act like this) and to show u that religion isnt a stupid thing that u learn and apply to suffer without thinking.
    "Will they not use reason?" And more than 15 other sentences like this are in the Book of God.
    But one more time i am not here to convert u but to make u reasoning about the consequences of ur acts. And God knows better.
    PMOkiller1906 and gagate like this.
  8. I dont agree with that. Yes sex desires turns the women to an object, but sex can be a way to express love too. And why would idols deserves love? Thy aren't even living, they cant here u, they can't help u and they cant even protect themselves. If i wanna destroy it, it wont do anything. But i agree with u that love is beautiful and who deserves more love than the One who created us?
  9. I am an agnostic-atheist so all that religious stuff you said is absolutely meaningless to me. I think there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible though. And a lot of spirituality for those who understand the real meaning of it. Which is far from what modern Christianity says. To understand the true meaning of it you have to study history and ancient Hebrew mysticism. Once you do that you would realize that it's really very much the same as Buddhism. Hell and Heaven are not actual places you are stuck in but rather states of mind. And God is an universal force, in pantheistic sense, like the Tao in Taoism or the Buddha Nature in Zen. And not a separate entity that rules things from outside, like fundamentalists believe.

    The original meaning of the Bible and teaching of Christ has been forgotten. Only people that still understand it is religious scientists, historians and theologians who study these things in great depth. But mainstream has been brainwashed into nonsense by the Church, who has twisted and corrupted the original teaching over hundreds of years for gaining control, power and wealth.

    This is not a matter of opinion or subjective interpretation of the Bible, this is simply a fact. Because we have historical, scientific proof of this. All you have to do is study ancient Hebrew mystical language (the mystics spoke is in metaphors and figures of speech), as well as original language of the Bible (old Hebrew, old Greek), and then read the Bible with new perspective. There are dictionaries for stuff like that.

    Holy moly man! You started from pretty average conservative position and now you say that if I do some casual love making I will end up a child rapist? Wtf? You have ascended my man...
  10. Oops, I just saw link you posted and realized you are Muslim, not Christian. Still though, the same applies. I haven't studied Islam that much but I have looked into it and it appears to also be written in mystical language and very much mistranslated and misunderstood. Sufi got it the closest to the truth. So unless you are a follower of Sufism you got most of it wrong.
    Yep u do likes this.
  11. This is the most lustful thread I have read on this forum. I wonder how will female users react to this, honestly I'm disgusted even tho I'm male.
    Yep u do and gagate like this.
  12. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Through sex you can express a lower form of love, because higher forms of love are lustless.
    Yep u do likes this.
  13. U have an interesting point of view but my english is poor and we are deviating from the main subject... Maybe we can continue in pm but i might disgrace what i defend with a poor language..
  14. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant


    My advice is: He’s happy. Let him be happy. Focus on your own goals. It’s his life.
  15. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Yeah some girls are succubuses, they gain energy by draining man's energy.

    So we need to be careful about these type of girls, because there is plenty of them and we can all agree on that.
    Deleted Account and gagate like this.
  16. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I AGREE!
    Powerous likes this.
  17. If it was all about him I wdnt even care, people who wanna destroy themself can do it IF IT DOESNT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE OTHER. So I am concerned about this kind of beastial behavior becuz it has an BIG IMPACT on society :
    But yeah u are right, lets be selfsih and have our little pleasure even if its harming other. But get ready to be destroyed by smne stronger than u soon.
    gagate likes this.
  18. It's not a type. It's literary all girls. And men drain women too by the way. The question is do they give anything back? Is it a fair exchange of yin and yang or is it one just one sided...
    Powerous likes this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Some guys never infected themselves that badly with a girl, indeed. Thank God. You can't feel the serenity it brings to feel pure and holly.
    So you hate it and spit on it.
    But God bless you.

    PS: *yes it is, and much worse I think since you're defiling someone else and risk having a child you didn't prepare for, not even mentionning STDs and emotional aftermaths.
    Everyone has a free will, and I don't think falling for your destructive lust to the point of rationalizing it in a fake boasting attitude is a wise choice.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  20. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Whatever dude. We all have different souls.
    And you have no idea what I am. I'm just an annonymous person on the internet talking about how much he loves sex/orgasms.

    Wanna know why? Cause it was taken away from me for YEARS! For years, I had anorgasmia due to porn and masturbation. Now Im sure if I fucked a girl who I was attracted to, I'd have an orgasm so intense...that I'd be happy and satisfied.

    One of the main things in life I care about, and I don't care who or what is reading this, is sex with sexy ass females. Idgaf if u call me thirsty or whatever. It's my right, I deserve them. I rebooted. I did it. It's my right to have intense pleasure. You're telling me that all these beautiful females in the world I'm not allowed to have them after I rebooted? I'm not allowed to be happy having sex with them? Why?

    As for STDs I fear them like nothing else. That's why I try to choose my woman carefully.

    BTW, I'd bet I'd treat a woman better than most here. I can take care of a girl financially. I can take care of her emotionally. I can take care of her physically. I'm a good person stop making me out like some demon or something. How dare you.

    You claim to be holy and pure. Do you even know about the Mandela effect? Probably not. But why talk about spirituality on nofap?