Predator movie - Olivia Munn discussion

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jason_Tesla_19, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Olivia says she is being shunned after outing a registered sex offender who played a role in the movie, and had his scene cut.

    What do you think about this? Did she do the right thing, or was it simply mean to destroy his career over a past conviction he already served his time for? Are her coworkers treating her fairly? Do you agree or disagree with them?

    I think things like this are counter-productive to re-integrating offenders into society. Permanently branding people and ostracizing them forever for a past mistake seems cruel. Felons have difficulty even finding jobs at all, such as being a janitor, and that keeps them from ever improving their lives, and IMHO encourages people to be repeat offenders if they can't ever be accepted back into society as productive members.
  2. I personally think she did the right thing, given that the sex offender was never treated for his issues and offensive behavior. Just because someone is sent to prison because they did something horrible, doesn't mean they have learned their lesson or show any remorse and determination to change and become a better person. If someone has certain pathological urges, then without any treatment that puts them at risk to continue their behavior or even escalate it further. So letting people know of a potential danger can only be a good thing for anyone involved. But I'm not sure if you have any more background info on the sex offender's situation, since you're talking about "re-integrating" someone like that in society, which makes it sound like he underwent treatment already.
    Contentful T and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  3. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I don't have any issue with what she did. She should have been told beforehand so she could make an informed decision about whether or not to work with this person.
  4. But that's how the world works... there are certain laws of privacy. I dont think companies are required to tell their employees when they hire an ex convict, are they? So why should it be any different in this situation? I'm pretty sure they can't just go spilling the guy's dirty secrets if he doesnt want them to.
  5. I'm no law expert or know much about non-disclosure agreement regulations, but why should someone being a sex offender be a secret? I can totally understand you shouldn't ruin someone's reputation because of their past mistakes and misconducts, but if someone is a potential danger to others, why keep that a secret?
    Contentful T and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  6. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    There are websites that tell you where registered offenders live for this very reason. They are a potential danger to others and people need to be aware.
    Contentful T and AngelofDarkness like this.
  7. I agree, that's why I raised to question more background info on the offender's personal situation. Because serving time in prison and paying for one's mistakes doesn't equal becoming a better person. If someone gets off on writing sexual messages to 14-year old girls then they clearly have some mental issues that only serious psychological treatment can fix, not a prison sentence. Otherwise they might just continue to feed their destructive urges and hurt others.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  8. I didnt necessarily say that it "should" be kept a secret. I said that it's the law, I think, when it comes to employers. Obviously it's not entirely kept secret, as sex offenders are usually required to go on the registry. But I dont think, legally, an employer can go tell all of the other employees that they're hiring a sex offender.

    Personally, I dont think it would be wise for an employer to tell all of their employees that. It would make for an incredibly uncomfortable work environment for everybody, and it might be for nothing. If the person had done their time, they very well might be pretty rehabilitated and not a danger anymore, so the employer would just be causing a panic for no reason if he told everyone that preemptively. Personally I dont think that's a wise idea.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  9. I honestly don't know much about labour law, so I can't really comment on any legal regulations and not being allowed to disclose private information that might harm someone's reputation, I do believe a person's reputation is protected by law to some extent. But if there really is an official registry for sex offenders, then I guess it's nothing to be secretive about either way. And as far as criminals go, you are entitled to your opinion of course. I personally think it's really hard to generalize criminals and their motivations for their crimes so I think it's better to be safe than sorry. If someone feels attracted to 14-year old girls and acts out those urges, prison won't fix anything, but of course I'm also no forensic psychologist, so that's just my opinion. I personally would want to know of my co-workers having such a criminal background and I can't know what I don't know, meaning if I don't check every single person that I meet for their criminal background, then I will be left in the dark, unless others tell me.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  10. Yeah. Again, I was really just speaking to the legality. As an employer, you can't just go tell everyone who works for you all of your other employees dirty secrets.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  11. This is such a joke. She basically tried to make herself a victim and shitted on someone who didn't do her any harm in the process.

    1)The guy didn't do anything to her
    2) He was convicted for his crime, served his time and now is required by law to register as a sex offender
    3) The studio had no legal obligation and more importantly, no legal right to inform her of any crime he committed

    Her co workers treated her the same way I would. It would be different if she was a minor. If he was incredibly creepy and pulled some #Me Too shit then all right. If she wants to give someone a hard time over a crime he was convicted for and get some SWJ mileage off his suffering, she can do that shit by herself.
  12. I agree that prison doesn't rehabilitate and probably makes anyone who has to suffer through it harder and more savage. The urge to commit sex crimes like rape and molestation doesnt go away which is why they have to register. You still can't keep punishing people for their crimes forever. I'm no legal expert either but I'd assume that it would be illegal for the studio to talk to his coworker about his past crimes. I don't blame a woman for being leery about working with someone with a history of rape but in this case, the studio didn't do anything wrong.
  13. I completely agree that you can't keep punishing people for their crimes forever, but I don't think anyone said or implied that. All I'm saying is that people have a right to freedom of thought and make judgements and decisions based on all the information they should know. A movie studio should have the right to make a decision based on the knowledge of an actor being a convicted child-sex-offender and wanting to avoid bad publicity for their movie. The cast and crew have a right to know if they are working with a convicted child-sex-offender and think twice about bringing their adolescent children to the set (I believe there even was a child part of the main cast) or might have traumatic childhood experiences themselves and might feel uncomfortable working with such a person. But again, if we are talking about the legality of passing on such information, that's a different question. Although like said, if such information is publicly accessible through a registry, then I wonder how it can be illegal to pass on publicly accessible information. I also think doctor-patient confidentiality for example must be broken if they gain knowledge of a potential crime, especially regarding children.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  14. I guess there shouldn't be any more uncertainty regarding the legal question as Olivia Munn herself said in an interview that she called her lawyer before making the call to Fox and told him to talk to them about the issue. Here the interview for reference:

    I would also like to clarify that I'm in no way defending Olivia Munn as a person, as I obviously can't know her enough to judge her personally, nobody can know the motivations for her actions, did she do it for attention-whoring-purposes, maybe, did she do it to look like a social justice warrior, maybe, or maybe she really did have genuine intentions. I don't know, nobody can know, all I can judge is her actions of calling out a convicted child-sex-offender to her work environment and to me personally those actions didn't seem wrong or inappropriate at all.

    @Jason_Tesla_19, is there anything you would like to add to this discussion since you were the one starting this thread?
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  15. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, but I already said my piece. I don't know if I agree with her or not. In the age of #MeToo and intentional career destruction, I always wonder about people's intentions.
  16. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I think she did the right thing
  17. But why? Are you here because you have a porn addiction? Do the people in your life "deserve" to know that so they can decide whether or not they feel comfortable being around you? To people "deserve" to know that a recovering drug addict used to be addicted to heroin, if it's not effecting them at all? Is nobody allowed to have secrets or privacy anymore? I dont think anybody deserves to know anything about another person if they dont want to share it. If I had a past like that, i certainly wouldnt want all of my coworkers to look at me and judge me for it.
  18. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, and be judged for who we were, and not who we are.
  19. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Does she get topless in this new movie? Asking for a friend.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Really you can find that out without asking in this forum! What you trying to achieve here!