Porn is supported by the Elite to make us weak.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jackb97, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Any one ever think that porn is suspiciously supported by the media these days?
    Even George Soros has ties to the porn industry now.
    Am I crazy or are "they" using porn as a weapon?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2018
  2. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Well, they're using porn as a weapon in the same way "they" (who is they? Are they us? Are they, they? Who are they?) are using cigarettes, food, technology, tv as a weapon, so...
  3. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's used by the elite so that they can keep us on a lower consciousness, make us die faster, keep us weak etc.
  4. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Like, the rocco siffredi elite?
  5. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Don't look at the pornstars themselves, but the porn companies, brazzers is worth 145,000,000, it's an ever growing business as we reach the peak of kali yuga. Obviously the elite are involved in this.
  6. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    It's all designed? The elites spread porn all over to control us?

    That is the thing that disturbs me, i don't believe anymore in the elites and shit like that, david icke is out of his mind, the bad elites are an invention to explain something complicated to easy people...
  7. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    David Icke is partly right, yes there is clearly an agenda to keep us weak, population control and reduction, Bill Gates says we are too many and he's vaccinating kids, for what purpose? 225,000 indian kids get paralyzed, the reporter of Infowars(which was banned by all social media, I wonder why) asks bill gates why and Bills dodges the question.

    The Media keep spreading fear on purpose, why they do not give news that uplift us rather than terrorism stuff etc?

    Porn is annoyingly everywhere, on the radio, TV, ads, videogames, everywhere, what a coincidence

    You still think we leave in a world of fairy tales and rainbow, but evil people do exist, very evil ones, they hold the majority of wealth and they are very well aware they need to ridistribute the wealth or kids die starving but they dont care, they see us as cattle.
  8. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut


    I believed in that bullshit time ago. Then i grew up.
  9. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    No you didn't grow up at all, you just fell further in the abyss, but who knows, maybe one day you will go back there to your previous beleifs just like it happened to me in a different area
  10. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    You'll never go anywhere with that victim attitude. David icke supporters are all kids and crybabies, and i can guarantee you that all the people who believe in that bullshit never accomplish anything in their life, guaranteed.

    They just spread victim and snivel mentality.
    Igaleksus likes this.
  11. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Where did I say I am the victim? I strongly believe and experienced karma/dharma and I was a predator too im my previous lives, everything happens for a reason. Some take david icke too seriously and blame the Illuminati when they spill their coffee. Apply common sense to everything.
  12. Golgotha

    Golgotha Fapstronaut

    Porn is connected to liberalism and the "sexual revolution" in the sixties and seventies that then permeated the popular culture in the west and soon the world.

    It's narcissism and hedonism but population control is a big side effect in combination with birth control, on demand abortions, and the break down of families. There is a large amount of influential people that believe that the human population must be reduced. There is a case for it, eventually we are going to have to have a cap on our reproduction. However, the carrying capacity for humans on the planet is a few billion more than we have, at the moment.
    thorswrath32 and Junkworld Druid like this.
  13. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    You didn't say you're a victim, i said you have a victim attitude, which is a common trait for who believes in elites controlling the world or worst, in anything related to david icke.

    And if someone says that porn is spread by the elites for controlling the people, he is quite into that mentality.

  14. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    I think you are really into this "victim" thing even though I disagree with you I'm one and I even stated why. Also re-read my posts, I said David Icke is "partly" right, I don't believe in everything he says like the alien and reptilian conspiracy, but I look around and find confirmation for many things he says. I gave you already good examples.
    Golgotha and Contentful T like this.
  15. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Aliens and reptiles do exist so not sure why that should be a conspiracy unless we are talking about interdimensional beings of this nature.
  16. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Brother in the grand scheme of things they are making themselves weak so the weapon is one aimed right at their own selves, or future selves if you will.

    In my books there ain't nothin' elite about sexual exploitation.
    Junkworld Druid likes this.
  17. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut


    Saying that is victim mentality.

    Are you a victim or do you have the ability to determine your own destiny?
  18. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure weapon is the correct verbiage. However these things often are life destroying monsters so I mean the damage they can do is on par with a deadly weapon. Well maybe it is more insidious than being outright blown up by a laser beam from outer space. The damage is often slow brewing but it ends up devouring people whole.
  19. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    As you say man.
  20. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Hardly anyone as the ability to determine their destiny with accuracy, if you say so, make yourself president of america within tomorrow, guess what it won't happen. Maybe we can get a better grip of an outcome by taking action, doing magick, having faith in God, but its never fool proof. Still I don't understand why you say it's a "victim" mentality