porn in society

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Luke 765, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Luke 765

    Luke 765 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, I'm a restart mode too. During this period, however, a question often arises: why porn as any illegal activity that causes addiction, is not limited by the state. A more banal example of narcotics. I would like your opinion on this subject
  2. 1 Tes. 4:3

    1 Tes. 4:3 Fapstronaut

    I don't really know why. It should be. But I guess that they do not consider it "proven" to be harmful, as there are many doctors / sexologhist that advocate it, along with a great majority of the population that consumes it as if it were good too. More than likely, the multi million porn industry also plays a role in using its power to keep it looking somewhat "healthy".

    Most people would not recognize something as harmful until they try to quit it and see they can't do it.
    Hros and SirErnest like this.
  3. Cobramzi

    Cobramzi Fapstronaut

    2 months ago, My country did ban the biggest porn sites known, it didn't stop anyone since everyone just downloaded VPN and got back to watching it.
  4. Luke 765

    Luke 765 Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "GhostWriter, post: 1845645, membro: 203761"] Qual è il tuo obiettivo? Perché ha funzionato così bene con i narcotici, giusto? Sappiamo tutti come l'esperimento sul proibizionismo è andato per l'alcol. La soluzione è sempre quella di porre dei limiti a qualcun altro, quando qualcun altro non è mai il problema. Qualcun altro non è altro che un sintomo o un contributore al problema. Affronta il problema che è dentro di te e non fa differenza ciò che fa l'industria della pornografia. Devono avere un pubblico e un acquirente, altrimenti non esisterebbero.

    Inoltre, e questo vale per ogni istituzione governativa, ogni compagnia di assicurazioni e ogni servizio pubblico:

    Le tre bugie più grandi perpetuate dalle tre maggiori industrie, e sono:
    • Siamo qui per aiutare
    • Ci prenderemo cura di tutto
    • Abbiamo tutto sotto controllo
    Ghostwriter, my goal is to free myself from 'addiction to pornography, and I'm not blaming my situation on the pornography industry. Mine was just a curiosity because this question is offered I do not come in a certain limited way
  5. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    1. It's a relatively new concept and 99% of people don't think/know how addictive it is.
    2. Too many people enjoy it and it would be an unpopular policy to make it illegal.
    3. It is too expensive and difficult to completely shut down pornography from the web.
  6. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    The government has no business regulating morality. What a person chooses to do to themselves voluntarily is their inalienable right, no matter how negative it is for them. Take responsibility for your own failure to regulate your sexual urges instead of hiding behind the skirt of mummy government.
    PathOfReform, Luke 765 and Jennica like this.
  7. Slick Willie

    Slick Willie Fapstronaut

    Well banning it makes a statment. So good for your country.
    1 Tes. 4:3 likes this.
  8. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    What kind of statement? Probably a very religious, extremist one. Not everyone gets addicted and not everyone's life is ruined because of porn. There are people who fell deep into it, like everyone in this community, but the vast majority of people watch porn once in a while and don't let it ruin their lives. So because a few people who fucked up, you don't have the right to punish an entire country and deprive them of it. Once it's so forbidden and hard to get, it will only attract more people and drag them down to the pit of addiction.
    In the modern world, porn is just that thing that's been there for a long time, something you could have playing on your screen in 2 seconds via google. It's not a big deal nor a priority for the majority of people.
  9. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    This is true, but porn is NEVER beneficial for someone's life. While I agree with you, there is no societal gain at all from pornography.