The reason why you are addicted to "sissy-porn"

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Syx19, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. Hi

    This post is for guys that are addicted to this kind of porn so i wont explain what exactly it is since they know already..

    btw. i watched it for like 2 years

    So a few weeks ago i asked myself why i am still addicted to this kind of porn or why any guy is addicted to this bullshit and i researched the whole internet and found a good post but lost the link but i still wanna share it again in my words so more people know

    I think the most confusing thing about this Fetish is that most of us want to stop watch it because after an orgasm we mostly feel like shit and are embarrassed and also most of us arent gay or wanna be a girl so its an immediate turn off so we stop but the fantasies in our heads keep going i mean im now over 200 days on my streak and had not one single day without this sissy thoughts not one!!!
    I mean i have to say it got much better then at the start because im really attracted to girls now and looking at a penis doesnt turn me on most of the time but its really random someday i only have the thoughts 1 or 3 times a day but there are also days where i cant stop thinking about it or also when i see like this super hot girls in public that like really could be in a porn movie i just ask myself idk if i want to fuck here or to be here and this confuses me so hard

    But i found out the reason why the thoughts not stop
    And the reason is also the reason why you even start watching it in the first place
    and thats little self-confidence or low self esteem and this fetish is our escape route
    You have problems to prevail against other men ?
    well no problem just obey them
    You have Problems asking girls out because its so scary just to think about it ?
    well just become one
    you see what i mean when i realized this i noticed a lot of stuff
    if some coworkers made fun of me because im still a virgin or some shit like that
    boom instant sissy thoughts...
    no success with girls in the club if i even talk to some
    boom instant sissy thought (specially if im drunk)

    and also in my past in school i got beaten up often but i really didnt wanna fight and my classmates called me a pussy
    also i had like 0 contact with woman and was at home playing videogames 24/7
    i mean i had like 140 hours in 2 weeks even doe i had school 5 days a week i mean wtf i have over 2500 hours in counter strike i wasted so much time

    and this together with this fetish is pure poison
    this fetish destroyed my Life
    you always have this fucking second person of you
    this sissy in your head and it sucks

    But at least i and you now know what we have to do we have to get more confident
    and the thoughts will fade away automatically
    humility123, exi1e, Artic and 30 others like this.
  2. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Another factor might be this: most porn focuses on the woman, and the man is basically part of the furniture. When I fantasize, I am focused on the emotions of the woman. To become absorbed in the porn is to put myself in the woman's shoes. It is only natural that this might evolve into a fantasy of becoming a woman.

    Of course I agree with all the points you made too. I've never been particularly macho. Invariably when I answer the phone people assume I am a woman. Also no success with dating. All of that stuff you mentioned is important too.
  3. yeah that with the youre focused on the woman is definetly true

    i always a little bit fantisized about that and started putting things in my ass and stuff like that or wear my sisters clothes
    and then i once found that cei hypno video wich i only clicked because i thougth like what this is a hypnosis and wanted to try it i didnt know what cei is and then i searched for more videos like that and yeah thats how it started rigth now i really dont like all that sissy stuff i also remeber one of my relapse where i dont liked some pictures because they were humiliating i think if i would decide to relapse now that would be the same even harder at the moment there are just some transgendered person thougths in my head because i realised i only like woman so with a transgendered person i still have the dick but like the person over christmas i also researched a lot about transgendered person hookers in my country thats why i almost relapsed but im way to scared to actually call the hooker and have sex

    i think thats a major problem for me to since i know i cum in like 5-10 seconds i mean my last relapse was like a few strokes and i came i actually didnt thougth i actually did it because it was so fast so im actually scared to have sex with a woman because i know whatever i do she wont have as much fun as i have also i dont have a long penis its a little bit under average and this really holds me back from getting in touch with woman its a vicious circle :emoji_worried:
  4. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    The thing to consider is that women have sex with other women - no penis at all and they enjoy themselves apparently. Women care more about your charming personality, your willingness to do special things for them, your hygiene, etc. That's what I've heard. I have no experience with women myself.

