Ted Bundy documentary and the porn phenomena.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by AnikiT, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. AnikiT

    AnikiT Fapstronaut

    I googled to see if there was a correlation or if anyone had made the same inquiry via Reddit. To no surprise in the golden age of internet and sharing of information, we are truly catching on. After watching Netflix’s “Conversations with a serial Killer: The Ted Bundy tapes” There was two important recordings in the docu-series. There was a part in which there was a recording between him and his girlfriend which he made a phone call in jail. She asked if he committed those crimes of killing young innocent girls in which he replied “I’m consumed by something I don’t understand.” (HELLO?) I’m not sure if you guys have seen it but it all started out with porn magazines in which he felt that woman were subservient and only objects for men.

    The second part in the end, the day before his electrocution, his interview with with FBI agent sent out to interview serial killers. Ted states that he has met a lot of violent men in jail and each one of them were deeply involved in pornography in some way. Of course in the subsections on Reddit, some people think it’s absolutely ludicrous, stating that they all watch porn and did not turn into serial killers, but how do you think fetishes (as we all know) develop? The one thing that is definitive, is that porn derails your compassion. For me, towards not only woman, but society in general. 20 Years of PMO. The anger, the frustrations. The chase effect after one O, more, more, more. I haven’t escalated to any trans, scat, violent, or any other dark fetishes thank god (although P did make me lose interest in "Vanilla sex") but who’s to say I won’t if I continue to PMO? I don’t remember which other serial killers that also admitted it all started out when they had discovered pornography, even just magazines in the early 70’s and 80’s. I believe that Ted had other issues as a child and violent tendencies, porn just added to it. Especially with his fetish, and the things he did I would consider a fetish developed in his own mind.

    Porn is truly a psychological phenomena that really needs to be looked it into in the science and medical field.
    Nugget9, Knighthawk and overclocked like this.
  2. In my opinion, not all fetishes develop because of pornography...hmm..if you have a (true and not temporary) fetish you must have had it before pornography or it still must exist (permanently) without pornography....but yeah, most fetishes are definitely confirmed/enhanced /encouraged by watching pornography while some are (basically) temporary fetishes gained from escalation/discoveries in the viewing of pornography...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2019
  3. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    I think it is a reasonable hypothesis that pornography can induce aggressive behavior in individuals predisposed to certain actions. If pornography is part of the addictive pursuit of an individual, then that individual probably possesses an inclination toward adapting environmental stimuli into expressions of violence, especially as their mind rejects checks on motivations to escalate said violence.

    I think there is serious reason to suspect that without pornography, there might have been no Ted Bundy -- not because the P itself directed the behavior, but because he was genetically biased toward being mentally modified more towards aggression when exposed to the P.

    Who knows, he might have been "normal" without such exposure. It is almost impossible to say if there would be other triggers, even in combinations, but it could very well have been the case he would have gone his whole life "normal and unsatisfied," like the rest of us, lol.

    I agree that more studies of these subjects are necessary.
    Nugget9 and AnikiT like this.
  4. AnikiT

    AnikiT Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. There are people I noticed on alot of these forums that said once they recovered from P, all those fetishes they once had, disappeared. It includes HCOD and heaps of others that they didn't really know they'd ever be into. Myself included. My old threads I have mentioned that I have lost interest in vaginal sex through P. I am still recovering from it. I think Ted does have some other deep psychological issues, not blaming the Porn entirely but it def. Contributed to his behaviour. Alot of people think he was bullshitting in the interview to escape his execution. I think it's true in that he didn't want to die, but I do believe that he believes porn is a factor in these men.

    From the point of a hetero male, since puberty, we do things to procure our sexual desires. There are many avenues since the beginning of our ancestors. Resources, physicality, desire to for power. We get frustrated. We have agression. We get violent. God knows they do in the incel community. It's all got to do with our childhood and it's linked to our sexuality. Our lustful desires etc.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
    EthanW. likes this.
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    According to me
    Ted bundy was a master manipulator
    His porn theory......was basically to shift the focus on something else......and he wanted to become a case of study so that his death can be postponed.....
    But still porn messes up the brain chemicals.......and it sure makes us violent.....
    But only porn can not be responsible for such behavior
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  6. I'm with the theory that porn will induce violence only if you're already predisposed to it.

    I had steady porn since I left home at the age of 17 (with irregular access before then). In those four decades, instead of losing compassion and gaining violence, I increased compassion (although I did develop fetishes). I was never violent.

    I don't think that we can blame porn for the violence, but I certainly agree with the OP that it might have exacerbated the violence, and contributed to the type of violence.
    Nugget9, EthanW. and AnikiT like this.
  7. I started watching this documentary now LOL
    Coffee Candy and EthanW. like this.
  8. AnikiT

    AnikiT Fapstronaut

  9. I HAD (not have) a fetish (I guess i won't say it bc it's nofap, but I don't have it anymore). It involved *slightly* harming females, not in a measure against females it was porn induced shit. It was consensual and purely porn induced sexual. I actually got to act upon it in real life w a girl and it was nothing like the porn version. I personally hated it and was like, well not doing this ever again. Now I never have an urge for that b.s. Also if I'm being unclear, this past fetish is a trillion times less intense than Ted Bundys crime. Guess it shouldn't even be in the same post

    What I'm saying is it's a bit of a stretch to say Ted or his comrades in prison started commiting violent crimes bc of sole pornography. You know most people start at porn and then get into sex. Ted and theses prisoners probably did it bc theyre violent people, or grew up badly, or drug addiction, etc. Or in Ted's case, he's a legitimate psychopathic killer
    u376 and AnikiT like this.
  10. AnikiT

