Broke up with my girlfriend. Motivation is needed!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Supination, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, So i broke up with my ex this Thursday.
    And i'm devastated as fk. I feel like i can't get over her and move on. I feel like everything i want to do now is nothing.
    I'm 76 days PMO free and i feel like urges are coming back like crazy.
    Deep inside me i know that there's no chance in hell i'm coming back to porn.
    but my brain is listening to my depression.
    Since i love and know how awesome the nofap community is, i would need your help with motivation.
    Any tips about how to recover breakup, to stop thinking about my ex and moving on are most welcomed!
    Thank you! :(
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
    alfianlight and Deleted Account like this.
  2. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Stay strong brother, breaking up with someone you love is rough hurts a lot and is like you said it seems impossible to move on but turning to PMO and breaking your streak is not gonna help you, if anything it would leave you even more broken.

    Remember to love yourself first and don't throw away your effort for anyone, with time you'll get over your ex but if you turn back to your adiction, well that's gonna take more than time to fix.

    Hope you can make it man, im here with you for what you need!
  3. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! It means a lot to me!
    I will try to be the best version of myself and beat that damn depression!
    Any tips to how to stop thinking about her and moving on? :\
    Atlanticus and TheManDude like this.
  4. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Focus on yourself, excercise, learn a new lenguage, read, reconnect with friends and talk to other girls (it doesn't have to be in a romantic way) the more you do the less you'll think about her and stay away from PMO, it's a win-win solution.
  5. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Dude, I feel for ya!
    About the feeling of not knowing that you'll ever be able to: that's both normal (if it was a real love relationship) and yet it is not true. A breaking heart hurts as hell, but like an open wound....healing occurs and the feeling will subside. The are even formulas out there for how many weeks per year together and such. You must believe in spring.
    On the other hand, you can wear your hurt not as a major weakness but rather as a sign of your inner health. Love is a really a contact sport and so if you do it right, and your heart is involved, accept the hurt with strength and pride. You can very well be both stronger and heartbroken, coz it affirm what is real in you. Live it with a stronger sense of reality.
    Then there is the urgent business of not wallowing in feelings but trying to be a better person because of this experience. What the heck happened, and why, and what are you going to do about it, and do differently from now on, and will you know how not to repeat it etc.?
    Lastly, I gotta ask.... so.... was this a big side effect of inner changes in you related with rebooting that are not yet complete? As a person who has plateaued twice in after 2.5 months PMO-free I gotta ask: did you feel somehow that the (not quite strong yet) new you could dispense with her only to find it was emotionally very risky business? If so, could you at least keep on growing healthier rather than caving in, so that you and not the addiction wins and the addiction and not you pays the price for all these hard life lessons? (I know this is easier said than done.)

    Best of success!
  6. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Your writing is beautiful and inspiring!
  7. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    Nadav, I can relate. I had a love back in high school. Devastated at the break up. Cannot tell you how depressed and sad I was. 2 yrs of depression. The "tailspin" had me down and radically altered my life. No other girl seemed to work for me. I had an extremely poor acting, selfish father who did not only not help but actually seemed to enjoy my sense of despair. That's another sad story. I joined the military and luckily that helped by taking me away from the situation.
    I digress. This is just a bump in the road of your life. I wish I had the strength you have to stay pmo free in spite of your breakup. Let the break up be the best thing to spur you on. I do not know your whole situation but I know you are pmo free a long time so that means you are mentally tough.
    You don't have to join the military or anything that you don't think moves you forward. My point is that in time you will be wondering why you were so depressed in the first place. Other loves will come just like her. She may find someone before you do. It matters NOTHING. I wish I got over it faster. I look back now as such a waste of time. I'm now fond of the memory of her. By the way 'it only took me 3 yrs to get over her but still that was 2 yrs and 8 months too long. You have struck gold knowing that jerking off only makes things worse. Other women are headed your way. Get ready.
  8. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the warm comment! How old are you?
    Well, military is too late for me lol( released 5 months ago after 3 years of duty)
    my god, 3 years? Thanks for the motivation :p! How come it took you almost 3 years to get over her?
  9. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    I'm 56. It took long because I was emotionally weak. I believe now because I was abused emotionally by my father. Long story. I type real slow or I would explain better. More importantly, hope your service was good. I look at mine as positive. Paratrooper. You?
  10. Close your heart to counter to this situation is finding new girlfriend asap but its not that easy of course. Good luck
  11. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    Really sorry to hear that. Know that you will get through this heartache.
    Accept that it is truly over, give yourself time to feel sad about the loss. Remind yourself why it ended and why you won't go back.
    You can write a journal (private or you can share it here as part of recording your PMO journey).
    Go pick up a hobby/interest
    Go do something you always wanted but never did due to your previous relationship.