    Also, a transgendered person hooker sounds like a way to catch HIV.
    Rhobar II, Syx19 and PornFreeMe like this.
  5. Thank you for this one. Great gread
    Syx19 likes this.
  6. There is alot of cultural propaganda these days about how easy men have it with all their "male privilege", etc. In fact it takes alot of self-work to cultivate our core male selves in a positive way. We have to take healthy risks, work to build our own confidence, learn how to handle ourselves with women, etc. - in other words we have to earn it. And to make it harder, we have to do it in a modern society that blathers on about "toxic masculinity" and other such harmful terms.

    As the OP suggests, it sometimes seems easier to abandon this responsibility and escape into these kinds of detached fantasies. However this only causes ultimately more loss of self-esteem. I think we as men need to support each other, to recognize the particular challenges we face. It is not always an easy road, but it is worth the effort when we gain our true inner strength of healthy masculine energy. (by the way, this is the energy women respond to, no matter what politically-correct claims they may make.) Anyway check out on this other thread, some good recommended books on what I'm talking about. The stronger we become within our true masculine selves, the more immune we are to this particularly damaging strain of P.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
    Just V, Cactus61, T2Q and 5 others like this.
  7. Well a problem i have with myself is i was supee confident back then like really nobody could touch me and school together with to much gaming and porn completley fucked my confidence and i wish i could go back i now what is in the past is in the past but man whyy fucking bullshit

    Also im not that big fan of books and stuff because at the end of the day do they really help you ?
    Like for example does reading a book about picking up actually helps you getting girls ?
    Like for real at the end of the day all books and videos are usless because if you would ask 1000 womans : hey wanna go on a date at least one says yes and you get more confident

    I judt cant make the one step and also my brain still had this problems about actual love i mean im so horny i mostly can only think about sex yesterday i actually had a wet dream for the first time and im still so horny like i wanna have an orgasm so bad but now i cant fap becuase i will feel like shit and on the other hand have nothing to fuck ..
  8. I wasn't really meaning books on picking up chicks (although I guess there's some of that in there). My point was more that we have to do a certain amount of development within ourselves to cultivate our masculine energy, and this is not always an easy task. There is work and risk involved to get there. We must accept this, and take responsibility for our own growth, along with all the challenges it requires along the way. And I believe it is work that must be done on our own. We cannot rely on women to provide us reassurance and strength, we must build it within ourselves before we can truly have healthy relationships with them.

    I agree with you that action is more important than words. I remember a line from that movie Three Kings, something like "You only get the courage after you do the thing you're afraid of." However the theoretical ideas, the themes of being a man which goes back into historical archetypes, I think is helpful for those who've lost their way either from never having a positive male role model (e.g. absent father figure), previous setbacks/disappointments/rejections which they haven't let go of, or who've fallen victim to our current culture of hostility towards males.
    T2Q, Vismund Cygnus and JustinX like this.
  9. The main Problem here is people dont do shit that what i just noticed we all are way to scared to try i mean maybe picking up girls doesnt make you a man but most of us dont know that why because we never even ask them out well be like well hmm maybe thats not even the perfect way to get confident maybe i should just workout and get strong that makes me confident the go to the gym 3 times notice its to hard go at home think man im a looser and fap i know what you try to say but honestly it relly depends on your perception

    Like lets say someone thinks a real man is strong a real man talks to every hot chick hes not scared to get rejected
    so go out and talk to every girl and hit the gym you feel me

    i know this is hard because i cant do that myself either but eventually we all have to do it at some point or we will relapse or dont acomplish anything
    im on day 200 i dont actually feel the benefits because im used to them
    you just need willpower to not masturbate but you need even more to get out of your comfort zone maybe im not addicted to the porn anymore but my life is not perfect i still have to change a lot to get my old me
    Like i know im made to do big things im diffrent then normal people that only talk shit
    i just change my mindset from thinker to do'er
    im now not addicted to Porn im just addicted to the escape i search escape roots every where thats why i got addicted to sissy porn you feel me and thats why my brain still wants the porn back

    hope this makes sence to you
  10. spacerocktrvlerant

    spacerocktrvlerant New Fapstronaut

    Hey friends. I made an account just to share with you all some wisdom- which is not necessarily my own, but I’ve acquired it from others through experiences, conversations, and of course reading and thought.

