feeling suicidal

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. You seem to be making an excuse for every suggestion. You won't be able to get anywhere if you won't give anything a chance.
    Rambling Man and Deleted Account like this.
  2. im just kinda lost right now i realize they are sounds ideas but i cant see them turning into anything other than a side thing to do on my free time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. the reason i say no one would listen to my advice is because my whole life people have acted like my advice was meaningless, i guess its kinda depressing and i dont feel like i will ever succeed at it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Have a hug man. ♡
    Things are rough but please know that you are not alone.
    I'm here for ya. PM me anytime.
  5. Don't confuse degrees with knowledge :)
    You can do it, if you have passion. Remember that Einstein's teachers didn't think much of him either. And there are people out there with ten times more degrees than him and yet nobody knows their name or contributions. :)
  6. i know you guys are right, its hard but i do try every day to see the positive things. I guess if i never get up and try things ill always feel hopeless.
  7. As someone who's struggled with depression and suicide, I can also relate. It's a dark time where it feels like there is no hope and therefore no point in trying. Or even if you want to try you feel frozen in a state of fear since all you see around you are things that are going wrong so that's all you look for in every path.

    Right now I would suggest getting a job simply to help you with the financial resources to see a therapist. Maybe go to your church or faith community to get recommendations for one who also has the same faith, so then you're getting the support you need according to your beliefs. I did that and it helped a lot. Therapy isn't a magic fix, but it's a great resource for learning new coping techniques and outlooks.

    With depression you get stuck in this tunnel vision of sadness and lack of hope. It's a hard thing to break without professional help.
  8. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    THAT'S IT!
  9. i definitely do need to go to church and start reading my bible more, as for my job i recently quit it because of the stress it was causing me, atleast all that work stress is gone now, and believe it or not i was way more depressed than compared to now.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. yes psalms is a great book, problem is i have never been a reader, i would always get bored fast, but that was before i started no pmo so i feel like i can build up to it.
  11. I think increasing your prayer life would be a great suggestion. Along with the things you mentioned I would suggest setting aside 15 minutes of silent time with God where you talk to Him from the heart. Let nothing back. Invite Him inside to see all of your pain, desires, and weakness. He knows them but the heart is a door that opens from the inside and He cannot heal us without our invitation. Even the blind man had to extend his hand and do his part to recieve the gift of sight.

    I can relate to leaving a job with a lot of stress. I've worked in the IT support and Health Insurance fields. I left both of them because of the stress and lack of respect I received from the clients. People can be nasty. With that said you mentioned you like to or want to travel? Have you thought about a career as a travel agent or in the travel industry? The majority of people you would be talking to as a travel agent would he happy since people are going on vacation, holiday, anniversary/honeymoon trips. I'm sure such a job will still have its stresses but probably less than other lines of work.
    Rambling Man and Deleted Account like this.
  12. you know even tho i was seriously depressed earlier, i realized something, i didnt relapse at all!, hell i didnt even think about porn. Used to i would masturbate whenever i got stressed and i just proved to myself that i can do this for sure.
  13. Yeah I think to start you should be observant with your thoughts because you need to realize all this negative talk is generated by you. Most of the time people actually don't think the negative things about you that you're saying. I still do it often nowadays but when I do I remind myself that I'm the only one tearing myself down here. What's dangerous is you could actually just sit in a corner isolated from everyone and everything and completely tear yourself down to the negatives just by thinking about stuff you THINK people think about you, confirming it as fact by yourself, and then being depressed about it. You can literally do that without any external influence, trapping yourself in your own mind in a state of continuous self-destruction. That's why some people who lose friends from suicide get angry because they didn't talk. They hack away at their own hearts until they think there's only one option left. No one has told them this, but it all happens internally. My high school friend committed suicide in grade 10, and I did feel angry at one point. But when it happened, everyone in the grade showed care and compassion, and it was hard for his friends from the lower grades to hear it too. There has to be at least one person, maybe from high school, who you'd consider even a fraction of a friend. Someone who was nice to you at some point giving you a pen to borrow or something. It is ok to be vulnerable and gentle in nature, it's a closer step to being human.

    You said you have social anxiety. But I believe what would be helpful is to talk to someone in person about what you're feeling and going through right now. Someone who cares, or someone who would care if you told them. And when you feel the fear of something like social anxiety, if you can't shove it down feel it and push through anyway. You need to overcome something and keep doing it so things don't pile on top and push you down even further. I'd suggest that BECAUSE of your social anxiety. Or something you could easily overcome. Just stop thinking and start doing.
  14. Have you ever considered wwoofing? There are lots of places that will provide food and accommodation for you to work on their farm or make wine, cheese, bread, compost, etc. You could help someone in need and learn skills at the same time. Plus, there are opportunities all over the world so that fulfills your requirement for travel. You could do this for a while and then have experience to come home and put on your resume if you want to. Just throwing it out there as an option. Good luck
  15. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    You sound like a child. Start taking full responsibility for yourself and your actions and work to improve yourself. I was in your place a year or two ago, where I thought the world was against me and trust me as long as you take full responsibility of you're problems it will better. While you're at it, read 12 rules for life.
    Gresh11990 likes this.
  16. i realize i sound like a child but that is the nature of depression, i realize everything i say is irrational, im fine now btw i just needed some release.
  17. charlie78

    charlie78 Fapstronaut

    Sorry, that you are going through this. But don't lose faith in yourself. You will be able to save yourself. As, others have said find what interests you and do just that and proceed in that direction. Dont be harsh with yourself, learn loving yourself, find a girl for yourself too. It will be fine, we are all fighting.