Over two weeks no porn

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Silverthorn, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    I watched porn almost every day for almost twenty years.

    When at a strip club or a whore, I couldn't get it up

    My girlfriend is married and her husband had the same addiction.

    She knows when I watch porn when I can't perform

    But from July 18-21 I didn't watch. 22nd I did but then I didn't masturbate until on August 5 when I watched a scene from showgirls. Still not hardcore.

    August 6 she spent time with me and I was able to perform really well. I still can't ejaculate though. But it was hard for a good portion and I was able to satisfy her. I felt good.

    It makes a huge difference to not masturbate and to not watch porn

    You may get tempted from images or beautiful women. I think the 90 day thing will work

    Watching porn does remove the ability to have real sex. But the great news is it's definitely healable. The urge for sex and masturbation is there and when deprived, we will want it again .

    Desensitisation will be removed in due time too. It's important to not masturbate, to not watch porn

    Do something else to occupy your time.

    Have a girl . Be ready to experiment every week and have a girl to support you

    It is a sensitive topic but I do get mad when she asks me if I watched. I lie out of shame.

    But stay true to yourself . It's tough but it's worth it at the end
  2. Good job! You're right to be proud of yourself.

    I would encourage you not to lie about your relapses to your significant others as lying plays a part in perpetuating the addiction cycle (Shame=Lying/Coverup=Withdrawel=PMO)

    Keep going!
    RingoRules likes this.
  3. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    Interesting. Thanks for the advice

    She is serious about the relationship while I'm not since she's married
  4. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    so you'r'e having sex with a married woman. Sorry that is just low really low.
    Dagger323 likes this.
  5. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    She chased me and won't let me go. I have so much conflict when I'm with her, but she does not love her husband. She pursued me and keeps telling me she loves me.

    I hate doing this too.. I have tried to break up with her over the course of the past few months to no avail.
  6. iPhone user

    iPhone user Fapstronaut

    Having sex with her keeps her chasing you, don't let her use you as a sex toy.
    LeonardX, Dagger323 and RobbyGo36 like this.
  7. Putting aside your role in the probable break-up of a marriage (not judging you here, just laying things out), I agree with iphone user; she's bad news. Nothing good comes of being with a married woman, even if she's chasing you. In fact that makes her more unsavory. If she's willing to lie and cheat behind her husbands back, a man she has sworn herself to, then what chance do you stand? What do you think she'd do to you if the opportunity arose? If she's not above lying and cheating, then she's not above blackmail and extortion.

    Cut all ties with her as soon as you can. Change your phone number, email, etc. Whatever you have to do, do it, and do it without explanation (she'll just try to rope you back in if you do). Just consider it a lesson learned and move on. There are plenty of honorable, attractive single chicks out there.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
    LeonardX and Dagger323 like this.
  8. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    she don't want to leave her husband and become a divorced woman but stilll wants sex , but she isn't atracted to her husband anymore you are the toy for her. trust me she will not leave her man you are just a affaire.

    or do you want to a girl who loves you honestlly .. A girl who makes you stronger man. you are wasting time and energy to a girl that isn't worth it. Because of that you miss out on other woman who are maybe better
    LeonardX and RobbyGo36 like this.
  9. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    She tried to get me to impregnate her as well, she said.

    I tried to break up with her many times.

    She said she does not love her husband anymore, but she has two kids.

    She said she has not been with another man in eleven years since marriage and found something unique in me.
  10. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    I asked her if it was just physical. She said I'm the only person she ever loved... she never loved her husband...I know how you guys feel, man...

    it's my fault for messaging her too.

    I have questioned her many times about if she cheated on her husband, why wouldn't she cheat on me. That just upset her. She says I have been the only person that hurt her.