    Listen. Do NOT feel ashamed for whatever your fetish may be. There’s a near 100% chance everyone else is experiencing difficulty in some part of their lives. Ya humans are prone to discomfort, it’s somewhat like our natural state and is what leads us to consume and eventually, as we intellectually comprehend what we’re doing and what we’re feeling, we evolve.

    There was a bleak time at the dawn of many new technologies and industries. Men, families, and even women who sought and found pleasure from the pursuit of superior domination had a significant effect on humanity.

    Go back even further though and you’ll find homosexuality wasn’t all that uncommon, and the way and why that’s relevant, is that men did not feel so uncomfortable about “it”.

    You can try and package up all your feelings and thoughts, and even interests and call them a fetish and because they don’t align with who you think you are, you say it’s all a misunderstanding and because of x y and z. Fact is, you’re envisioning who you think you must be, now or in the future, to have what you really want(if op: a woman to have and hold, cherish and love).

    You have this idea that men can’t be bisexual, and you have this idea because you don’t yet possess the understanding of just how vast and complex our world, the human one, not earth, is. Attraction, pleasure, chemistry, science, growth. I bet you love these things? Or at the least can appreciate them or at least appreciate something that people, PEOPLE, who have contributed to advancements in those areas of life have created and impacted and or made available in yours.

    We’re an animal species designed to develop and grow, innately.

    Your low self esteem is potentially coming from the fact you state you’ve been bullied many times- when have you fought back? Don’t watch yourself get beat up. Someone, anyone, who acts inappropriately, defined as 1)intending to do others emotional or physical harm or 2) intending to do themselves emotional or physical harm, is simply out of place and more often than not lashing out because they want help and don’t know a civil way to obtain it. Confusion creates more confusion.

    I’ve abstained from masturbating, and I’ve also masturbated a great number of times in a day- and enjoyed both greatly. What you want to be is in touch with yourself and so long as you are and feel that you’re connected AND you’ve got a path you’re traveling on that you’re aware of - Then, I say, by all means go fuxking explore the world, sexuality, your body and others. Embrace, and help others who deny- that’s how I hope you see this message. Embrace is the key word. Those who would deny or belittle others may have reasons for doing so, but they almost always come from monkey brain thinking; and the rest of humanity, when these cases present themselves in the news, discusses and discovers, often with ease, how simple a better solution often is. There’s a ton of complex shit in this world that we got to figure out. Sexuality shouldn’t be one of them(unless you’re an investigative scientist with an agenda tailored for specific purposes and discoveries). Just be safe and accept that people are both complicated and not complicated creatures. Start thinking along that way and with time I think you’ll find it easier to both talk with women and you know, may have, •whispers• a gay or bisexual experience or two.

    Who’s gonna fucking judge you? Fuck them. And if you’re judging yourself, you need to be able to do so with better clarity than you’ve shown in the post above.

    There is something to be said about any emotion and feeling you have, so don’t dismiss them so easily and assume what someone else says or even what I’ve written as fact blindly.

    Time is of the essence- and it’s why this website exists. People looking for a solution to a plethora of problems who have identified- correctly or not- that they exist or are because porn/masturbation.

    Maybe not what the owners of this site wanna see, or its long time followers, but any guru worth there weight in gold will tell you that there mission is to awaken you to the fact that you’re your own best resource.

    Maybe you participate and come here to this website to learn how to manage yourself and share with others who are looking for strength as to why they’re each personally not masturbating, but don’t preach this shit as a way to live. Every person here has an objective, a personal intrinsic one, and dont you dare assume yours is the same as anyone else’s.

