Porn is always so near

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by WhoCares101, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Hello, been having a very bad morning, just kinda manic bad.

    Porn is just always fucking there. I, like most people I carry a phone, work and family require I have one and at any fucking second I can have the entire world worth of porn in my palm. Ahhhhhh! Drug addicts have to go score their drug of choice, alcoholics have to buy something, even sex addicts have to work a little to get some sex to meet their addiction. Porn is always a fucking click away. It's like asking a alcoholic to carry a beer and not open it. I fucking hate this shit.

    I was on reddit this morning and through a relatively harmless search found a lot of porn, just there posted on reddit. I did not stop, I scrolled through a few fucking pages, feeling a jump in everything body chemical my body could produce. I knew it was wrong and that I needed to leave but it took far to fucking long for me to collect myself. I did not masterbate but it felt like shit. Worse yet I spent the next couple hours kinda manic about it, pumping myself up more and more until I did the reddit search again looking for more shit. I stopped quicker but it's just always fucking there. I dont even know if I should call this a relapse or not, my head is a fucking mess.

    My life has been a mess lately, losing my home, living with 3 people I love and 4 I fucking hate more than anything. My head has been telling me to go back to porn because it's something that I can have that's just mine, since I don't have anything anymore and can't really do anything that I used to love doing.

    Sorry, just been a bad day and I fucking hate that porn is always just so damn close.
    Hitto, Bluespace123, nate311 and 2 others like this.
  2. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Do you consider me crazy for no longer owning handheld internet devices (smartphones/tablets) nor computers (desktops nor laptops) at this point in my recovery?

    Either way I am fine with you calling me batshit.
    Amazing Athest and Frediscos like this.
  3. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Okay, fine, if you can great. I'm on call for my job 24 hours a day. I got called into work Saturday at 2am because water was streaming down a wall from a hot water tank. Without my phone, what? I have to work and have to have my phone for work. We require an internet connection for online schedules and work orders. I hate technology, believe me I do without what I can do without, computers and tablets and such, and if I could do without a phone I would, oh man would I.
  4. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    It's a mindset thing.

    Personally, I don't believe in porn blockers, or denying myself technology. (If those things work for you, great, I'm not knocking them, it's just not the way MY mind works).

    I'm often on my own, with easy access to porn on my phone, at night.
    But I choose not to view it.
    Sometimes it's a tough choice, but it's a choice.

    Give yourself permission to watch porn any time you choose to... But make sure you make it a deliberate choice. I choose to be someone who no longer needs pornography.
    Hitto likes this.
  5. k123

    k123 Fapstronaut

    Well pornography will always be there. I believe that you just have to ignore it.
    Red79 and Hitto like this.
  6. oneotwo

    oneotwo Fapstronaut

    Im agree, in my first attampt of stop fab, i take the pmo mode it was 88 days, dont use block phone or website, i use my will power who got evryone of us, i just want to say u can handle it bro.
    The first days always hard..
  7. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    There's a difference between relying on porn blockers to stop you when you seek it out and just having common sense filters where you can to prevent P being shoved in your face when your guard is down. Definitely don't use reddit unless you have extensive filters set up.
    Hitto likes this.
  8. nate311

