Is okay to healthy masturbation without porn?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Whitemyger34, Jan 22, 2019.

  1. Whitemyger34

    Whitemyger34 Fapstronaut

    Hi nofap,
    I just masturbated myself while thinking about my friend and I got laid few days ago. I don’t watch porn or whatever but think about my friend. I don’t fap since almost 80 days stacks. I don’t do it on purpose but my cock suddenly turn hard on itself with no reason. I think I had morning wood but not sure. I do not plan to masturbation everyday but sometimes like few months or so. What you think? Is that bad to masturbate?
  2. Ask a hundred different people, and you'll get a hundred different answers. I personally think it's perfectly fine as long as it doesn't impact your life negatively.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Yes man, people on this site overexaggerate, but for a good reason. I myself am an addict so if i masturbate, porn soon follows, which is bad. If you have the willpower to do so without porn be my guest. About the frequency, If you're below 20 is 4 days, in your 20's about a week 30+ half a month and 40+ should be once a month. I don't have citations, but it's the average time for people to "reload". I wouldn't do more then once a week tho.
  4. Is it OK to masturbate with porn if you don't become addicted to it?
  5. Being that this site is devoted to help people quit porn addiction.... I would say porn use under any circumstances is not good for you.
  6. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut


    "Is it ok to try cocaine or crystal meth if you don't become addicted to it?"

    Yeah... sure. What could POSSIBLY happen, right?
    FreeyaMind, Nugget9, Flower99 and 4 others like this.
  7. Well what can one masturbate to if they don't masturbate to porn? Your thoughts? If you use your thoughts it mightn't work since you can have intrusive thoughts while you do it... so what, other than porn, can one masturbate to?
  8. Without a doubt, this depends on your end goals. Myself, for example, am interested in the benefits of semen retention for 90 days, and therefore, will not masturbate alongside not watching porn. As hard as it may be, as well, I will not have sex during these 90 days if the opportunity arises. Take some time to rethink your current and end goals, and if masturbation makes sense for you during this reboot, then go for it. Just make sure you don't use it as an excuse for getting some quick pleasure.
    FreeyaMind and plusscientist like this.
  9. According to a mix of medical professionals and the literature on this site, occasional masturbation to release sexual tension is fine.

    But, masturbating for stress relief is just as dangerous as using any other potentially addictive behaviour, e.g. taking recreational drugs (such as alcohol) for stress relief. Bad idea!

    My last answer has the hint.

    If you're masturbating for stress relief, you need porn (or p-subs or fantasy) to excite yourself, because it's not actually about sex but instead about numbing yourself. Bad idea!

    But, if you're masturbating just to release sexual tension, and for no other reason, you don't need to excite yourself; your penis is already excited, and all that you need to do is masturbate until you orgasm. Pretty boring, but that's the point — you don't want to replace a real partner with your hand.
    sparkz, Whitemyger34 and AddictMaster like this.
  10. But what if you don't want a real partner? What if you're a germophobe and interacting with others in that way is difficult because you can't stand germs and what if you're happy being single?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2019
  11. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Might not be "bad" but personally I think it's not ideal. At least until you are not cured. You are just wasting energy for the sake of what? Pleasure?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. You won't like my answer.

    But it comes from the heart.

    If you avoid people because you're a germophobe, it means that you have a phobia.
    A phobia is an extreme irrational anxiety that interferes with living your life.

    You know that germophobia is silly, because avoiding germs actually makes you sick.
    It prevents your immune system from working properly.
    Eventually, in some people, your immune system gets "bored" and turns against your own body.
    The research has shown us this again and again.

    But, that's logic.
    And phobias are never rooted in logic.
    Which is why logic won't help you.

    Because phobias always have some problem underneath them.
    If you don't address the phobia, it will make your life hell.
    If it hasn't already.


    Find therapy.

    Excellent therapies for phobias are hypnotherapy and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).
    CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) works for some people, but it can be slow.
    There are other therapies that can help.

    That's my answer.
    You won't like it.
    But I hope that you do it anyway.
  13. Fair enough but what if you like being single and don't want a partner?
  14. That's still no reason to watch porn.
    Because porn messes with your brain.
    Addiction to porn, from what I've seen, is as disabling as addiction to many drugs — alcohol, cannabis, crack, …

    That's why.

    Some people prefer to live alone, and that's absolutely your right.

    It's also perfectly fine to live alone —
    provided that you're living alone because of a genuine built-in preference and not because of germophobia or some other emotional problem.

    It's also your right to get drunk every night, or to watch porn every night.
    But it's unhelpful, and it's hurtful.

    Sitting in your room fapping to porn is not exciting.
    And when you get PIED and DE, believe me, it will not only be unexciting, but also fearsomely frustrating and upsetting.
    Depression will follow quickly.

    Try doing something exciting instead!
    Climbing. Caving. Skiing. Chess. Charity work. Cycling. Whatever.

    Just don't depend on porn for your kicks,
    because it will kick you in the nuts.
    arken3, Flower99, SkinnyBeard and 5 others like this.
  15. I know that fapping to porn is unhealthy.
    A guy wouldn't have to worry or care about any of that if he wanted to remain single, now would he?
  16. I feel like you've got a masturbation habit and you're looking for us to either condone it or tell you its fine and go ahead. If you're not using porn, the rest is up to you how you want to live your life. If it becomes a problem or addictive, cut back or quit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I just have some questions I wanted answered, that's it. I know that masturbating to porn is unhealthy... if I didn't, I wouldn't have joined the site. I'm just a curious guy with some questions, that's it. I'm not looking for anyone to condone my destructive habit.
  18. Hi Whitemyger34!

    I honestly think it depends on the fantasy. I think it's more about knowing yourself (self control) than it is about what you do. For some people, porn isn't a problem and for some it is, just like alcohol.

    For me, porn is definitely a problem. That said, my girlfriend has sent me a few pictures that some would call suggestive. In order to maintain having healthy fantasies and masturbation habits, I don't focus on how attractive she looks in the picture, but rather on how attracted I am to her in general, both emotionally and physically. I only use those photos for context and to make it easier to include her in my fantasies. However, I don't need those pictures to be turned on by her. She is not porn, because I choose what turns me on.

    As far as masturbation goes, spend more time learning than you do masturbating, is all I can say. Don't let masturbation become the reason you have doubts in your life, as it is just a means of feeling good, nothing more. And especially don't let it become the only reason you feel good.

    If you would like more info on what I mean, take a look at some of my other posts or message me. I am always happy to chat.

    Ever hopeful,
    Rah1604 likes this.
  19. There actually is such a thing as healthy masturbation:

    It doesn't make you fucking insane, literally.

    That said, there ought to be SOME way to coexist with masturbation, and people have actually put time into figuring that out:
    CBT is great. Another is BRS. It's a weird acronym I can't remember the expanded form of. The point of both is to not only change the way we think about things, but also how we behave when met with seemingly problematic stimuli. Why should I stop masturbating just because sometimes I can't handle it? Why not learn the skills to handle it instead? That is what BRS focuses on. And for each person it's different. Some people really do need to stop masturbating in order to lead happy, healthy lives. But the problem isnti masturbation or fantasies: it's how we think about it and subsequently behave. Go figure, right?
    AddictMaster likes this.