    That’s all. I don’t want to come back to this page as the time investment doesn’t seem worth it. I don’t participate in NoFap and I don’t like the perception many nofappers try to offer. This place is a support group- little else. If you need the support, great, enjoy. But you’re better off with yourself, nature, and a well educated professional. Never be afraid to share your opinion op, I’m not. I think you probably have a lot to say, maybe try focusing on what’s going on in your mind a bit more before mixing with a crowd of confused people. You seem susceptible and likely to get hurt if you’re not prepared. Work on getting prepared. That’s all. With love dude. I wish anyone reading this well. Take care.
  11. AllNamesUsed

    AllNamesUsed Fapstronaut

    I had over 1 year of actual playtime on my main character in world of warcraft and i had like 20+ characters

    GTFCKNGPRDCTV New Fapstronaut

    Wow thanks for the post, this helped me a lot to understand it. Great work, appreciate it!
  13. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    Also remember that porn fetishes are the result of your brain needing new and novel imagery in order to get the same dopamine rush, even and especially if said fetishes cause anxiety and repulsion. (Escalation). Many addicts find that they no longer have fetishes after abstaining from PMO for several months.
    Crimsonzag, QuiggyG, skylark and 4 others like this.
  14. Pussyaversionadict

    Pussyaversionadict Fapstronaut

    Hi, im still totally addicted to sissy hypnosis, cock conversion and pussy aversion and can't get out of it. It's really gotten more and more out of hand. Guess im not at the point like you guys who are fighting it. Just can't seem to. It's to hard. Especially since i have been corresponding with one particular Lady who makes these kind of clips and Her hold on me is very strong. Don't know wat to do
  15. Hi there honestly im to lazy to re-read everything i wtrote in this thread but for your addiction i can just tell you if wanna get rid of it stop watching thats pretty much the only thing that will help you to get away from it but it will take much time for me it was like 150 days that i really stopped thinking about it but even then i relapsed after a year of abstaining rigth now im trying to get back on track and so far its pretty easy but thats because i built a lot of self control on my last high streak i will try to get more active on nofap again and will post more stuff soon you can follow me if youre intrested or check my earlyer posts when i was more addicted to this sissy stuff and feel free to private message me if you wanna talk
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Pussyaversionadict

    Pussyaversionadict Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the thoughts, it's just so easy to continue and it's so hypnotic. Not sure wat ill do yet but it's just so good.
    Syx19 likes this.
  17. Well even doe i fapped to it only a few days ago im not really into it anymore it was more of a thing i just had to watch because i already thougth vanilla-porn is lame but i actually felt like i lie to myself because i know rigth from the start i dont like it

    What really changed eveeything was the fact that its all just a fantasie because when you stop watching it you think about it even more and it feels like you will never ever will forget about it well i forgot about it and then i started getting depressed and i also was very sexualy frustrated and felt i had no chance on getting a girl ever in my life so i was like okay lets do it just really get into this lifestlye and i searched google for guides how to actually become a sissy and you know what there is no such thing because even the ones that are hardcore into are people that dress up at home and play with there toys as much as this kind of porn turns you on its not the real you and also there is much more to be a woman then to freaking have sex with a men and dress sexy its the whole additude they way you walk the way you speak the way you feel and trust me once you step out of this dream world this poen even if it migth feel nice to watch will never feel like before
  18. It's a weird fetish man, that's all I can say. As someone who's had it too, I still don't fully understand what made me want to be the girls in porn. Felt like giving a bj when watching straight porn but couldn't care less about it seeing gay porn. I just don't get it. It's been one year since I last saw porn and I still can't put my finger on that one. In any case it seems to suggest that the human brain can't handle porn, at least not a porn habit. Because of the stimulation, the associations it makes seeing porn are just plain wrong sometimes. Sissy, gay and TG are awful fetishes man, yet most seem to get them at some point.
    Crimsonzag, Cactus61, Nelly77 and 2 others like this.
  19. Pussyaversionadict

    Pussyaversionadict Fapstronaut

    Yes i understand. Do You know if my corresponding and paying that clip Lady is magnifying my addiction? She has a real hold on me too and iv asked if She might let up on me but that only fueled Her to increy the process on me and iv fallen even deeper
  20. Well just block every way she could contact you this girls only want your money and have fun destroying lifes and as long as she has a spot in your life you will never get rid of your addiction