    Stay strong @Nadav_co !
  12. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Nice man! i'm 22 my duty was good and satisfying and i was in the Israeli Navy missile boats.
  13. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    My depression is getting worse guys!
    I've been dreaming about my ex for 3 days in a row!. This is killing me, I've already accepted that we broke up for good but why can't i fking get her out of my mind?!
    It's like my brain is my worst enemy. ffs.
    how long am i supposed to be like that?
  14. Hang in there man, this is where the results of NoFap become apparent! I did a year of NoFap years ago the last time I was single and man I cannot stress enough how much it changed my life, the attention I got from women, the confidence I had, I went from being a hopeless virgin with no aspirations, to being the man about town. even having a different girl from day to day. granted I probably misused this new confidence and ability to attract so many women and may have had a bit too much fun, but as of right now being in a long term committed relationship is the hardest part of getting back on this journey and staying disciplined, as the rewards aren't anywhere near as clear. now more than ever stay disciplined! and reap the rewards! good luck man :)
  15. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    I heard that 1 month for every year you were in a powerful relationship is a good rule of thumb. Will probably feel longer though. As you know from my previous post; I unnecessarily dragged my misery out too long. If you keep that day count going like you show, you will recover much sooner. Your 2 brains are at war. Best of luck IDF
  16. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i guess each person reacts differently.
    It's just odd cause i never thought i'm that kind of person. well, each day you learn something new about yourself.
    Thank you kind sir!
  17. Charlesmad

    Charlesmad Fapstronaut

    Just know there are people here sending you positive waves! I know that feeling and nothing hurts more than that. One thing i learned in life thought is that when one door closes, another one opens. There is a reason for everything in life, there are just some of them that takes more time to discover. Taking care of yourself is definitely a good advice, working out is the best thing that helped me with the anxiety and frustration of that situation. Allow time to do it's healing and until then i wish you the best and again keep in mind that we are with you mentally, stay strong and take care brother !
  18. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Wow, it's actually a good news when you still can see it is actually your brain that made you feel miserable. The key is this, you are feeling miserable because the breakup, therefore, if there's something which can makes you feel more miserable, you can somehow forget the misery from the breakup . Just kidding :p . But that's my point. Pick a book or a video game that you like, the thing is that book or that game must be difficult, enough to make you feel stressful while reading or playing but still remaining focused. After a week maybe you will feel less depressed.

    Note: don't try to remove the memories of her. They grow stronger if you want them to be removed. Let them be there as a part of your memory.
    torrace likes this.
  19. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that, sadly these flashes/nightmares are bound to happened. That's why most people keep themselves busy. If you are doing something fun and something you enjoy, its a major bonus. The reason: because you are enjoying yourself, you can/might think 'Man! This is fun, too bad she isn't here to enjoy this'. And that is another step forward.

    Also don't forget that you broke up last than a week ago. I don't know how long the pain will last but now is the time to heal, how ever long it takes. Try writing these stuff in a diary, or watching videos that you enjoy. Some positive music might help. I listened to this song when I was getting over my ex-partner:
  20. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    The clip is sweet :p. How long did it take you to get over your ex?
    @Charlesmad @vulture175
    Thank you guys so much! This is why i love the nofap community!