This article hit me in the feels.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ra's Al Ghul, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Its an article about Michael Monsoor, a Navy SEAL who died in the Iraq war. The Navy named a new ship after him.

    What really hit me in the feels though was how the younger generation was described.


    Sadly, the memory of Michael Monsoor stands in stark contrast to the lives of young Americans today, whom surveys show to be the least patriotic, least religious, least loyal and least grateful generation in American history. Coincidentally, they’re also the most miserable, exhibiting higher rates of anxiety, stress, depression and even suicide than any of their forebears.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

  3. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Very well said.

    Not just Americans though. Lived in 4 countries; same deal everywhere.

    World has gone to shit.
  4. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with you!
  5. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    This isnt even really about Trump either. Its the simple fact that some people chimp out on a candidates shirts and hats, fucking shirts and hats. 2016 just showed me how much the country has changed, and Trump just exposed all the ills. Trump divided no one, he came on the scene because of the division thats already present. I was fucking elated the night he won and beat all the Assholes.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
    Knighthawk and Slick Willie like this.
  6. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I read another article yesterday about how Stanford University brought in "therapy Llamas" for stressed out students. Smh. No one is suffering from toxic masculinity, the new generation is a bunch of fucking pussies.
  7. The only real toxic males are these modern soy boys. I'd probably doubt men too if I was constantly surrounded by feminine men. Thank god I live in a really conservative town. There may not be a lot of high iq males here, but no ones marching through the streets with picket signs, crying about "muh feelings." The only protest here, was when people were protesting Trudeau. That's what these "men" don't understand. Feminism is just one massive shit-test, designed to back men into a corner so we have no choice but to stand up for ourselves. I'd be afraid of the shit hitting the fan too, if my life was in the hands of someone who was too afraid of saying something that may offend someone. You might find this interesting:
    EthanW. and Ra's Al Ghul like this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    To be fair, the people who were crying and needed therapy after Trump’s win were sincerely scared about what the next day would bring concerning their daily lives.

    I don’t blame them; it’s the fear-driven media corporations that drilled such fears into their vulnerable heads by cutting a half hour Trump speech into a 15 second message with its context completely taken out. They legitimately think Trump hates gays and is a white supremacist Nazi because of the media brainwashing all around, so their reaction is understandable. Of course, Trump is no angel either and I still don’t trust him (I don’t trust anyone in any public office, let’s be honest).

    This is no funny situation. This truly shows how powerful and corrupt the media can be. The media lives on fear and division. That’s not to say that all media or news are bad or to stay ignorant, as being informed about the situations around you are great, but everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I don’t blame people who are brainwashed, either on the Left and on the Right, for holding some beliefs. They’re only victims of this corruption. That said, they should also explore areas that aren’t in their safe space, else they’re voluntarily staying ignorant.
    EthanW. and NamaClature14 like this.
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Yes, i have hated the media already for many many years. Many would bang their own mother if the media told them it would be a good idea. Smh
  10. GOOD
  11. Correlation does not imply causation. Young Americans aren't depressed, suicidal, etc bc they are ungrateful, unpatriotic, etc.

    But yeah that survey is probably true just based on my feeling. It depends when it's taken. If it's a recent survey then it 100% accurate as most young Americans dislike Trump and are more liberal minded on average and are displeased w the gov being ran Republican, therefore being unpatriotic in that sense.

    Idk where the depression and suicide rates came from in your post though
  12. I live in a conservative town too and I find it hell on Earth. You can’t talk to anyone at all without hearing about “muh Jesus”, “muh coal”, “muh guns”, “muh Trump”, “muh truck”. The sooner I can get out of this redneck shithole the better.
  13. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  14. There's a certain irony in leftists thinking the right are nazis, all while wanting to suppress their rights to free speech. They're entitled to their opinions and you're not better than them.
  15. Because religion is the worst thing to happen to humanity in my opinion. It can’t die out fast enough.
  16. This makes no sense. I never said they weren’t allowed to talk about their stupid shit, I said I hated hearing about it all the time. Just about every person you approach here is going to ramble on about the same simple minded garbage. They can talk about it and I can talk about how I hate hearing it all the time.
  17. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    This is an absurd claim. I could go into details... And it won't. Nothing anyone does will eradicate it (It, being Christianity, I don't speak for other religions).
  18. I never said you do, I said you wanted to. Because their beliefs are different than yours it's simple minded garbage? Right, because you clearly know everything and are right all the time. Even if you actually were smarter than all these people, it wouldn't make you superior to them.
  19. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    I love seeing the videos of trudeau getting mocked straight in his face by Albertans. You guys must really hate him there :p
    God bless Alberta... the only sane province left in Canada
  20. Wanna bet? If people stop believing in these religions then guess what happens? Religion will be eradicated.