    AnikiT Fapstronaut

    Like I said, I think porn does "give ideas" or trigger something. Since we are sharing, i'll tell you after 20 yrs of PMO and still being in recovery. I have a Puke fetish that I discovered while watching hardcore P that involves only oral. It wasn't something I thought i'd be into. I grew into liking oral and anal only. But growing up I knew I liked Bj's but not to that extent. I think it escalated my tastes and it got me into escort addiction and i'd ask for rough oral activity. But when I think about it, I wouldn't be into the same thing with a partner of whom I loved. And also, after spending time on this site, RECOVERY I realized, is not about abstinence, it's changing how we think about sex.
    Coffee Candy and Mordobarn like this.
  11. I just finished watching this documentary. Yeah there was definitely a sexual deviancy going on obviously. Who knows where that originated from. Those were the days before internet porn. Those days seem so quaint now. I don't think the lesson is "if you look at porn you'll end up like Ted Bundy". How much stock can you put in what a serial liar on death row says anyway. As one person in the documentary pointed out, porn is a good scapegoat to say "see porn made me do it". I think the lesson is "don't let your sexual inclinations control you!" whether it be porn or whatever else. I thought it was a good documentary though, I especially thought the court hearings were interesting
    Nugget9, AnikiT and Deleted Account like this.
  12. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    1. Ted Bundy was born as a psychopath. Psychopathy is a differently developed brain where there is no remorse and empathy at all, and the person enjoys seeing other people, animals struggling or make them struggle. It is triggering their enjoyment and excitement in the brain, where a normal person will experience sadness and disgust (that's why psychopathy is already in the baby as it born with it, as different parts of the brain are triggering by these actions) For example sociopath also doesn't really have an empathy and remorse but sociopath is created by the environment and will kill for a different reason and different parts of the brain will be triggered. So if Ted Bundy didn't kill because of addiction to porn he would be killing because of taking sweets from the shops, or other burglary or whatever else. He was born as a killer.

    2. People with missing remorse and empathy as for example (narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths) can kill people and they will feel nothing. They will only be worried about themselves that they will go to prison. The psychopath is the only one from them who enjoys killing (eventually malignant narcissist can enjoy too). People with no empathy and remorse take other people as objects, they mean nothing to them, they have no value, therefore, no problem to kill as there is no attachment to anything.

    3. I always said that porn opens gates to devil entities. We (lucky ones) who have emotions we can watch porn and constantly understand and remind to ourselves that hurting other people is bad (because of remorse and empathy in us) so we will only hurt ourselves through self-loathing thoughts, self-hatred and so on. People with psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism can become killers as they have an extremely poor toolset of emotions. They have mostly emotions like anger, jealousy, envy. When some entity enters them through the porn they can kill immediately without remorse. There is nothing to stop them from it. They are not equipped as normal people. That's why these people are extremely dangerous to be around or have them as friends. Most of them are very charismatic so they naturally attract loads of people into their life.

    4. Empathy circuit in the brain acts as a basic mechanism that you are aware that there are other people in the world and they do matter. They have value and they have feelings. If you damage your empathy circuit you won't have anything to stop you from killing other people. Basic psychology. Porn has nothing to do with it. But porn is bad, of course.
    Nugget9, Lions and Deleted Account like this.
  13. One thing completely overlooked in this thread is that all of Ted Bundy's victims were attractive young women.

    Porn is no excuse for mass murder but rest assured that man's brain had some serious trouble processing violent pornography. If porn had nothing to do with it, why were all of his victims attractive young women? That is not a coincidence.
    AnikiT likes this.
  14. Good point. A good question is, attractive by which standards? I'll bet that it was attractive by the standards of the mass media at the time, and porn would have reflected that.
    Nugget9 and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Most men are drawn to attractive young women whether they have been exposed to porn or not. Youre making it sounds like men are generally interseted in unattractive women until they fall victim to porn.
    brilliantidiot and 4DCreator like this.
  16. [QUOTE="What I'm saying is it's a bit of a stretch to say Ted or his comrades in prison started commiting violent crimes bc of sole pornography. You know most people start at porn and then get into sex. Ted and theses prisoners probably did it bc theyre violent people, or grew up badly, or drug addiction, etc. Or in Ted's case, he's a legitimate psychopathic killer[/QUOTE]

    I agree. I think the porn fixation was just a manifestation of sexual deviancy that was already there. Most people can't understand why I feel sympathy for rapist, pedophiles and killers but if you look into their background, the vast majority of them have been raped, molested, physically abused in some extreme manner or raised in an enviroment where they witnessed this behavior. The human brain is incredible and can adapt to almost any situation for the sake of self preservation.

    If you got raped or molested once it would scar you but if you were in a situation where this occured on a daily basis for years, your brain changes how it perceives these actions and your ability to feel emotions and empathy are surpressed because if it didn't, you would literally go crazy. If you dig deep enough, I would bet he experienced something of that nature. He became sex obssessed and acted out with PMO before he graduated to rape and murder.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  17. No, what I'm saying is that serial killers won't normally have such a select demographic target.
  18. You think Ted Bundy was the only serial killer obsessed with porn? I assure you that is not the case.
  19. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Because it was serving his needs. Psychopath always does what serves his needs. How would 65 years old male serve his needs? If he needed money and that man would have money he would kill him with no remorse.
  20. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Very good point here.