***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Monsieurgrande one

    Monsieurgrande one Fapstronaut

    I'm back I haven't posted in a while but here is my schedule stretches for flexibility cardio and then weightlifting it mix it up.
    Force Majeure and Baldur like this.
  2. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Welcome back @Monsieurgrande one ! :)

    Update: Did a couple of strict presses with my 24kg kettlebell as well. Keeping the shoulders strong. :)

  3. Phoenix Rising

    Phoenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Kettlebell swings 30# 2x10
    KB deadlift 30#
    Future role model and Baldur like this.
  4. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    I just did one round of the RKC deep six kettlebell workout. Wuhuuu!! :D
    I used my trusty Dragondoor 24 kg kettlebell.

    I used this for pace keeping and motivation. :)

    I already did an RKC deep six with my 24kg in april. Back then it was a LOT tougher and it almost fell out of my hand. This time grip was no problem and it was decently tough but not total annihilation to me. PROGRESS! Yaay! :)

    I propose a three months challenge for me:
    Work up to be able to do 3 rounds with my 24 kg. Allowing only 1-2 minutes of rest inbetween.
    (No chalk, no tape, etc.)
    ...there are a lot of "Is" in here. Sorry for being so egocentric. Haha. :)

    Keep on going fellow brothers and sisters!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
    Future role model likes this.
  5. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Did another round of RKC deep six yesterday and it was hard. Did a lot of swings with my 32 kg as well, as I was fired up by some youtubers. Haha. :D
    Today I shall proceed with deadlifts, squats, dips and weighted chin ups.
    Tomorrow I'll continue the RKC deep six.

    My current one rep max on the deadlift is 150 kg. I wonder if I can increase it to 180 kg by the end of this year. The technique is getting better already. :)
    I stay in the reprange of 3 with 120 kg to 135 kg. Doing up to 7 sets with it on Tuesdays.
    The rest is with my bells and carrying around people in training and in the free time.

    Keep the updates comming, my STRONG friends! :D

    Future role model likes this.
  6. Yesterday I did my first gym workout after a 10 days break. I feel great because of that. It was full body as always:
    Back Squats
    Incline Bench Press
    Weighted Dips
    Pull ups
    Arm superset(Strict DB Biceps Curls-Skull crushers)
    Lateral raises
    Face pulls.

    Is there anybody who has experience with neck training? I did neck exercises few times, and I find them great, but I did them without adding any weight. It was still hard, I had trouble curling my head 30 times in a set, and I always feel like my chin is working a lot while I'm doing them, not sure if it's normal.
  7. I've been pretty bad at updating my workout lately, I am a bit off with my routines because I'm on vacation. However, I did a new personal record today: 30 pull-ups! In a row :D
  8. Wow man you are so strong! Can you tell us your age, height and weight, if it's not a secret?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Been slacking in posting about my workouts in here...

    • 10 sets of 10 chinups (90 second rest)
    • 10 sets of 20 diamond pushups (90 second rest)
    • 5 rounds of 45 seconds rope skipping
    • 5 rounds of 2 minute bodyweight squats
  10. Thank you @Dane17! I'm 35 years old and 5.6 feet tall, weighing around 155 pounds, currently. If I don't do any workout for a long time my weight falls down to around 143 pounds. :)
  11. day 0/30
    Did a short easy circuit consisting of: rows, pushups, supermans, v-hold and stiff legged deadlift
  12. Day 1.
    Warm up, rows, pushups, superman hold, v-hold, stiff-legged deadlift and a few light stretches.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  13. I wouldnt recommend doing so much breh.
  14. He has conditioned himself to be able to do it, I see nothing wrong in it. There are some pro athletes able to train 10+ hours a day.
  15. My full body session today:
    -Bulgarian Split Squat(I noticed my knee is going inwards, gotta fix it)
    -Single Leg Deadlift(Did this for the first time in my life, I wanted to do conventional but some dude was doing it and I couldn't wait for him to finish...)
    -Bench press
    -Weighted dips
    -Bent over rows
    -Neutral grip pull ups
    -Arm superset(BB biceps curls/ Standing behind the head triceps extensions)
    -Face pulls
  16. Monsieurgrande one

    Monsieurgrande one Fapstronaut

    Day 4 did chest exercise yesterday bench press diamond push ups flyes and shoulders also got a girlfriend so feeling good and stron -Day 4-
  17. Day 2. Rows (Did a few more than yesterday to counter heavy chest and shoulders), Elevated Pushups, Superman Hold, V-Sit Hold, Stiff-Legged Deadlift.

    Used my grip squeezer to check my grip strength (its good).
  18. I would actually classify that particular day as a day with a very mild dose of workout. There are days where I do workout every 30 minutes for 14 hours. :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    For training the neck I do clinch/wrestling/groundfighting. But directly working the neck, I suggest to keep it in a neutral position and press against your hands, in every direction.

    30 pull-ups! Man! Awesome! :D

    I've been doing some martial arts training (groundfighting), kettlebell training and pull ups. I use the greasing the groove method and started to strengthen my wrists.
    I did the RKC deep six two days in a row and found it to be quite taxing, especially when I have barbell work the day after. So...I guess I will have to split it up a bit to be able to recover from it.

  20. Thank you Baldur! There's actually pretty much technique involved now, even my legs are helping me to do the pull-ups.

    Even though I don't regularly do this workout myself, have you tried to lie on your back and lift your body up with your toes and your head?