    nate311 Fapstronaut

    Couldn't agree more, OP. The accessibility and proximity of porn is the biggest problem for me. I've got blockers on my computer and phone, but if I succumb to any of my myriad rationalizations, the blockers can be disabled far too easily. We need to be just as enthusiastic about our recover as we were about watching porn in the first place. We need to list out the many ways porn can devastate our lives.
  9. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    There is a space that exists in between every urge and the choice to follow it where we can see the urge for what it is, watch it come and let it pass. The deeper we delve into a mindfulness practice the more equipped we are to recognize that space and separate the two events. It is never inevitable that one will follow the other.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  10. The more you get used to the self-discipline, the less you will look. When you find yourself jacking off and the little voice in your head tells you to stop, let go of the penis, pull up the pants and go clean your kitchen or something. Gradually, you will build new habits. Good luck.
    Red79 and JoePineapples like this.
  11. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Well it's any number of things right now. I'm 240 days without PMO and have not seriously thought about looking at porn 150 plus days, almost since meeting my girlfriend. Then I lost my home, my things and basically my whole fucking life, now my brains is like "hey what about porn, it's right there." Yeah I get its discipline and a mental state, I used that logic last year when I lost 120 pounds, but I also had the resources to help myself. I could build something in my shop, watch a movie, watch some tv, build anything I used to love building. Now I have nothing, so I am left with nothing to distract myself with or otherwise reoccupy my thinking. I was prepared for a lot, but losing my home was not one and it has seriously messed with me.
  12. Sounds shit mate. You clearly have some abilities though so I hope you can rise again.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  13. Remember why you came here. Every addiction doesn't want the addicted to break free.

    Break free, slave for no one, slave for nothing.
    SirErnest likes this.
  14. Imagine a time before the internet! It was only 20 years ago.
  15. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Well I would love a world without internet again, I remember that world, everyone was a LOT happier. Now the world is only a click away, knowledge is freely available and everything is just right there. Everyone is miserable.

    That made me think. Why did I find nofap at the beginning of the year? The answer is not really a good one. I wanted to loose my virginity on my 33 birthday, so I contacted a legal prostitute in Nevada for an appointment this last May. I started researching a number of things in preparation for my visit and one was the death grip, this led me to nofap and I decided to try and fix my death grip by rebooting so I could have sex with a hooker. So, I joined nofap to waste my life savings on a prostitute, a truly despicable one at that, even if she was legal she is still basically a conartist. A number of things happened before my appointment, for the good, I met my girlfriend and ended up losing my virginity to someone I love instead of a heartless conartist. I fell in love with my girlfriend and her two kids and we are working on making things work for a future together.

    I did not end up visiting the prostitute, but have stayed on nofap for myself and my girlfriend, who knows about nofap and has supported me greatly. But it does occur to me that I joined nofap and began rebooting for the wrong reasons, I turned them into good reasons that may have saved my life. I say saved my life because having sex with 25 years of hard masterbation under my belt has left things very difficult to work and I doubt I would have even been able to get hard with the prostitute and probably killed myself at the failure. I failed with my girlfriend the first time, second time, third, fourth and so on but there was someone loving there to tell me she was not leaving me alone. Seven months later it's still an immense struggle that often leaves me depressed. So anyway just thought it was worth saying that I am glad I found nofap but when I did they were for all the wrong reasons.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  16. Isn't it interesting how unexpected things happen when you try something new. I often say that i have met less than 1% of people that live in my city, so who knows what or who is out there. Early nofap has already shown be that there is a calm and warmth that one emits when one is beginning to take control. Who knows where it leads. Keep going.
  17. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Well all that sounds great until reality hits and you lose everything you worked your life for. Nofap unfortunately did not help me save my home. Truth is some people are just always losers, sure we can tell ourselves we aren't losers, but when reality sets in and the walls come crashing down some people are just born losers. Recent days have just kinda been a reminder, another reality check.
  18. I've never fully bought into this 'winner' and 'looser' idea. What about the billions of people who are sort of in between? And what about someone who isn't rich etc but is happy and proud?
    Just keep trying new things man. Exercise, therapy, nofap, avoiding drugs..whatever. Sounds like you need to earn some money pronto too.
    No shame in visiting the doctor btw. If the doctor is shit, see a different one.
    Survivor Wars likes this.
  19. With discipline, you can actually move from a loser to another level. All it takes is setting a Target and relentlessly pushing for it.
  20. MonarchOfTheGlen

    MonarchOfTheGlen Fapstronaut

    Is it possible for you to use a flip phone instead? It would be one less form of temptation to worry about.
    SirErnest likes this.