    She always wants me to say I love her when I don't.. I have tried to cut things off, but in a way, I'm using her to help cure my problem too. Her husband also had the same problem and it actually ruined their marriage.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  11. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I can't respect guys who sleep with married woman . Its her fault but you accepted her invite.

    woman fall for confidence thats why she is cheating the guy has serious problems and you are profiting from the situation

    thats why i never have sex with a woman who has a boyfriend,or husband because i know woman fall for confidence and the guy probably has some problems..
    LeonardX and Dagger323 like this.
  12. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    I told her that someone on a forum said that nothing is good with being with a married woman. It's her lunar birthday and that comment really upset her. She said she wanted to live with me one day but i didn't feel the same way about her.

    She feels other people don't know about her situation to comment on it. THe reason we always argue is due to her marriage and the fact that she betrayed him for me. She could hit on anyone but she claims I'm the only one... I have always had trouble trusting her.. she's pretty crazy to be honest.

    Her husband slept with sex workers, which ruined their marriage, but she's tolerating it due to their kids.
  13. Hey man its up to you here. At this point it sounds to me like you're making excuses to stay with her. If you want to, then stay. If you don't, cut the cord.

    This situation is rotten from the start. She is not innocent and neither are you. Like kingpietro said, you are profiting from the misery of another man. If you're okay with that then we have nothing further to discuss.
    LeonardX and Dagger323 like this.
  14. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    Damn. man. Guess what? Her husband gave her $2000 US, flowers, a card, a watch and took time off. She still doesn't love him. I find that to be ridiculous. I would never do that for her. Her husband is 12 years older and she gets upset when I call her out on cheating on her husband, but she said she just felt a unique feeling with me.. I don't know..

    It's all messed up. She is definitely not innocent.. and yes, I feel guilty and I have told her a million times. The problem is we can't let each other go. I have said this stuff to her repeatedly that upset her..

    The husband however probably pays for sex workers.. I dont know if I'm okay with this. I'm in conflict. She said it's not a physical relationship with me as she cares for me, but we usually argue over text and not in person because she's not good with her feelings.

    It's all messed up, man..
  15. Not to be judgmental but I’d you truly wanted to break up with her you could. It’s your choice.
    RobbyGo36, LeonardX and Dagger323 like this.
  16. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    This is going to be confronting post but i do it to help you.

    You are using her for sex, affection because you don't feel good about you'rself.. You need the affection , sex

    i advise you to built real confidence : being happy without approval affection of someone else.

    Lose her and start picking you're life together. you don't love her you are just using her for affection because you are also struggling with porn start becoming self provident by not needing sex, affection of a woman.

    the reason why you can't let her go isn't because you love her but because you need the sex, the touching of a woman and so on if you lose it you might feel bad and relapse thats what you thinx. You don't have the confidence.

    once you are self provided financially and emotionally you will find happiness it also makes nofap easier if you don't want approval constantly.

    I used to be like you i was a player who had sex with married woman but i all did it so i felt good and happy now i am happy and single .
    LeonardX and Dagger323 like this.
  17. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Fapstronaut

    Very interesting thoughts. Thank you

    I won't have anyone if I leave her though.

    It'll make nofap difficult
    LeonardX likes this.
  18. Yes it will. You are in a codependent relationship. Google it and realize that you are in a very unhealthy relationship.
    Dagger323 likes this.
  19. dboy18

    dboy18 Fapstronaut

    Straight up man I should consider having a girlfriend. After getting ditched by my first girlfriend 8 years ago I just plunged into this act alone. Thanks
  20. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    You don’t need anyone. You need to work on yourself first. And judging by your actions, you have a lot of self-growth that needs to take place before you can ever hope to find a healthy relationship with a woman. This is NOT it. Yes, NoFap is tough, but you using this girl for sex (as well as allowing yourself to be used for it) and the context of the situation you’re in is not fulfilling the purpose that NoFap is supposed to fulfill in the first place. It is about growing into the best version of yourself and establishing healthy relationships with others. Ask yourself this question: what is healthy about the situation you’re in with this girl?